Don't Starve

Don't Starve

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Luomukset (125)
Tekijä: 󠀡
全人物制作书籍 All players build books 抱歉,发生了某种错误: 讨论区在您的地区不可用。...
博丽灵梦修复版Reimu Hakurei 1.4 Repair version
Tekijä: 一见倾心
我并非原创作者上传该mod仅仅作为BUG修复 如果激光巨鹿出现后会崩溃,请检查你是否开启了天地的模组,比如彼岸花,妖刀等模组,关闭后再进行测试 原MOD链接 原作宵征以退坑,如果作者要求下架我会毫不犹豫的下架该模组 1.43更新内容 修改樱花种子掉落概率 巨鹿由原来的50%修改为100% 龙蝇由原来的20%修改为100% 灰熊由原来20%修改为100% 鹿鸭由原来的20%修改为...
Tekijä: muffin
This mod dose not have English,Maybe need a Chinese font(i don't know) 我不是作者,只是个修复bug的,作者应该是饥荒游戏吧里的一个大神, 地址在这里 steam的第一个上传者灵梦 具体改动在改动里看吧, 如果写在这估计会很长很长 应该大概也许可能可以在哈姆雷特里面使用(至少主世界可以) *人物简介: *三围:胃150,命100,脑150,移速*1.25,饥饿消耗*1...
Tekijä: Shun
可以不去哈姆雷特也能体验部分当地特色 一定要兼容哈姆雷特 增加了一些个人觉得有趣的制作配方 不喜欢的可以忽视 适合长期海难生存 想当初被瓢虫整到电脑卡死 我这辈子都不会去哈姆雷特的 新手能力有限,不好之处还请谅解...
Tekijä: 前辈
Tekijä: Doro0419
必须兼容 哈姆雷特 原版 — — — — — —修改项目 — — — — — ·快速升级 ·杀死3~5生物就可以升级啦 ·Miho再也不会跟丢 ·miho离你太远时会瞬移(海难边缘&各种传送) ·使用切斯特代码,穿越DLC会丢失 ·铃铛代码:c_give("mihobell") · 专属物品修改·扇子和面具的耐久增加 ·“烟火盛宴”(100级解锁)消耗SA...
Tekijä: 大雄O∧O
台下人走过 不见旧颜色 台上人唱着 心碎离别歌 情字难落墨 她唱须以血来和 戏幕起 戏幕落 终是客 你方唱罢我登场 莫嘲风月戏 莫笑人荒唐 也曾问青黄 也曾铿锵唱兴亡 道无情 道有情 怎思量 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀---《赤伶》 有问题请联系作者 作者:大雄/山哥 作者QQ:3114340882 饥荒大雄模组反馈群:893453421 如果是此模组导致的崩溃,请加QQ好友或steam好友反馈。 并且发截图崩溃报告,并且详细说明怎么崩溃的。 感谢我的朋友提供加密帮助:"不靠谱" "浮云" 禁止二次修改...
Tekijä: 博。~
最新版链接及介绍:htt去掉ps://pa去掉去掉m/s/1dTYe72去掉hN_-QRG9yvIpvY2Q 提取码:3ndu...
Tekijä: 菜鸟老李
饥荒DLC哈姆雷特Hamlet自制模组介绍 Quickly experience game content 大家好我又来了!这次的mod菜鸟新人开局是为了我快速体验新版本内容而制作的, 玩游戏就是为了开心对吗?请先打上中文语言包,推荐下面合集,直接订阅 内容如下 1开局一把刀攻击180持久1000 2加入黄金矛攻击300持久3000 3木头掉落更多 4采集5倍 大家有什么想法就告...
Tekijä: 龍淵LoongY
F5 - 存档 F6 - 加载 死后自动回到前一个存档点 另带一个解锁全人物功能 本mod由Skinhed333的Save and loading修改而来(记得原先工坊有这个mod)。...
金箍棒(Golden Cudgel)
Tekijä: zyjwsg
喜欢的朋友点下上面的赞!你们的支持是我不断更新的动力呀~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 金箍棒(Golden Cudgel) 大圣爷捅破天的棍子! The weapon of Chinese Monkey King. 如意金箍棒: The Golden Cudgel: 攻击力是普通长矛的三倍; The damage is three times the pear; 攻击距离比普...
4x4 or 5x5 Chest & Icebox
Tekijä: PumpedSardines
Increases slots for both the chest and icebox You can customize if you want 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 Contact me if you have ideas for future updates...
999 Stacking & Fresh keeping
Tekijä: 风叶
Allows you to change the maximum stack size; Allows you to change the efficiency of the refrigerator; Allows you to change Chester's or Ro_bin's health to 9999 It's synced to the DST...
Adventurer(另一个玩家 ! 有灵魂的生物.An interseting NPC or A.I.,or ,a new player)
Tekijä: I 4C U
这个mod在巨人国和哈姆雷特dlc时需要勾选附加船难dlc Another Sovereign of the world ! The Adventurer spawn at the Adventure portal of the first sunrise(only when player is near). The creature is not reborn so please be kind to him 先驱在清晨的时候生成在冒险之门 每个世界只会生成一个 --Build,chop,mine , H...
和之前的 《赫默的奇妙冒险》 是同属天坑框架的mod 这个mod修改自天地大佬的人物mod天坑系列- 盖伦 因为向联机版阿米娅mod的作者要了授权所以没有前置mod可以直接使用 【声明】本mod一些素材来自网络,如有侵犯请通知我,我会立刻将该mod下架删除 创意工坊mod封面来自网络,画师:QuAn_ ,UID:6657532 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 介绍 这个mod修改了阿米娅的三维算法,并加入了升级,加点,主动技能的系统 同时该mod也添加了怪物强化...
爱尔奎特·布伦史塔德 (Arcueid Brunestud) 同人向mod,希望喜欢公主的月厨们可以支持一下(∠・ω< )⌒★。 人物特性 三维:饱食125,智力250,生命150 特性1:人物特有状态————活力值(max 360) 特性2:制作物品花费的材料x1.5 特性3:徒手将切换利爪攻击,基础伤害60,每次攻击消耗3点活力值 特性4:攻击,移速和月相,活力值,时间段挂钩:(黄昏和傍晚有特殊增幅,越接近满月,增幅越大,活力值低于70%以后,攻击/移速和活力值比较力直接挂钩)满月有特殊buff 特性5...
Backpack Slot
Tekijä: hemisphere
Adds a backpack slot to the game, Hamlet Compatible...
Best Living Artifact
Tekijä: 何狗带
Be a Iron Man anytime anywhere -- can be fueled by infused iron -- map and equipment usable -- more actions 钢铁侠变身器 -- 可以使用注能铁块充能 -- 可使用地图和武器 -- 更多交互行为...
Better Ice Box-更好的冰箱
Tekijä: 溶江三花
Compatible ROG and SW 兼容巨人国和海难 You can set the rate of food decay. 你可以设置食物在冰箱里腐烂的速度 Rapid decay -腐烂的更快 Natural -正常的腐烂速度 Decay slow -腐烂的比较慢 No rot -永久保鲜 Return fresh -回复保鲜度 Don't starve together:
Better Great Leafy Stalk
Tekijä: WL
Are you tired of the boring original Great Leafy Stalks with only negative effects, which only generate insect eggs in the humid season? This mod adds several different new capabilities to it, inspired by DST's Great Tree Trunk. At the same time, the mod c...
Big house [hamlet]
Tekijä: 宵征
Finally I fix the bug.. I'm sorry that I found this bug yesterday, I haven't played hamlet after alpha version published. Make your house bigger and add a big house with 3 rooms for you. MUST BE USED IN A HAMLET WORLD....
Bigger House
Tekijä: Username
Does it bother you that your grocer’s house is much bigger than yours? This mod just increases the size of your house on the outside. If you need more inside space look for the “Big House” mod. ...
blueprint shop
Tekijä: y
修改了蓝图商店的机制,现在只能买到随机的蓝图,且不会开到重复的蓝图,也就是说,当你学会了所有配方时,只能买到空白的蓝图。 注意:不可学习的配方(如远古科技、火山科技等),以及特殊掉落的配方(如打包纸、暗影斗篷等)无法通过购买获得。 The following is machine translation modified the pig shop trinker, now only random blueprints can purchased, and can't obtain if you alread...
模组怪物比正常的强一点===游戏前可以仔细看看下面介绍===目前需要加载中文模组===感谢支持 代码@宵征󰀖 贴图@老熊 击杀怪物获取经验值或吃专属料理和饥荒最珍贵料理 击杀怪物所得的经验值与击杀怪物的难度和稀有度决定 ====技能解锁==== 5级解锁蝶舞 R (buff作用 增加移速、攻击力) 10解锁被动神鬼玉护盾(被攻击概率触发无敌,初始触发概率10% 可通过装备镶嵌宝石提升) 15解锁束鬼阵 T (范围冰冻) 20解锁梦想封印 Y (范围伤害 ) 25解锁不朽(被动恢复) 紫妈 砍树 挖矿 战斗 ...
bu shan dang v1
Tekijä: 清风
When you die and see the death screen,click "Retry" to get back to the last time you save the game,click "Main menu" to get to the main menu without erasing your saveslot....
Tekijä: mingji
添加永不腐烂以及返鲜功能,选择永不腐烂或返鲜时,会同时作用于冰箱。 可以自动存放小盒子中已堆叠的物品进入小盒子;并且在小盒子中材料充足的时候,制作物品不需要将物品从小盒子中拿出而是自动消耗。 原MOD:。 联机版(汉化):
Tekijä: krylincy
A small casket for your pocket. - works like a backpack in your pocket - open and close like a chest - has 4x5x6 slots (=120) Most important: picked up items will first go into your inventory, if full in your backpack and at last in the casket. Items will ...
Cat City Tech
制造城市之钥和执行官锤 1.必须开启兼容哈姆雷特!需要 暗影操纵者 。 2.可以在巨人国、海难、猪镇中的科学栏制作城市之钥和执行官锤。 3.城市之钥和执行官锤的功能和女王宫殿的一模一样。 4.在巨人国、海难开始冒险旅途,游戏开始的第一个BOSS战利品可以制作城市之钥,你可以考虑先做生存冒险道具或是城市规划科技。 5.这个科技理应是应该可以被制作的,因为有的玩家也许兼容开启猪镇,但开始从巨人国或海难进入游戏的;那样需要很长的时间做准备前往猪镇。或者准备好之后到了猪镇遇到了灾变(虽然有方法避开灾变)。于是手忙脚...
Cat Ham Collection
收藏猪镇雕像~装饰你的家园 1.必须开启兼容哈姆雷特,兼容已有的存档。 2.古董物品 需要 炼金引擎 ,在考古栏合成;雕像需要 城市之钥 在城镇栏科技建造。 3.支持巨人国(ROG)、海难(SW)、猪镇(HAM)中制作和建造。 4.道具和建筑物和原版一模一样。 5.因为模组略有影响游戏在哈姆雷特的体验,指的是可制作古董物品;所以我尽量平衡的将制作成本提高了。 6.这个模组主要为基地建造党而做的,因为哈姆雷特有着漂亮且无法建造的雕像,我希望他也能在巨人国或海难出现。 7.我准备添加游戏中其它可以美化基地的雕像...
Cat king Collection
制造猪王和章鱼王 1.可以在巨人国+海难+猪镇制作出猪王和章鱼王,需要 炼金引擎 在 建造栏 制作。 2.可以用火药类道具摧毁猪王和章鱼王。 3.章鱼王在巨人国可以建造于地面,但在海难和猪镇只能建造在水面上。 4. 章鱼王在巨人国丢出宝箱会出现箱子滚动的现象,但打开箱子就会变成落地的箱子。(这个不打算修改,因为章鱼王本来就应该生存在水中)
Cat Lotus Seeds
建造属于你的莲花池 1.必须开启兼容哈姆雷特!需要 炼金引擎 。 2.可以在海难、猪镇中的 食物栏、建造栏 制作睡莲和睡莲叶。 3.睡莲和原版的生长周期一模一样。 4.睡莲可以使用锤子摧毁,给予三个睡莲花;睡莲叶可以用火药类道具摧毁,返还制作材料的一半。 5.这主要为了建筑党玩家可以在海难中建设美丽的莲花池,同时对于长期在猪镇居住的强迫症玩家来说,可以清理荷花塘中的睡莲叶。 6.注:制作的睡莲叶大小是随机的,所以制作材料比较低。
Tekijä: Kaoyu
It's a Chinese Language Mod, you may not need it. 简体中文介绍 繁體中文介紹...
Chinese (Improved) 中文支持加强版(华文新魏)
Tekijä: DYC
Chinese Font Mod. 中文支持(加强版)字体:华文新魏,其他字体:黑体 基于kaoyu大佬的Chinese中文支持改进而来。 特色: 1、字库更丰富,包含约6000+汉字,不再像Chinese那样到处是空格了! 2、中英混合文本不会像LMU字体那样出现文字重叠现象! 3、控制台功能完美,按上键调出上一次指令后不会像Chinese那样不可编辑! 由于字体文件较大,建议订阅后等一两分钟,等steam下载完毕后再进入游戏 如果已开启其他字体,请先关闭后再开启此mod!同时开启多个字体mod会直接崩溃...
Chinese (Improved) 中文支持加强版(黑体)
Tekijä: DYC
Chinese Font Mod. 中文支持(加强版)字体:黑体,其他字体:华文新魏 基于kaoyu大佬的Chinese中文支持改进而来。 特色: 1、字库更丰富,包含约7000+汉字,不再像Chinese那样到处是空格了! 2、中英混合文本不会像LMU字体那样出现文字重叠现象! 3、控制台功能完美,按上键调出上一次指令后不会像Chinese那样不可编辑! 由于字体文件较大,建议订阅后等一两分钟,等steam下载完毕后再进入游戏 如果已开启其他字体,请先关闭后再开启此mod!同时开启多个字体mod会直接崩溃...
Combined Status
Tekijä: rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). Also available on the Klei Forums. This mod enhances the HUD to better show the player's stats and various information about the world, such as te...
Tekijä: nan1a5
# Piggy Bank Debit Card ***** -The card allows you to store coins and use them for payments so you don’t have to carry coins around when shopping. -It can be unlocked using a scientific machine in the SCIENCE TAB and can be crafted using 2 pieces of papyru...
Don't Drop Everything
Tekijä: Shang
Don't Drop Everything...
double Logs & no stump
Tekijä: 清晨草露
1.3 Update: 1. Increase the drop of tea trees, double the drop of wood and branches, and the dwarf tea trees drop additional branches in addition to wood 2. Medium birches also drop birch fruit 3. Double drop of charcoal After cutting down trees, you will ...
目前有七个BOSS:天体英雄(Celestial Champion)、蚁狮(Antlion)、蜂后(Bee Queen)、邪天翁(Malbatross)、月台(Moon Base)、联机龙蝇(Fly Dragon)、毒菌蛤蟆(Toadstool)、克劳斯 Klaus、暗影三基佬 ShadowChesspieces、克眼 Terrarium、激光巨鹿 Deerclops_yule 我不玩饥荒,仅无聊移植,没学过代码,水平有限,不接受任何负面批评,你行你来! 不要催更!不要催更!不要催更!只要不影响游戏的,我都...
Durability Tweaks(DS/RoG/Sw/Ham)
Tekijä: lienghot
# Durability Tweaks(DS/RoG/Sw/Ham) ## About This is a mod for Don't Starve (DS/RoG/Sw/Ham) tweaks durabilities or make them infinite. For more information please go to mod configuration screen in game (Mods -> Durability Tweaks -> Configure Mod). It was ba...
Tekijä: codingz
egg pain queuer...
Tekijä: 986033787
1、人物可以进行打怪和吃东西获得经验并升级,按L查看当前等级。 2、出生自带一个扫把(近战武器),帽子,魔杖(远程武器)。...
Event Timer(事件计时器)
Tekijä: Denmou
显示事件、人物状态、BOSS状态、作物生长、燃料、烹饪状态的剩余时间 因左侧与右下方存在可能遮挡制造页问题,显示位置默认为状态左侧(可通过配置选择显示在状态栏左侧或游戏右侧、每列显示行数) 添加分辨率适配 废弃mod配置方式,改用可视化配置页面,入口为暂停页面新增“事件”图标按钮,各事件独立开关与时间配置 暂停页面点击日历图标可以打开设置功能,设置选项使用游戏自带文本,根据游戏语言适配
Everything can be made
Everything can be made Can build most of the buildings and monster nests that can't be built. For example, basalt, rocks, monster nests, pig king, etc. When you build these things, you have grids, if you tu...
Extremely increase fps!!!-DontStarveLuaJIT
Tekijä: 北理星星
DontStarveLuaJIT,Original author:PaintDream,github: I made the mod version of this patch after getting authorized by the original author. This mod implements the installation of dontstartveluajit on DS, DST an...
Fast Travel [DS]
Tekijä: SoraYuki
Description the original author in DST is Isosurface. Build a fast travel network and travel instantly from sign post to sign post. Introduction 1. pop sign dialog when homesign is built. 2. pop destination select dialog when right click on homesign, trave...
Fullmetal Alchemist Edward.Elric 2.5 Reborn
Tekijä: 西澈
Default language is Chinese, but you can change language to ENGLISH in mod configure! Must be compatible with Hamlet! VER 2.5 we rebuilt half of the code making this mod more stable and compatible . Now I can promise that there is no bugs any more. VER 2.5...
Farm Indoors!
Tekijä: Username
Purchase the lawn flooring or the volcanic flooring from the renovation tab in Hamlet and farm indoors! ...
Geometric Placement
Tekijä: rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Don't Starve Together workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and disp...
Tekijä: 豪猪
联机版mod介绍: 型月世界《Fate/Zero》中的英雄王:吉尔伽美什 目前只加入一个初始道具EA 如果喜欢就点个赞吧!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 王的基本属性: 生命100 脑残250 饥饿100 饥饿速度较正常人要慢(因为是英灵...
Growing Sword Lite
Tekijä: pbc (temiruya)
This sword kills enemies, and becomes stronger. (Of course, it is very OP. Only a poor player uses it, like me.) LEVEL: When you kill an enemy using this sword, this sword gets EXP-POINT according to the enemy's HEALTH. * Spider --> 100/100 = get 1 EXP-POI...
HAM plus
【更新】:工具店加入火山地皮,种子店加入象仙人掌。 【更新】:食材店加入鱼肉、黄油和龙虾; 工具店加入萤火虫、铥斧镐、修船工具、金币(海难)和瓶子灯 【更新】:收藏家可以收象鼻虫壳了; 应用户要求,食材店加入鱼子,配合智慧帽可以在湖中养鱼。 【更新】:工具店开始卖花伞(花伞是发明家跳跃伞的材料,但ham不能制作你说坑不坑) ;应用户要求,宝石、铥矿和黑曜石放在魔法店了;删除了稀有店里竹子猫尾牛角等无用商品。 解决了很多让强迫症们头疼的问题: 后期过剩的便便、戟(守卫的大斧头)、木甲、火把、骨片、河鹿角、胡须...
Growing Sword
Tekijä: pbc (temiruya)
This sword kills enemies, and becomes stronger. You can enjoy Don't Starve with RPG flavor. LEVEL: When you kill an enemy using this sword, this sword gets EXP-POINT according to the enemy's HEALTH. * Spider --> 100/100 = get 1 EXP-POINT * Deerclops --> 20...
Haunted House
Tekijä: shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! Spooky Stay the night and get your prize Craftable under the Structure Tab Or you may search the world for it If world search is your desire you must start a new game Mod allows Wickerbottom to sleep A...
Tekijä: 黑冰深白
If your game crashes, close the small textures in the settings.游戏崩溃请在设置里关闭小贴图。 This mod is in English.下面网盘链接有中文版本。当然你们订阅一下我还是会很开心的~ Compatible with Hamlet!!!!!!! 兼容哈姆雷特!!!!!!! This is a character mod based on INORI, made by 蠢汪. This is my first mod,INORI i...
Item display
Tekijä: 大雄O∧O
鼠属不易 牛转乾坤 有问题请联系作者 作者:大雄/山哥 作者QQ:3114340882 饥荒辅助bug反映群:893453421 如果是此mod崩溃请加qq或者steam !!! 发送崩溃报告截图或者log.txt 并且说明怎么崩溃的!!! 如果是此mod崩溃请加qq或者steam !!! 发送崩溃报告截图或者log.txt 并且说明怎么崩溃的!!! 如果是此mod崩溃请加qq或者steam !!! 发送崩溃报告截图或者log.txt 并且说明怎么崩溃的!!! 如果你喜欢可以: 点个赞,订个阅,评个论 如果...
Items Skins 物品皮肤
Tekijä: Model
Skins of items. 仅搬运 上传自用...
Kuriyama Mirai
Kuriyama Mirai 3 surround Life: 200-500 (upgrade) Spirit: 50 Hunger: 150-350 (upgrade) special Shadow monsters (demon dreams) are numerous and do not recover spirit (the feeling of two purple amulets) Very fast (twice as fast as normal) Hunger is fast (twi...
Leafy Food
Tekijä: Hanging
Transport from DST -------------------------------------------------------------- Plantmeat can be used as food ingredients now Leafy Meatloaf:Health+8,Huger+37.5,Sanity+5,Perish time:20D,Cooking requirements:Plantmeat>=2 Veggie Burger:Health+30,Huger+37.5...
请注意,这不是一个人物mod Please note that this is not the character mod. 本mod支持海滩,如果你在玩巨人国,请务必兼容海滩!请务必兼容海滩!请务必兼容海滩! Be sure to be compatible with the SW Mandegra now supports English. Unfortunately, I use machine translation. The default is Chinese. Please switch la...
Izayoi Sakuya
Tekijä: uZhen
Izayoi Sakuya 【character attribute】 Life 75 / hunger 150 / spirit 200; In the face of monsters, don't lower the spirit, fast collection and production; From day to night, the ability gradually increased (moving speed and attack increased), and the starvati...
Metal Tools
When you was working in hamlet, did you often end the happy time that was pressed hastily because the tools were not durable enough? Are you distressed by spilled ingots? Now, never again! You can use the alloy to make tool! The durability of steel tools i...
Miku jukebox
Tekijä: 聆听
———————————————————————————————— About Art by Monoko Code by Monoko Miku jukebox Play the music of miku Add sanity when you listen to the music Please wait a moment at first time. Tianyi jukebox Play the music of Luo tian yi Add sanity when you listen to t...
Moar Save Slots
Tekijä: ifatree
"Got any more of them... save game slots?!" We got "Ton's Moar"! (default 100 // configurable from 5 - 500) "Ton" on Steam asked for even moar than the original 50 max save game slots from my previous version, so... This mod gives you more saved game slots...
new quanyecha.
Tekijä: 飞熊
Nikola Tesla
Tekijä: ELKO
* You can select language and technology in configuration, default Chinese\2. If you want to play dlc1(RoG), have to compatible with dlc2(SW). or maybe your game will crash. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Not insta heals (Heal over time)
Tekijä: Sinny Deas
Description This mod make heals restore life over time instead. Configs 1 HP each 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds Show widget: True / False Percentage of heal that will be healed instantly: (This conf do nothing is just there to indicate) Food Heal Items: ...
Obsidian Technology PLUS Re-upload
Tekijä: Karas
Copyright @ 2019 STEAM karas. All rights reserved The earliest ,this mod is the old version of shipwreck. Because of Hamlet's big update, I deleted more than 30 MODS,this is one of them. What should I do? Later, many people reacted me do something make thi...
Mizushima Kiyoi
For English speaking people, please read the Presentation_EN in the mod folder. And also, this mod includes Chinese speaking and English speaking. Please change it in the mod settings. 水岛清衣/皮露露可 Mizushima Kiyoi/Piruruk 生命:100(基础) health:100(base) 精神:100(基础...
Original nattle
Tekijä: 龍淵LoongY
这是更新前版本的荨麻,不需要洒水器,可以移植到其他地皮。 This is the nettle before the version was updated. which does not require sprinklers and can be transplanted to other turf...
Pigshops Restock Everyday 猪人商店每天重新上货
Tekijä: asingingbird
Pigshop restocks everyday, even if you steal from the shop. But DO NOT kill the shop keeper. 猪人商店每天重新上货,偷了商店也会重新上货。但是不要杀商店老板。...
Polly Rogers!
Tekijä: Leonidas IV
📌 Most of the art and code is owned by Klei Entertainment, the game's developer. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Polly Rogers is here! Can you find her? ㅤPolly Rogers is a very special bird! ㅤSmart like no other, she...
Quick Work 快速打工
Tekijä: Shang
Fed up with the hassle of tradeing one by one? If You like this, give a thumbs up! 1.Trading with The Pigking became faster, One second to trade a set of small toys. 2.Trading with birds became faster, Change 40 eggs a second with the bird. 3.【HAM】The blon...
Rechargeable living artifact
The living artifact won't remove when it is finished. It can be repaired by gems and iron, and be used again. 铁战衣用完后不再直接消失,而是变为空耐久状态,可用宝石和铁矿修复并重复使用。持续的时间等于最大使用时间 X 耐久度的百分数。 备注:如果你开启了一个不兼容哈姆雷特的世界,本mod会崩溃。所以创造无HAM的世界时请关闭此mod。...
Tekijä: WillCream
2017-06-17 update: I'm not the author and it seems that the author was too lazy to bring it into steam.Here is the link: Thanks for @Ernestasrun helping me to fix most visible grammar issues, I think my English has made...
Relics Stackable 失落的文物可以堆叠
Tekijä: asingingbird
Make Relics Stackable 失落的文物可以堆叠...
Repair Combine 合成修理
Tekijä: 兰_Lanple
Repair your equipment with the same equipment 用一个装备修理另一个同类装备 Idea from:Repair Combine If you like this, give a thumbs up! 我的别的mod:升级 My other mod: Level Up...
Tekijä: Time
-----Publish for a friend who can't upload the mod------ author:尘染天堂。 Press V or N to transform. Shave yourself to become the black saber(Saber Alter). Explore in game for more! ...
Rui Ta(芮塔)
Tekijä: Another
注意!此mod为联机版移植到单机,原作者为:丧芝 注意!此mod为联机版移植到单机,原作者为:丧芝 注意!此mod为联机版移植到单机,原作者为:丧芝 此MOD需兼容所有DLC 补充必要说明,一定要看!!! 1.修复了非哈姆雷特存档季节判断问题,但地皮判断依然要手动修改(尝试过做补丁,但好像没作用,算了再研究研究吧) 修改了注释地皮的路径,具体操作为打开库,左边列表找到饥荒,右键管理打开浏览本地文件,打开mods找workshop-2914602316然后打开scripts再打开components里找到xx...
Saber (Fate series) (Fixed)
Tekijä: Aida Enna
This is a fixed version of the original mod here: I take no credit for most of the work, I simply fixed some crashing issues and simplified the controls for it, and fixed some broken talents (...
Scheme Network(Custom Wormhole)
Tekijä: Yukari7777
DST Version Scheme is a creepy gap linking between space and space. Yakumo Yukari has the ability to create and erase Schemes which makes her can be everywhere and nowhere. She came Don’t Starve World without invitation, adapted and finally has made a tool...
Tekijä: wargon
杀死生命上限不小于100的生物有几率掉落附魔合金 附魔合金可以给装备附魔(背包除外) 附魔后的武器可以使用技能, 技能按键,武器:R,防具:G,头盔:Z 可以在设置界面修改按键 魔法栏0科技可以制作附魔介绍书,里面介绍了各附魔的技能...
Simple Health Bar
Tekijä: DYC
Click for DST Version Not compatible with 宝石萝莉—翼语 and other mods related to it and the author of it. If this mod crashed, unsubscribe all the mods related to YIYU and delete the folder of this mod (workshop-1608490902). Verify integrity of the game files. ...
Tekijä: Kuuga
Tekijä: 霜月大笨蛋
Add fuel automatically when fuel run out - - You neednot click anything...
Tekijä: Kuuga
Street light/街灯
Tekijä: 大雄O∧O
鼠属不易 牛转乾坤 所念皆山河,山河皆是你。 所目皆繁星,繁星不及你。 所思皆美好,美好远是你。 所归皆初心,初心不负你。 If you like, you can:Give the thumbs-up,Subscribe,comment . If you don't like it, don't forget it:Point difference,Cancel the Subscribe,Comment on garbage. Anyway, thank you for having fun. Than...
Streeet Lamp
Tekijä: 清晨草露
1.4 version update: 1. Increase the brightness customization function, from the preset 60% to 95% every 5% 2. Increase the lighting radius customization function, starting from the preset 5, every 2.5 stops to 15 3. Delete a lot of redundant code, pure...
Super Box&Pack
Tekijä: 清晨草露
chests and icebox are upgraded to 5x5, or 4x4; Pigskin bag upgrade 2x7 grid; krampussack has a refrigerator function; icebox for permanent preservation; 999 stacking limit; The above functions are enabled by default and can be disabled...
Super Farm
Tekijä: 清晨草露
Version 1.7.4 update: remove mini mode Farm Features: 1. You can grow 9 crops at a time 2. You can customize the fence style 3. New crop icon optional 4. The farm turns snow white in winter 5. Need to re-fertilize after 10 harvests 6. Construction difficul...
Super Wall
Tekijä: DYC
Click here for DST Version Download Super Wall Maker Not compatible with 宝石萝莉—翼语 and other mods related to it and the author of it. If this mod crashed, unsubscribe all the mods related to YIYU and delete the folder of this mod (workshop-792609736). Verify...
Tekijä: 大雄O∧O If you like, you can:Give the thumbs-up,Subscribe,comment . If you don't like it, don't forget it:Point difference,Cancel the Subscribe,Comment on garbage...
Terraformable Rainforest/Gas Rainforest Turf
Tekijä: Lunar Stellarite
Adds ability to dig up rainforest turf, also adds ability to craft them....
Terra Blade
Tekijä: Icccie
Sword of a true Hero, right from Terraria! Weapon stats: -Deals 95 damage (as much as it does in terraria). -Can chop trees.. -Really big durability. -Expensive. -Moar later! Craft Recipe: -Dark Sword x2 -Living Log x1 -Nightmare Fuel x5 -Purple Gem x5 -Gr...
The resurrection platform can be repaired
Tekijä: codingz
The resurrection platform can be repaired 1.03...
Touhou Music Mod (DS/RoG)
Tekijä: Hou
This mod will replace the in-game soundtracks with Touhou soundtracks (and remixes) instead. You can choose to have it play continuously (i.e. always) or while working (i.e. when mining, chopping, crafting, etc.). The game's default soundtrack only plays w...
Touhou Music Mod (SW)
Tekijä: Hou
This mod will replace the in-game SHIPWRECKED soundtracks with Touhou soundtracks (and remixes) instead. You can choose to have it play continuously (i.e. always) or while working (i.e. when mining, chopping, crafting, etc.). The game's default soundtrack ...
Tutorial Mods
Tekijä: 清晨草露
renew: repair bugs in different dlc. Increase the quick action of construction and 2 times the wood felling (including birch, pine, jungle, rainforest, oak) Added the option of snake skin drop rate. After turning it on, there will be drops. The snake skin ...
WhaRang The Millennium Fox
Tekijä: JinYering
Check for Change Notes Wharang Details Information (Incomplete) Subscribe to Together version Wharang Stats: Maximum Soul Heart: 500 ■  080 - - - - - - - - (Collect Soul Heart) - - - - - - - - ■  285 ■  085 - - - - - - - - (Collect Soul Heart) - - - - - - ...
WhaRang The Millennium Fox reworked
Tekijä: Seki
Wharang The Millennium Fox Wharang Stats: Maximum Soul Heart: 500 ■ 80 - - - - - (Collect Soul Heart) - - - - - - ■ 280 ■ 85 - - - - - (Collect Soul Heart) - - - - - - ■ 235 ■ 150 - - - - - (Collect Soul Heart) - - - - - - ■ 350 * Can change the stats in M...
Where is Chester?
Tekijä: nossr50
This mod does two things 1) Adds an icon for Chester's eyebone to your map 2) Reveals the location of the eyebone on the world map Thanks to Tux++ for improving the mod Art by Tapola...
Wind_swordman (Yasuo)
Tekijä: 快乐的阿飞
注:如果你的装备了疾风剑龟速,可以下载下面的链接:疾风剑豪(加速版) 更新内容(2017/03/13): 合成路线:木剑->试炼之剑->疾风剑->真疾风剑 疾风剑:攻击伤害(30) 旋风伤害(基础0.8) 右键消耗精神6 饥饿6,对建筑树木无伤 真·疾风剑:攻击伤害(35) 旋风伤害(基础1.2) 右键消耗精神8 饥饿8,对建筑树木具有伤害 更新内容(2017/03): 做了下变身效果,处理了下之前的BUG和护盾,完善了一下贴图部分(在海难中也可以正常显示了),疾风剑加了一点音效(感觉和饥荒的画风有点冲突~...
Tekijä: 1286639243
Yakumo Yukari Beta v11 (Hamlet Support)
Tekijä: Yukari7777
Yakumo Yukari comes from unknown world to manipulate Don't Starve world! DST version Who is Yakumo Yukari This is a character mod based on Touhou Project, made by ZUN. Yakumo Yukari is dreadful Youkai who manipulates her own world, Gensokyo. She wanted to ...
Tekijä: 大雄O∧O 原妖刀链接丨作者: 天地一MADAO 原妖刀链接丨作者: 天地一MADAO 原妖刀链接丨作者: 天地一MADAO Come to Baidu translation: The author of heaven and earth has agreed to upload the Creative Workshop The author of heaven and earth has agreed to upl...
[API] Inventory Images
Tekijä: Leonidas IV
ㅤ 📌 This mod is for mod developers, so it doesn't add/change anything. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ Add inventory images with one simple function! Compatible with mini signs, crafts, ingredients and shelves. Compati...
Someone is willing to translate the English version, and an English explanation will be added in the near future Miss Buling seems to be in encounter disaster Must be compatible with Hamlet! Must be compatible with Hamlet! Must be compatible with Hamlet! T...
Tekijä: iceamei冰糖
Now this mod has been adapted to ALL DLCs, and it is no longer necessary to be compatible with Hamlet. Original author: 柴柴Chai-Chai; Remake: iceamei冰糖 This mod did not obtain the original author "柴柴Chai-Chai " consent, all started from personal hobby and t...
[DST]Skin System
Tekijä: RICK
Introduction Port DST Skins. You can't use skins unless you own them. The ownership is directly ported from Don't Starve Together save data together with your Klei ID. You should be aware that this mod comes out just because Klei has not and may not pay at...
[DST]Wendy Rework
Tekijä: RICK
Wendy's Character Refresh is Now Available! Wendy clutches tightly to the memory of her twin sister, Abigail. Some days, it’s almost as if she never left… Even from the afterlife, Abigail never stopped looking out for Wendy - and now Wendy has discovered h...
[DS] Biscuit Krueger
Tekijä: Railgunner
Biscuit Krueger (ビスケット=クルーガー, Bisuketto Kurūgā) from Hunter x Hunter You can find DST version here Stats Health 150 Sanity 200 Hunger 100 Originally made for DST, since some code is different, some bugs could appear, lemme know if you find any I'm thinking...
[HM]DST Anims- v1.1.4
Tekijä: MySora
本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 传送门: 模组本体·Onikiri 鬼切 动画包·Onikiri 鬼切 材质包·Onikiri 鬼切 Code: 主码:风铃草 小开心 协助:半夏微暖半夏凉 贝子小姐脚下埋着尸体 う丶青木 Art: 美术:魔法少女唐间竹子 特效&动画:风铃草 Co...
[HM]Onikiri 1.2.2
如果你喜欢这个mod,请帮忙点赞支持~谢谢!♥ ★★★由于工坊描述页面字数限制问题,本模组详细介绍请见置顶讨论组(↓点击可跳转): 文字版Mod介绍 Text introduction(Chinese) 历史更新内容请见:改动说明 ✿✿✿✿【重大结构调整更新】✿✿✿✿ 鬼切自本版本起将拆分为3个mod文件,分别为代码/动画/材质 请大家一齐订阅开启,避免发生模组启动异常问题,传送门见下(↓点击可跳转) 动画包·Onikiri 鬼切 材质包·Onikiri 鬼切 Code: 主码:风铃草 小开心 当前已空置 ...
[HM]Onikiri Anims- v1.1.4
Tekijä: MySora
本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 传送门: 模组本体·Onikiri 鬼切 动画包·Onikiri 鬼切 材质包·Onikiri 鬼切 Code: 主码:风铃草 小开心 协助:半夏微暖半夏凉 贝子小姐脚下埋着尸体 う丶青木 Art: 美术:魔法少女唐间竹子 特效&动画:风铃草 Co...
[Outdated] Resurrect Followers
Tekijä: CTpho
Resurrect other main characters as followers. Feed them, keep them alive, and they will help you survive the world. If you are playing a certain character, that character will not be available for you to resurrect. **Sorry, not compatible with custom chara...
目前赫默已经算是到了正式版了,后续不会有什么新内容了。 如有bug可以继续发送log至以下邮箱: log文件路径: Documents(我的文档)\Klei\DoNotStarve 本mod相关讨论只接收log反馈,为了彼此心情着想,请不要以其他问题(例如询问人物攻略)来联系作者,谢谢 本mod美工已在19年万圣节对原作和原作官方转黑,请知悉 最后,提前祝泰拉大陆万圣节快乐:) 2020 02 02 来修一下模组描述,顺便为PRC的诸位祝一句迟来的春节快乐 https://...
[SW]Totooria Helmold
Tekijä: 柴柴Chai-Chai Stats: Initial is fragile, 150 hungry, 200 sanity, 75 health Damage = Wendy ————————————————————————————————————...