Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

37 ratings
Never Meet Sir Lora
Type: Add-on
Game Mode: Story
File Size
10.466 KB
Aug 4, 2019 @ 8:11pm
Aug 7, 2019 @ 3:39am
3 Change Notes ( view )
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Never Meet Sir Lora

For those having trouble disabling the Sir Lora DLC!

Stops the player from meeting Sir Lora.

We tried unchecking the Sir Lora DLC, We tried doing a fresh install without the DLC there.
We tried many things... Nothing seemee to help. If the game detects you own the DLC, that little squirrel shows up no matter what...
We understand that there are other players out there experiencing the same issue, so we made this mod!

We created Never Meet Sir Lora especially for players who don't like Sir Lora, and are having trouble disabling the Sir Lora DLC.
We love Larian & Divinity, but feel Sir Lora adds nothing to the game but an annoyance, and should be optional.
We don't want to play any part of the game for any duration of time with Sir Lora.

This mod DOES NOT bypass/crack/hack any Sir Lora DLC licence and/or licence checks. It simply changes the games behaviour to make Sir Lora not appear instead of appear once the game checks if you have the Sir Lora DLC Licence, meaning you won't start the quest or have it follow you around.

You would more than likely need to start a new game for this mod to take effect.


This mod is not fully tested. Please feel free to leave a comment if you find any issues with it.

We don't know if there's any legalities around hiding a character like this.
We're happy to take the mod down if there's any issues. Please let us know.

Special thanks to:

Stacey for testing this mod.
Vates for creating the thumbnail image.
Charlie  [author] Sep 10 @ 5:33pm 
@sundog005 You are so very welcome. The game really didn't need Sir Lora at all....
sundog005 Sep 10 @ 3:50pm 
dumb character and thank you for this
AdmdRddr Oct 4, 2023 @ 5:59am 
@Freeasabird, he does give spells, both very anoying and rude. He has nothing to say for all races, and hope they all wil crumbel to dust. The only thing he cares about is his cat, The Great Acorn, and himself! I think i speak for all of us when i say that it is super anoying when someone only cares about himself. There is no I in teamwork.
Charlie  [author] Oct 17, 2021 @ 12:47am 
@Snipe agreed :)
Snipe Oct 16, 2021 @ 5:04pm 
You want all game thinking he might just be worth it. He isn't
Freeasabird🕊 Dec 23, 2020 @ 8:05am 
Doesn't he teach you new spells? i remember after a particular part on the starting island he begrudgingly taught me a new spell i didn't have at the time.
Charlie  [author] Dec 21, 2019 @ 9:16pm 
You're very welcome!
Caz Dec 21, 2019 @ 6:08pm 
I haven't even tried to uninstall/not install Lora. But I'll be using this mod since his "entertainment factor" evaporates after the first play through.
Thank you for this!
Jenova Oct 3, 2019 @ 1:56am 
mine died from deathfog in the fort joy XD brought a barrel with me to deal with Dallis and he ran to it. Cat died too for some reason, tho it undead
Charlie  [author] Aug 11, 2019 @ 10:40pm 
Yes, I agree!

I think even if I do manage to fix it properly through steam I may leave this up for anyone else experiencing the same problem.