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Beginner's Guide for Muying Liu Story Mode Solo Play
By Ruru
Guide with youtube videos
Basic Guide for Story Mode
I'm not much good at to this game.
I'm not much good at to English too.
Translation is not good in this game so, I don't know about almost items
But we can read Arabic numerals so, we can find a way

It's seems to be rogue-lite game.
If you done one game(win or defeat what ever), lose all items and level.
but you can getting Story Props.
Story Props is also Passive item but can keeping after done games.
If you got Story Props, you can start with that Story Props.

If you do defeat enemies, can getting EXP Sphere and Healing Sphere and Gold Coin
Also can getting Items with little chance.

Enemies drops Passive item and Active item and Skill Level up item and Story Props.
Unique Enemies have more item drop rate.
Unique Enemies drop only
Active item and
Skill Level up item
and Story Props.

Treasure Bee drop the Item

Treasure Bee can find low rate chance from objects.
recommend chase Bee for more item.(little fast and just runaway)

Active item is can use push button 1 or 2.
Need charging energy from attack enemies.
If you getting same Active item, then that item will be upgrade.
If you getting another item, then you can choose change Active item or
Upgrade Active item to push button Shift+F and push Number of Active item.
Almost Active items can upgrade maximum 9 time(×9).
2 type of Healing bottle is 5 time(expendables).
If you are beginner I recommend keep Potions.(can getting with just start ×5)
If you used Potions you can fill potions with same Potion Active item or another Active items.

Passive item is working with just have in your inventory.
If you getting same Passive item, then that item will be upgrade.
All Passive items can upgrade maximum 4 time(×4).
Passive item is can getting from enemies and can buying from Item Box
Item Box drop only Passive item.

If you spend coin for open Item Box, you can choose one Passive item from two of option.
It just random, so almost times you can't getting what do you want.

But you can exchange Passive item from Statue.

Statue have 5 opitons of Passive item.
So maybe you can find what do you want.
But need Passive item for exchange and Coins.
Coins will be more than more expensive depend on stages.

If you have some problem with Story Mode Solo Play,
Try find key item from statue.(I will write recommend items later)

If you getting Skill Level up item, you can level up your skill

If you did Level up skills getting more powerful
First skill(Normal attack) can Level up 4 times.
If you did Level up 4 times of First skill, First skill will change.

If you have many Coins, invest for Level up

Spend Coin for open EXP box, you can getting lot of EXP.

When character has Level up, getting more maximum HP and ATK.
Recommend spend coin for first getting key Passive items.
Character Information : Muying Liu
How to unlock
Win from first boss and go to stage 5(World 2 stage 0).
Don't care about Solo Play or Co-op Play.

Difficulty : Mid
Damage : High
Forward Shake : Long
Attack Range : Near

I think Forward Shake mean Attack delay, have long attack delay and Cool Down.
But Normal attack will change with reach skill level 4 then attack delay is "Very short".
Damage is "High" but maybe you feel "how this damage is high?"
It's also reach skill level 4 then you can feel Damage "High".
Slow and Invincible time is short but defense is high tanker type.
If can getting healing items Difficulty is "Very Easy".

Xiang Yun Ji
Cool Down : 0.30s
Waving the umbrella around and attack the enemy.

Very slow wide normal attack.
If Level up this skill 4 times, turn to fast stab.

Power Dash
Cool Down : 3.50s
Use umbrella as a shield to push away enemies.

Slow dodge, almost same to just walk.
Invincible time is long and cool down also long but distance is not long.

XuanMing Ferry
Cool Down : 5.00s
Manipulating the umbrella to attack the enemy in a spiral path.

Good for attack with runaway.

Light Shell
Cool Down : 24.00s
Summon the Guardian Gods lunch light shell to protect and push away the enemies.

Defense buff will decrease all damages to half.
Have short Invincible time and cool down is long easy to charging Active items.

Recommend Skill level up
Xiang Yun Ji(Master)
Game is starting with Master Xiang Yun Ji

Story Props
BingHuang Necklace
Increase 15% speed of movement

BloodJade Flue
Increase 50% of critical damage

Double Fish Amulet
Increase 20% of earth damage

Jade Piece
Reduce 20% CD time needed of skill4

Taiji Mirror
Increase 5% of ADV
Recommend Items : Muying Liu
I did call "Key items" but not definitely.
Just my opinion(I'm not good at to this game.)

Passive Items

Almost Healing items will helpful for Solo Play.
Because Muying Liu have defense buff skill.
Many Healing items with defense buff skill make you easy for beat enemies.

Qian Kun Mirror(look like Flower mirror icon)
If you attack enemies, 50% chance of recovery 5 HP.
In the majority of cases can beat with only this Passive item.
If you did upgraded this mirror to max, don't need farming more.
Just go through to last boss.

Elemental Mirror series
If you did Elemental attack, recovery 2% HP.
Recommend this with suitable elemental Passive items.

Almost effect on attack items(Not meaning getting hit)
Support your attack with many elements.
Lightning, Ice will stop enemies, helpful for survive.
Wind also good for flinch enemies.

DMG increase items
DMG is always right.
But, be careful down moving speed item

Critical rate increase items
Default critical damage is 150%.
Not much good than DMG increase items but this also good.

Not much recommend Passive items
(I do use these item for just exchange)

[Blood stealing] Number series
1% HP of damages recovery HP with low rate

Active Items

Blue Potion bottle (50%)
YuJing Bottle

Yellow Potion bottle (5% / 8s)
Wonder Potion

Recommend always supply potions.

Statue(Buff attack depends on your Coins)
I feel Statue is OP with many coins.
If you getting key items on early, don't need to open Item Box
Just open EXP box and reach character level 20 then coins be remain 5K~7K.
Statue ×9 with 7150 coin increase almost 180% DMG.
(Xiang Yun Ji 4th single attack critical damage : 2690 → 7745 = +177%)

Charging Statue energy → Active Statue → Light Shell → energy charged → repeat

Ice Spirit scroll
Freeze normal enemies.
Not need to aiming, helpful for fight with Boss.

Any Attack Active items
(Cross Fire spell, Frost Rune, etc...)
If you have elemental mirror series, you can heal many HP with Active items.

Not much recommend Active items

Wind Spirit
But It helpful for take distance from enemies.
Watch out these enemies
Little Cyan Cute Things
Very weak, but very fast.

Green Owl
Focus on your feet.
Lightning will strike on you.

Green Ghost
Chain healer.

Dark Summoner
Summon enemies(can't get anything from summoned enemies)

Death rattle : summon Pepes

King of enemies.
Small, fast, ranged powerful attack but HP is low.
Recommend use many dodge less attack.
Defense buff is helpful for survive.
Or if you have Healing Passive items, they are no longer a threat.

Forest Summoner
King Maker.
Summon Spider.
If you want play in Spider world keep these enemies alive.

And all of after stage 8 Enemies.
Look like Robot Spider.
Youtube Video : Muying Liu
Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8

Stage 9

Stage 10

Stage 11
