

189 ratings
Terraria 1.2 guide: Dyes and You [Outdated]
By Konaryn
As I was going around, I noticed some strange looking plants. I mined them, and behold, they are materials used in the new dye system. I also noticed that no info has been put out on this, so I decided to create a guide.
1. Where to Start
To start off, you first need to find one of the materials to make the dye (see colors and where to find them for help). Once you do this, the dye trader will move in to any suitable housing that currently is not occupied.
2. How to Craft
To craft the dyes, you first need the dye vat, which is sold by the dye trader for a measly five gold, simplicity itself.
3. Colors and where to find them.
These are the colors I have found so far, I will expand on this list, and you can also help me. If you find a dye that is not on the list, I will include your username with the info on the dye. The plant used is always the one with the cursor pointing at it.

1. Yellow Dye
Where to find - Grassland Biome
Picture of plant-

2. Blue Dye (This is the one I am using on my lead armor in the pictures)
Where to find - Grassland Biome
Picture of plant-

3. Sky Blue Dye
Where to find - Jungle Biome
Picture of plant-

4. Pink Dye
Where to find - Desert Biome
Picture of plant-

5. Silver Dye
Where to find - Sold by Dye Maker for 1 Gold

6. Black Dye (Thanks to: Kitsuna Tyakoto)
Where to find - Dropped by squids in the ocean

7: Green Dye (Thanks to: Kitsuna Tyakoto)
Where to find - Mushroom Biome
Picture of plant-

8: Orange Dye
Where to find - Underground
Picture of plant- (The fires are flares, which are basically a torch, a glowstick, and a handgun combined)

9: Teal Dye
Where to find - Underground
Picture of plant-

10. Cyan Dye (Thanks to: Claus (SirSpitfirez))
Where to find - Underground Ice Biome, drop from a bug
Picture of bug-

11. Red Dye (Thanks to: fourtooneodds)
Where to find - Underground, drop from a bug
Picture of bug-

12. Lime Dye (Thanks to: Angel)
Where to find - Underground Ice Biome
Picture of plant-

13. Violet Dye (Thanks to fourtooneodds)
Where to find - Underground Jungle, drop from a bug
Picture of bug - Working on it, just look for a violet bug.

14. Purple Dye (Thanks to Kitsuna Tyakoto)
Where to find - Ocean, drop from mollusk
Picture of mollusk - Working on it

15. Team Dye (Thanks to Jupiter 2003)
Where to find - Dye Trader on a multiplayer server
Picture - I'll put it here later. It is gliching out whenever I try to put a screenshot on here.
4. How to Apply Dyes
Just put the dye in the dye section of your inventory, which is just to the left of the clothing section. It also lasts forever, so there is no need to go out to get more dyes. :)
5. Dye Mixing (Thanks to: Vacuum Copy)
You can mix many of the dyes to create different mixtures. The only two dyes that cannot be mixed together are silver and black (and possibly flame {mixture of red, yellow, and orange}). This is all I know on the subject at the moment, so I will work on finding out if there are any other colors that can't be mixed together.
6. A lot can happen in a week (This has little to do with dyes, I just wanted to point it out)
The screenshot below is of the same character in every other screenshot. He was created along with the world I play him in on the day 1.2 came out. Just about a week later, he became my most geared character. (The armor is chlorophyte armor, the best melee damage set in the game, and the dye is flame and black)
7. 1.3 Dyes
Coming soon (I got a new computer and didn't transfer over my characters. I will do this as soon as I have the information.)
Azzy Dreemurr Jun 23, 2020 @ 7:00am 
Are you a Sergal?
Bapy Dec 18, 2018 @ 7:03pm 
Purple Mucos doesnt drop from Mullosks. they drop from Sea Snails.
dimefordime Mar 18, 2018 @ 8:08pm 
YEYSYYEYESYEYESY Silver dye for doggo
Now a true doggo ;3 (Even though the meme and dead):steamhappy:
Lamorac Sep 3, 2017 @ 1:33pm 
for some reason all of the dyes i aquire, such as negative dye, do not work in the appropriate slot, please help!!!!!!!
Joncondiff° Aug 20, 2015 @ 10:35am 
I just got A reflective gold dye from finding a strange dye (my first one) and giving it to the dye trader
memedrid Aug 2, 2015 @ 10:19pm 
Does Anyone Know How To Get Gold Dye, I Saw Yrimir Using It And It Looked Good! (Please reply!)
kez Jul 16, 2015 @ 5:15am 
Photoshop pictures for suckers?
Williwizard May 2, 2015 @ 7:40pm 
You can't combine balck + balck? Whaaaaaa?
scam likely Apr 3, 2015 @ 9:31pm 
*Ahem* May I mention rainbow and gradient dyes, our lord and saviour?
cthepink Feb 11, 2015 @ 12:26pm 
@aaronodst1 Mmmmm. He is quite good isn't he? I tried it myself and it was difficult; just requires great patience.