ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition

ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition

282 ratings
How to setup graphics via *ini file [for noobs]
By Wuxriff and 1 collaborators
Well, this game has no any advanced video settings to change, players should setup it manually via *ini file or videodriver profile. It's not a clear or specific manual, it's just a way to do-it-good-in-one-minute.
First and final steps are here

As a cute redhead says, let's try to do something!

1. First of all you should download and run this game, also you can change your screen resolution settings in the menu, then apply and save your config.

2. Close the game, go to the following folder
For Windows 10 - Vista:
drive:\Users\<username>\Documents\my games\UnrealEngine3\MonkeyGame\Config

For Windows XP:
drive:\Users\<username>\My Documents\my games\UnrealEngine3\MonkeyGame\Config
(AFAIK lol, i'm out the XP about 6 years ago)

3. Backup and open MonkeyEngine.ini file.
Here we go:
  • MaxSmoothedFrameRate=62 to 60.
  • UseVsync=FALSE to True
  • MaxAnisotropy=4 to 16
  • MaxMultisamples=1 to 16

Save and test these settings. If you are experiencing some fps lags, try to apply next change:
  • bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE to FALSE
4. If your game still looks terrible (like this)

go to your videodriver settings and change settings manually for the best quality, of course. It should look like this (sorry for another place on the screenshot)

5. Additional settings:
For someone who hates motion blur effect, you're able to disable it too:
  • MotionBlur=True to False
  • MotionBlurPause=True to False

These options may ruin your perfomance, so be careful!
  • DetailMode=2 to 5 (force blur, so be sure that you want it)
  • ShadowFilterRadius=2 to 5
  • MinShadowResolution=32 to 64 or 128
  • MaxShadowResolution=512 to 2048 or 4096

Remember next things:
  • AllowD3D10=False to True is absolutely useless, activating bad perfomance on some rigs with no better graphics.
  • bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport=False (and default) is going to use your GPU, True - CPU.

6. Experimental settings, somebody tells me that it helps to fix freezes after the cutscenes, so i need more results.
  • DisableATITextureFilterOptimizationChecks=True to False
  • UseMinimalNVIDIADriverShaderOptimization=True to False
Warning: there are no 100% way to fix texture streaming lags, but if someone finds it, manual will be updated.

Based on the UnrealEngine 3 config manuals, confirmed with Whitecloak, Anatomy, torra, CM Punk, /AoV/Shark, etc.
RustySlim Jan 27, 2021 @ 7:54pm 
Dude these are all settings available to change in game, of course you can turn off motion blur etc?? By setting graphics to high his guide = Pointless AF - All these values are already input.

Use the Monkey Game (ini) to add your resolutions guys.
John Cy Nov 15, 2020 @ 10:37pm 
Thanks. Annoying camera issues I agree, but so far the game is fun and I consider it underrated
These tips did help the experience. Annoying camera problems aside, it was worth playing.
Wuxriff  [author] Nov 15, 2020 @ 4:24am 
The game has not received any updates since so I think that everything is valid :cozybethesda:
John Cy Nov 15, 2020 @ 2:05am 
hey. Year 2020 here. On an RTX GPU. How many of these are applicable?
JackRabbit Nov 4, 2018 @ 4:37pm 
For the camera : <driveletter>:\Steam\steamapps\common\Enslaved\MonkeyGame\Config
make a backup of DefaultChaseCamera.ini and MonkeyChaseCamera.ini

Change the following settings to turn off auto adjust up/down:
; Auto tilt (section)
useAutoTiltup = true; set to false
useAutoTildDown = true; set to false

Turn off auto rotation:
UseAutoRotation = true; set to false
NewAutoRotationEnable = true; set to false

This will disable the auto tilt up/down and the camera rotation as you move around.

BasefieldofView - tried tweaking this, but didn't see any changes.
Any tips on how to keep the stupid, worthless, asinine camera from sucking the life out of this game?
skounce Mar 27, 2017 @ 12:22pm 
As well as Depth Of Field, actually
skounce Mar 27, 2017 @ 12:21pm 
Guys, if someone could help me turn off the awful and absolutely annoying bloom effect, post processing, whatever it's called, I'd really appreciate it and you.
Piotrek, Engineer of Design Mar 2, 2017 @ 2:56pm 
"AllowD3D10=False to True is absolutely useless, activating bad perfomance on some rigs with no better graphics."
No, changing this to True is required for the game's anti-aliasing (MaxMultisamples=1 to 16) to work, otherwise it has no AA at all.