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Jun 15, 2019 @ 6:06pm
Apr 15, 2024 @ 11:58pm
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In 1 collection by aRandomKiwi
aRandomKiwi's mods
12 items


A wireless power mod :
Trade power (buy and sell) with factions, share wirelessly power between your colonies and all other maps (caravan, quest, deeprim...), connect electrical devices to wireless powergrids (no cables), thanks to the wireless power network technologies research.

Robots from Misc Robots++, Androids Tiers, Androids, What The Hack, VFE Mechanoid and Rimsec Security mods can be connected to LWPN allowing them to operate continuously.

Hack and use the dangerous energy from the ancient network of power-collection satellites to generate tons of energy and also use it as weapon.

Hijack the wireless power network technologies and use it as powerful weapons with the A.R.E.S system.

Fully customizable.


Download latest release (DropBox)[www.dropbox.com]

For the wireless power (transfert/sharing) :
To be simple, broadcast an amount of Watt you choose of a power source wirelessly like WIFI networks.
  • 1) You build an emitter who will emit a WPN (Wireless Power Network eg: WPN-1300987) with the desired amount of Watt you want.
  • 2) Then you simply need to build where you want (even another map) a receiver where you will select on which WPN to connect (between your's or thoses of the other factions you rented). You can also rent your WPN to factions thought the communication console.

For the wireless powergrids it's the same process :
  • 1) You build an emitter who will emit (on the current map only) automatically the connected power network wirelessly, it is the LWPN (Local Wireless Power Network eg : LWPN-001).
  • 2) On all electrical devices you want to connect wirelessly, you simply need to first enable the wireless switch, then select which available LWPN to connect.

  • Become energy supplier and earn money
  • Use all electrical devices without physical cables
  • No more lack of energy with the Satellite powerbeam absorption dish (warning : very dangerous)
  • Attack and defend your base thanks to the A.R.E.S (Atmospheric Remote Energy Storm)
  • Create dangerous electric setups on another map from your base (Rimatomic reactor, Satellite powerbeam absborption dish,...) then share wirelessly produced power with your main base safely
  • Use turrets and other electric defenses systems on caravan and quest maps thanks to portable (but limited) WPN Receptor and portable LWPN Emitter
  • Share power with your DeepRim mod in undergroup maps

All the energy trading are done thought the communication console.

Rent a WPN :
When you rent a WPN to a faction you commit yourself for a certain period of time to provide them with a certain amount of power.
Beware if you cant honor your contract till the end, the faction may cancel the contract and commit negative actions against you (decrease goodwill, raid or embargo).
Likewise the factions count all the hours or the contract is not respected and removes them from your payment, however if the total of theses hours are too high to their taste they can refuse to pay you (only neutral and ally factions) !

Borrow a WPN :
When you borrow a faction's WPN, you must pay it at the end of the contract period (you have 1 day), in case of non payment the faction will engage in negative actions against you (decrease goodwill, raid or embargo)

Power++ allow to have deep commercial relations with factions :

  • Dont pay the bill and assume the consequences
  • Break an contract in progress without pay and assume the consequences
  • Factions can do an energy embargo, based on some conditions faction (refuse to buy/sell power with you for a certain time
  • Factions can remind to you if you do not respect the energy supply contract before initiate actions against you
  • Calculation of proportion of the energy consumed during payments (hour granularity)
  • Factions may decide to make a discount based on certain conditions
  • Factions have specific (limited) needs

  • To function properly and safely, the AD must constantly be connected to the computer (the STS) that initiates the connection to the satellite network. In case of interruption of one of these two devices (AD or STS) while a beam is active, a countdown start, at the end of this countdown the connection with the satellite is abruptly interrupted, this can result in several types of major incidents (orbital aiming error, orbital beam dilatation (the worst), huge EMP, ...).
  • It's not recommended to overload your AD, even if you can and it significantly increases the amount of energy produced, because the desynchronization time (the countdown) with the linked satellite is shortened which will greatly increase the risk of hard desynchronization and therefore of potentially serious incidents.
  • The STS emit a lot of heat and it need to run at a temperature below 0C, if it overheat it can also cause hard desynchronization with the satellite
  • The A.R.E.S system is very effective on life forms but not very effective against mechanoids
  • Overloaded AD is gradually damaged by the orbital beam, so you should constantly check and repair it.

  • Azarashi (Esp) : Spanish translation
  • aRandomKiwi : English and French translations
  • HawnHan : Simplified Chinese translation
  • Xeros08 : Graphic ressource (AD Relay tower)


Enjoy my mods and like me to continue updating ?
Please consider buying me a kiwi on Ko-Fi or at least put a like :)

Popular Discussions View All (5)
Jan 9 @ 10:19pm
PINNED: [Bugs Reports]
Nov 12, 2024 @ 1:53pm
PINNED: [Features Requests]
Jan 14 @ 8:57am
OceanicOxen Nov 12, 2024 @ 1:51pm 
Are there any plans to make this compatible with BioTech mechanoids?
VoidEngineer Sep 5, 2024 @ 7:28pm 
I believe I am seeing a problem. I am going for the archotech ending and spun up my second base. When I turned on a new LWPN emitter it immediately crashed my electric grid with a gigantic power draw, presumably from the old base that I left behind. I wound up creating a second emitter with the debug console and migrated everything to it and that seems to have dealt with the problem for now, but it truly looks like a bug.
Socialist_Bismarck Aug 25, 2024 @ 8:17pm 
Compatibility with misc robots and misc robots++ seems to be broken, they still lose charge and then die without going to the recharing station if connected
JasonGriffin Aug 16, 2024 @ 6:56pm 
Hi @aRandowmKiwi is there a way to hide the icon on the bottom bar? I would like to hide it until I have the research completed. Thanks
JerrBear888 May 20, 2024 @ 6:53pm 
i have a bunch of Geothermal power scattered outside base, they are connected with underground power cable to a WPN emitter further out. inside the base is a WPN receiver... I'm wondering if its possible to do a "wifi signal booster" type of tower to connect the bunch of Geothermal, and add power to that single WPN network im broadcasting.
Somtimes the underground cables get destroyed in raids and events. I drew a pic to show this problem. I'll gladly help make the graphic for the tower
grijnskat May 12, 2024 @ 4:59am 
@aRandomKiwi If you'd push the source to your github, I would gladly implement Biotech compatibility. It's not much to do. A quick Utils.BIOTECH_LOADED here, a reference to the correct NeedDef for Biotech there, and done.
(I decompiled your assembly, but I don't want to spend the next days replacing op_Implicits and ..ctor in 100+ files..)
Aether Apr 27, 2024 @ 7:53am 
That's probably impossible due to how the power cables work.
Mike3223cz Apr 27, 2024 @ 6:02am 
Could you also create a one-way cable block? Like a diode or something... Pls... Havent seen anyone do anything like that yet... Also awesome mod!!!
Aether Apr 25, 2024 @ 2:19pm 

If the mod doesn't support Biotech Mechs, then why do you have the option to connect Biotech Mechs to the LWPN?