Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals

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[ENG] Nikopol Walkthrough
By Lord Indy
Keeping it “short, sweet, and to the point.”
Noticed there's no English walkthrough on steam, so here it is.
This guide will spoil the gameplay for you. It tells you how to beat the game step by step.
This guide should not spoil the story for you. It does not describe story elements other than those included in puzzle solutions.
Act 1: The Apartment
Pickup: incense stick & lighter from floor near bed.
Pickup: chain hanging on window.
Click to open door.

Click on: phone to hear message

Front door:
Walk through the camera room to the front door.
Pickup: note from Gorgon

Camera room:
Walk over to the wall covered in tape reels.
Pickup: tape reel
Click on: the screen over the fireplace to unfurl it.
Click on: you can also read these notes on the table
Walk to camera and open the camera reel holder; put the tape reel in the camera.
Click to turn the camera on.

Art room:
Pickup: painting kit & painting easel.
Pickup: blank canvas from pile.
Pickup: chisel & hammer.

Camera room:
The game will automatically place the painting easel.
Use the blank canvas on the painting easel.
Turn the camera by clicking on the base.
Use paints on blank canvas.
Paint the portrait by using the different shades one at a time.
Pickup: painted portrait

Front Door:
Click on: front door
Pickup board from behind you and put it on the front door.

Click on door to close it.
Use chain on door.
Use incense stick on incense holder.
Use lighter on incense.

Art Room:
Click on hoist to move it.
Click on hoist control to move rock.
Click on hoist to move it and rock.

Pickup: chain from door.

Art Room:
Close bedroom door.
Click on broken cupboard to move in front of bedroom door.
Click on hoist to move it in front of bedroom door.
Click on hoist control to lower the rock back on the cupboard.
Open door to camera room.

Camera Room:
Close bedroom door.
Use chain on bedroom door. Now the beast is trapped.

Front Door:
Click on rubble it’ll clear away.
Pickup the piece of concrete and put it were the rubble used to be.
Pickup the wood board and put it on the piece of concrete. The brace will fall.
Use hammer on the broken door. Now you can leave the apartment.

Outside Front Door:
Use hammer on the bricks to break them. Here is the combination: Click to leave the apartment.
Act 2: The Cemetery
Gorgon’s Place:
Nothing to do yet.

Vending Machine:
Pickup: stone under collection box.
Use the stone on the security mirror.
Pickup: 3 coins from the collection box.
Use coins on the vending machine.
Navigate the machine to the third row from the top, find the urn labeled Clemence Morganidon.
Click the rectangular vending machine button.
Pickup: urn from vending machine.
Pickup: coin from vending machine.

Pickup: tire iron AKA "black cross"

Security Door:
Nothing here to do

Storage Room:
Use tire iron on shelf.
Click on shelf to move.
Click on vent to open.
Click on vent to enter cadaver room.

Cadaver Room Entry:
Nothing here to do.

Back of Security Door:
Nothing here to do.

“Boucherie” Cadaver Side Room:
Nothing to do yet.

Cadaver Room Across From Security Door:
Use tire iron on wall panel.
Click to open wall panel.
Click on red valve to unfreeze door.
Click on freezer door to open.
Use chisel on frozen body to pickup block of salt.

Dark/Ritual Room:
Use lighter to find light switch.
Click on: light switch.
Pick up: chalk on the floor.
Use the portrait on the far wall.
Use the chalk to draw on the walls.
Pickup and place the tiles on the floor.
Use the coins, tire iron, urn, and block of salt on the floor.
Here is the combination:
The door will close and lock behind you.
Pickup: tire iron on floor
Use tire iron on bottom of door, it will open a small space.
Use ritual manual on space under the door.
Use chisel on the door key hole.
Pickup the ritual manual and key from under the door.
Use the key on the light switch key hole.
Use the key on the door to leave.

Gorgon’s Place:
Click to open the door.
Pickup diagram from book shelf.
Pickup coded letter from desk.
Pickup photo from wall.
Read letter on desk.

Dark/Ritual Room:
Use coded letter on the shelf. Here is the combination:

Security Door:
Anubis will appear and give you an Ankh

“Boucherie” Cadaver Side Room:
Click on the two frozen bodies on the far wall, they will move revealing a door.
Click on the door to open it.
Click again to leave.
Act 3: Border Patrol
Border Guard:
Pickup: iron bar

Metro Gate:
Use iron bar several times on metal panel left of gate
Use chisel on panel opening
Click to enter metro

Crashed Metro Car:
Nothing here to do.

Metro Control Console:
Click on green monitor.
There are several ways to do this puzzle and it’s mostly just trial and error. Click to place 4 dots on screen, the dots will attract the energy flow, the goal is to get the energy flow into the 4 slots on the right side of the monitor which will light up the corresponding lights. You should always keep enough energy in the slots powering the “Control” light.
First you should power “Track B” and “Control”, then go to the control panel and click the B power button to move Train B off of Switch B.
Go back to the green monitor. Now power the slots for the “Control”, “Switch”, and “Track A”.
Go back to the control panel, set the Dial to A and click the A power button. This should send Train A moving from Switch A, to Switch B, then onto the Upkeep track.
Train A will crash into the crashed metro car and clear the upkeep tunnel.

Upkeep Tunnel:
Click on pile of rocks to pickup a rock
Click on ladder above you to knock it down
Click on ladder to climb up

Guard Post:
Pickup knife on the desk
Click plug on wall to remove it
Use knife to cut cable on the ground
Click wall to plug cable back in
Click on cable to pickup
Click on guard to incapacitate
Click on guard’s body to pickup passkey1
Click radio on wall

Across From Guard Post:
Click red box to open
Click on box to examine
Click on red wire
Click on green wire
Click on both wires again to switch them

Guard Post:
Click radio on wall
Click on guard 2’s body to pickup key
Use key on locker
Pickup Sniper Rifle
Use the sniper rifle to shoot the guard in the first tower

Across From Guard Post:
Click on the laser console
Drag the left slider to the top, and the center and right sliders to the bottom. You will hear a dialogue saying the laser generators are now broken.
Use the sniper rifle to shoot the guard in the second guard tower across the courtyard.
Use passkey1 on right console
Follow these instructions to obtain passkey2
NOTE: I suspect if you do the puzzles for passkey4, you could use passkey4 to access the gate and free some prisoners. This might effect the ending, although I haven't tried doing this myself.

Guard Post Courtyard Entry:
Click on border patrol alarm control panel
Click the on/off switch. The lights on the right are a countdown timer till the power comes back on.
Click on the 2 right wires (black & white) to disable the alarm sound.
Click the on/off switch again to turn on, then click the X to exit the control panel.
Click on the alarm button to signal the alarm light, then quickly click to move to the car garage.

Courtyard Car Garage:
You should see the guard run to the alarm control panel you were just at.
Click to run across the courtyard.

Guard Post 2 / Across The Courtyard
Use passkey2 on the door lock
Click on the door to end the stage
Act 4: Montparnasse Tower
Guard Post 2 Entry
Nothing to do here.

Behind Boxes
Nothing yet.

Guard House
Talk to guard then click to move toward the entry.

Guard Post 2 Entry
The guard will have moved away from the guard house.

Behind Boxes
Nothing yet.

Guard House
Pickup the chest key.

Behind Boxes
Use chest key on box.
Click to climb in box.

Inside Box
Use lighter to find lock mechanism.
Use tire iron to open lock mechanism.
Use chisel to break restraining plate.
Click to remove restraining bar.
Use old knife to remove spring.
Use old knife on the side of the spring bar.
Click on yellow bolt to lift.
Use tire iron on the restraining bolt.
Click to pickup knife.
Use knife on the bottom of the spring bar.
Click to lift latch.
Click to open the box and escape.

Broom Closet Terrace
Wait for guard to walk away.
Click red button to open door.
Click to enter Floor 50.

Floor 50 Entryway
Turn around and click to return to terrace and avoid the guard.

Broom Closet Terrace
Click to examine vent.
Click again to open access to vent control.
Click red dial to reverse air flow.
Click the clear bottle (mystery fluid) and use on the bowl.
Click the blue bottle (bleach) and use on the bowl; this will create a toxic smell.
Click bowl to pickup the mixture, then use it on the fan.
Wait for dialogue to conclude and the bowl will get dumped.
Click red button to open door.
Click to enter.

Floor 50 Entryway
Click to enter security room.

Security Room
Click on guard’s body to hide and pickup a hypodermic gun.
Click the box with the red button.
Click the blinking red keyboard button.
Click on the right computer monitor to read some files and a guard schedule.
Click red security button to open door and leave.

Floor 50 Entryway
Nothing to do here.

Storage Room
Nothing to do yet.

Stairway Floor 50
Nothing to do here.

Stairway Floor 51
Nothing to do yet.

Maintenance Walkway
Click to enter maintenance room, but get dialog instead.
Use hypodermic gun on the wall of spacial jellyfish.

Stairway Floor 51
Pickup the cardboard.

Maintenance Walkway
Use cardboard on spacial jellyfish tendril.
Use ritual manual on cardboard.
Use lighter on ritual manual.
Click to enter maintenance room.

Maintenance Room
Click on red tool box and use it on the beast.

Maintenance Room Brick Wall
Pickup the hammer.
Use hammer on the bricks.

Floor 50 Prison Cells
Nothing to do here.

Prison Cell Window
Pickup drinking glass
Pickup bed sheet
Pickup black feather

Prison Cell Door
Use drinking glass on sink
Use full drinking glass on door keypad lock
Click on stool, use stool on the window

Prison Cell Window
Use bed sheet on broken floor glass to make a shiv

Prison Cell Door
Use shiv on floor molding

Prison Cell Window
Use shiv on floor molding to pickup wire
Use wire on the coat-hook
Click on window to repel from cell
Act 5: Elysee
Room C
Click on monitor to view map. This map has more locations listed:
Click button to open door to Room A

Room A
Nothing to do.
Click button to open door to Room B

Room B
Pickup iron bar
Click button to open door to Hall

Hall (North)
Click on storage closet to hide

Storage Closet
Click to exit storage closet

Hall (North)
Nothing to do.
Click button to open door to General Neighborhood A.

General Neighborhood A
Nothing to do.

General Neighborhood B
Pickup mobile phone
Click on right computer monitor to read documents.
Click on center computer monitor to see stuff.
Click on left computer monitor to set guard patrol routes:

General Neighborhood D
Nothing to do

General Neighborhood C
Use the shiv on the wire hanging from the door button.
Use passkey2 on blue terminal
Follow these directions to create passkey8

Now walk this route exactly:
Hall (South)
Stairwell, then wait for guard
Room B, then wait for guard
Room A
Room C

Room C
Move behind the dresser
Click on the dresser to move in front of the door to Room A.
Use passkey8 on armory door.

Click to lift weapon gate.
Pickup the left gun.

Room C
Click to enter tiny stairwell to left of armory.

Tiny Stairwell
Use shiv to cut rope holding mattress.
Use iron bar to pry door open.

Sniping Ledge
Use mobile phone to call invited apartment 1.
Use gun to shoot XB2.

Tiny Stairwell
Pickup mattress and use on doorway.

Sniping Ledge
Pickup mattress and use on railing.

Parking Lot A
Use mobile phone to call doors to lounge.

Parking Lot B – Center
Nothing to do.

Parking Lot C
Nothing to do.

Parked Red Car
Nothing to do.

Visitor Hallway
Use black feather on the blue scanner.
Pull the red alarm.

Now walk this route exactly:
Visitor Hallway
General Neighborhood D
General Neighborhood B
General Neighborhood A
Hall (North)
Room B
Room A
Room C
Tiny Stairwell

Tiny Stairwell
Click to climb up ladder.

Top Of Ladder
Nothing to do here.

Use Ankh on the floating pyramid.


Now go watch the movie and read the graphic novels, because both are significantly better than this game.
Lord Indy  [author] Mar 29, 2023 @ 8:19am 
Absolutely, I do think the game did good by the aesthetic. Even from the initial launch menu, it feels like it should. Props to the devs for making the game, it's difficult to do anything in such a niche genre.
Puffy the Destroyer Mar 13, 2023 @ 10:52pm 
It's a shame.
I've said this elsewhere,
but If only the puzzles; script; & English dub where better, i'd have loved to see Woman Trap and Cold Equator get the adventure game treatment.
As far as presentation goes, this game nailed combining the aesthetic and atmosphere of the comics and movie pretty well.
Sleepwalker Mar 3, 2021 @ 12:18pm 
Major thanks for this guide