Guardians of Middle-earth

Guardians of Middle-earth

47 értékelés
Welcome to GoME: Things you should know!
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Hello and welcome the the Guardians of Middle-Earth: Things you should know! guide. In this guide you will learn the basics of the game and learn how to play smarter in 3 lane matches(hopefully).

Table of Contents

1. Roles

2. Map

3. Shrines

4. Belts

5. Potions

6. Commands

7. Jungle creeps

8. Bosses

9. Towers + Barracks

10. General lane compositions

11. Questions from the community

12. Words of Advice
In Guardians of Middle-Earth the guardians/heroes/champs are divided up into 5 different roles. They are as follows:


- The tactician class has some of the best supports in the game. Some of these supports are tower pushers, healers or even ones with slows, stuns, and shields.


- The defender class houses a few healers, tanks and overall guardians that do well at defending (hence the name). These guardians are key for any team composition and can single handedly defend towers in most cases.


- Do you love ganking and killing people fast? Then the striker class may be for you! In this group you will find a wide range of both melee and ranged guardians that have much higher damage output on their auto attacks but are much more squishy than other roles.


- Is casting spells and magic more your thing? Check out the enchanter class, these guardians do massive damage with their abilities well still maintaining some attack damage with their auto attacks.


- As you can maybe guess the warrior class is based around hard hitting tank guardians. These guys take more damage to bring down and can also put out just as much with a great balance of ability and auto attack damage.
The 3 lane map(s)

The 3 lane map in Guardians of Middle-Earth is very similar to the map in other popular MOBA games. It is broken into a top, middle, and bottom lane with a jungle. In the picture you can see tower placements, shrines, bases, and guardian portraits. The red dots are jungle creeps, and the the very top of the map and bottom are boss monsters (see Boss section below).

Throughout the map you will find bushes, and if you stand in these you will become invisible to the enemy unless they have vision via commands, or various guardian abilities. Health packs will spawn around the map that you can pick up if you are low. The four shrines go top to bottom in the middle of the map that either team can capture at any time.

There are four Shrines located along the central axis in the 3-lane map:

Two Healing Shrines that are located at the top and bottom tips of the map, providing a global 2hp/sec buff to your team for each shrine.

Two Resistance Shrines are located above and below the middle lane and these shrines gives your team a global 4% buff to both ability and basic resistances.

-To capture a Shrine, players must stand within its radius for several seconds until the blue meter completely fills. The more friendly Guardians clustered around the shrine, the faster you capture it.

-Shrines stack, meaning if a team controls all four shrines in a 3-lane map, the entire team will be receiving 4hp/sec and 8% increased Ability and Basic Resistance.

-Enemies can also disrupt shrine capture while within the radius of the shrine and immediately interrupt channeling when entering range. Shrines cannot be captured while within range of an opposing player.

-Shrines also provide vision around them.

- Shrine callouts:
Very top shrine = s1
Above mid lane = s2
Below mid lane = s3
Very bottom shrine = s4
In Guardians of Middle-Earth there is no gold/last hitting or in game shop. What they do have is your Belt. In your belt you place gems and/or relics to help boost your guardian, these can be made to help with: health, Abilities, attacks, cooldowns and more!

In the picture above you can see an example of relics. You purchase relics and drag them into the empty belt. You have a total of 7 slots in your belt you can fill. These relics will active at various levels based on the size of relic you picked. Filling them with gems will also give you an extra boost. After you fill all empty slots with relics you can move onto the gems.

The picture above shows you gems. These are placed the same way (drag and drop) into relics. Adding gems to your relics is key to giving your guardian an even bigger boost!


- Make sure you build the right belt for the right guardian!

- Typically ability power belts will be good on Enchanters for example.

- Cooldown belts can really help some Tacticians.

- You can change your belt at anytime, when you are in the main menu.

- Your belt will depend on the Guardian class you play.

Play around with new belts on guardians.... you may end up finding the meta!

Ok so now you have your belt set up you are ready to fight right?r Right? WRONG!

You also should make sure you have yourself some potions ready to go into battle! Again these potions depend on the tyupe of guardian you are playing, what lane, etc. You can have a max of 4 potions each game, all of them are one time use. Potions are purchased using in-game currency. Players can purchase any number of potions between games

Now for the last part of the loadout.... COMMANDS!

Commands can include small statistical buffs like heals or speed boosts, while other Commands offer larger events such as Lightning strikes or the summoning of an Eagle or Balrog. During a match, only one active Command can be used at any given moment (other commands are locked out until the Command in use refreshes, which takes several minutes). Choose your commands carefully because again, it all depends on your guardian class, or even the lane you will play.

Jungle Monsters and Buffs

In Guardians of Middle-Earth you will find a few different kind of baddies waiting for you in the jungle. These are identified on your mini-map with red dots.

There are four unique creature camps, and they spawn within 30 seconds of the match starting with various respawn timers. Total, there are six unique creatures and 10 camps where they can be found, all of them drop "buffs"


The Wraith is located near the middle lane entrance. They are easy to kill but will silence you so make sure you have auto attack damage. Upon killing a wraith you will receive:

BUFF: 15% Cooldown Reduction
BUFF DURATION: 100 seconds


Stone Giant

Also located near the entrance to middle lane, but opposite the Wraith, the Stone Giant hits a bit harder than the Wraith and his attacks also stun for a short period. Upon killing a stone giant you will receive:

BUFF: 20% Crowd Control Reduction
BUFF DURATION: 100 seconds



Located just below and just above the bottom and top lane towers respectively, the Warg is assisted by a pair of Warg pups. The pups themselves cause very little damage and have very little hp, but the Warg itself can be a tough opponent if attacked early in the game without assistance. Mid game and on you can clear it no problem, depending on your class. Upon kills the Warg you will receive:

BUFF: +100 Max Hitpoints
BUFF DURATION: 120 seconds



The Spiders are located above or below top lane, but on opposite ends or the Wargs. The Spider is accompanied by two Spiderlings that are easy to kill, but the Spider is a dangerous and should only be challenged when you are of a higher level or have a teammate close. Upon killing the Spider you will receive:

BUFF: 3% Movement Speed
BUFF DURATION: 120 seconds

Boss Monsters
In Middle Earth you will find not one but two really powerful monsters that should only be attempted at high levels or with your team. They are both extremely strong and dangerous to fight, the but the reward is worth it!

The Uruk-Hai[/b]

Spawning at the 6 minute mark, the Uruk-Hai is designed to be tackled by several mid-level Guardians and slaying him will grant a powerful team wide buff. His attacks cleave nearby allies, so mobbing him with melee Guardians could be dangerous. Having a solid support with you will help you survive at lower levels. Upon killing the Uruk-Hai your team will receive:

BUFF: +25 Basic and Ability Damage Penetration
BUFF DURATION: 180 seconds


The Troll[/b]

No we are not talking about Bert, we are talking about the mighty and giant Troll. He should not be taken on solo and choosing to attack him will represent a major commitment by your entire team of mid to late-game Guardians most of the time. Although a few warriors can solo him late game. Unlike the Uruk-Haai, the Troll does not spawn until the 8 minute mark. Upon killing the Troll your entire team will receive the following buffs, also it will cause damage to your opponents lead towers.

BUFF: +50 Bonus Structure Damage, 50% of total life in damage to lead enemy towers
BUFF DURATION: 240 seconds

Towers, Barracks and creeps
There are 8 towers and 3 barracks you will have to destroy before taking out the enemy base.


Tower upgrades are available at three different levels: 6, 9 & 12. You have to upgrade each tower individually and you can mix and match tower types as you wish. Once upgraded, towers can always be changed at any time on the fly so don't worry. There are four types of towers:

- Quickfire Tower (Level 6)
The Quickfire towers fires faster which has very obvious benefits. It kills enemy soldiers faster, and deters enemy Guardians even quicker than normal. It is a superior option to the basic tower and should be upgraded as soon as possible.

- Splitshot Tower (Level 9)
The Splitshot tower has a normal rate of fire, but fires two shots instead of one. It is not necessarily superior to the Quickfire tower, but has some notable uses. Specifically, if the tower is firing both shots at the same enemy Guardian, it will end up doing significantly more damage than the Quickshot. The Quickshot is also really good at helping clear waves of Soldiers, as the multiple shots will weaken multiple Soldiers, making them easy pickings for your auto attacks.

-Healing Tower (Level 12)
The Healing tower radiates a healing aura in the vicinity around the tower. This can be very good for turning that zone in a defensive area that makes it very costly to assault you under. Be careful using this tower though, if you leave the tower alone it will go down much faster. It is a good idea to upgrade it back into something more offensive if you leave the area.

-Siegestone Tower (Level 12)
The Siegestone tower also fires out a large area-of-effect attack. The damage on it is considerable, but the rate of fire is very low. This makes it very good at clearly out enemy Soldier waves, who tend to cluster and will not evade the Area of Effect (AOE). It is also an excellent deterrent for enemy Guardians, because of the severity of damage. However, because the rate of fire is fairly low, and that the AOE is telegraphed, it can make it easy for enemy Guardians to evade the attack. This tower is used for clearing creeps fast.

Barracks and Soldier upgrades

The Barracks upgrades are available at levels 6, 9 & 12. You have to upgrade each barracks individually and you can mix and match tower types as you wish. Once upgraded, barracks can always be changed at any time much like towers. There are four different barracks upgrades. In general, each Soldier wave is composed of three melee troops and three ranged archers. Each upgrade will modify one or both of those troop types, or even add an additional Soldier. The Barracks are located back in your base near your base. There is one for each lane, with the top and bottom lane Barracks positions above and below the main base, respectively, and the mid lane Barracks located in-front.

-Elite Soldiers (level 6)
The Elite Soldiers upgrade takes three regular Soldiers and turns them into a powerful pike-wielding troop with increased resistance and damage. This is an obvious upgrade over the basic barracks troops, and should be upgraded as soon as a one of your top or bottoms laners hits 6. Your mid player should not upgrade soldiers (see lane compositions below)

-Mounted Soldiers (level 9)
Mounted Soldiers are a very unique upgrade that turns your three melee troops into cavalry with bonus resistance and damage. Additionally, these mounted troops have a unique charge attack that deals bonus damage and knocks-up enemy Soldiers. However, the charge attack is very easy to dodge. The Mounted Soldiers do a very good job of stacking up enemy Soldier waves, neither pushing or retreating. This can be beneficial for keeping an empty lane neutral

-Siege Soldiers (level 12)
Siege Soldiers are composed of the default barracks troops, and one additional Siege Soldier. This higher hp Troll or Ent has a devastating AOE attack that does a lot damage to enemy Soldiers and Structures. It is easy to dodge as a Guardian, but the area is quite large, and in massive battles it is still very possible to accidentally be struck by the flying rock. This upgrade is great for the final pushes late game.

-Blacksmith Soldiers (level 12)
The Blacksmith upgrade improves both the melee troops and ranged troops into powerful Soldiers with even further increased hitpoints and damage. This means that they will win over any other upgraded troops in a straight fight. When it comes to dealing damage to enemy Soldiers, or enemy Guardians in alane fight, the Blacksmith Soldiers are the best of the best.

General lane compositions
This part of the guide is where you will learn some basic lane compositions and where you should go when playing pubs. Organized teams playing competitive matches may even learn a thing!

Ok, so lets go over the bottom lane and some general thoughts about it. In the bottom lane you will typically see 2 guardians in pubs, you can even run a trilane! If you are running as 2 it is best to have a tank and support (with a stun/slow/heal) in this lane, the reason for that is because the Uruk-Hai spawns at 6 mins and if you are able to win your lane around that time you can take the boss. This is the same reason why you trilane bottom and ONLY bottoms lane.... win the lane = free Uruk-Hai. Make sure you continue to capture both s3 and s4.

Let's head to the top lane now. In the top lane you will see 2 people again like bottom lane or even a solo laner if you are running a trilane bottom. If you run as a solo laner in this lane make sure you play it safe and play as a guardian with good escape, that could be something such as a teleport, invis, etc. Some good solo laners are: Haldir, Legolas, Great Goblin, Elrond and many more! Your job as a solo laner will be to try and stall the lane and get as much levels as you can, calling for a gank as needed. But for the most part in pubs you will see 2 people top. Try and avoid trilanes in the top lane as they are not as good as they would be in bottom. Make sure you continue to capture s1 and s2.

Mid lane. The lane of champions! This lane should be reserved for the ganker of the team. For those who don't know what this means I will explain. In this lane you want a guardian who will be really strong around level 5 (once he/she has their "ult") and with this being a solo lane you will level up much faster. Do not worry about taking down the tower since you are there for levels, play it safe. Typically you will see Enchanters or strikers in mid. NEVER duo lane in mid. As the mid player do not go back and upgrade your rax at level 6, let your bottom lane support do that since you want levels as fast as you can get it (if you die feel free to do it).

** Again these tips are more for competitive play, but if you communicate with your team you can use these tips no problem and will be able to pub stomp. Also these tips will not always work since it really depends on your team composition and what guardians your team picked. Good Luck and Have Fun!
Questions from the community
How do I solo lane top, and who do i play?

Many players do not understand how to play the top solo lane role effectively. To do this you must have the right hero, and again only really works if your bottom is running a trilane. There is a big difference between solo mid and solo top. In the solo mid position you want a hero who can destroy all at level 5 (strikers, enchanters and even a few tacticians). But in the solo top role you want a guardian who can do a few things:

1. SURVIVE! You are not there to win or even push your lane, just farm up and make sure to call for ganks. Typically you want a guardian with survivability.

2. Range is better than melee in most cases.

3. Do a good amount of damage and wants a quick level 5.

List of good Solo Top laners
Great Goblin

** There are other guardians of course, but if you are just starting off make sure you give those a try.


Who are good carries to use in a trilane?

There are many guardians you can use. In a trilane though you want a hero that will play amazing late game. Now the one problem with trilane is you will level up slower, this is why one of your "supports" should be able to jungle OR be the one capturing shrines. This will allow you and one other supporting guardian to be in the lane getting fast exp. But going back to the carry, you want one that can hit hard with either auto attacks or abilities.... or both! Also make sure only 1 carry is in the trilane.

Here is an example of good carries in a trilane:

Just a reminder though, this depends if you are running a trilane which is not really used in pub matches. It is more for a competitive match. That being said, it still runs fine in pubs.


Who is best in the solo mid role?

In the solo mid role you typically want to have a guardian who can start killing at level 5 (a ganker). Or someone who can win a 1v1 lane with ease, again at level 5. You will often see strikers or enchanters in the solo mid, but a few tacticians can also work.

Here are some guardians who work well in midlane:
Barrow-White Lord
Mouth of Sauron

Remember though, there are many more guardians who can work well and many who can't. These are just a few who play really well.
Words of Advice
1. ALWAYS call missing. The pc version has both voice chat (v) and text chat., it can be done by just pressing enter and typing "missing (lane)" or something simple as "ss (lane)". Calling out really helps your team. Be a team player!

2. Supports should use the awareness command and place it in the jungle either aggressive or defensive. More vision = more ganks.

3. Be sure you keep taking shrines, they will help boost your team.

4. When the game get to late game, make sure you are killing jungle creeps and the bosses. This will give both you and your team a buff that could, again win team fights.

5. If you are playing support, you should be the one who upgrades the rax. Let the "carry" level up solo a bit.

6. Before the match starts (in pubs) if you see the game is not full with real people yet avoid picking your guardian till the end of the counter to let others join. Playing with real peple is more fun and will help improve your skill level!

7. Watch streams, or YouTube videos, you will learn new tips and tricks.

8. Try new belts! Most people stick with the same old loadouts all the time. It is never too late to try a new belt, you may find the new meta.

9. Play all the guardians a few times before you pick your "main" role.

10. KILL THE BOSS MONSTERS. Those buffs can win you the game! Not many people go for them in pubs and it is a big mistake.

11. Competitive GoME is a thing. When you are ready try and find some other people looking for a team and play other organized teams. That being said, nothing is wrong with playing pubs.

12. Never trilane top. I have seen teams try it and it is far better in the bottom lane because of the Uruk-Hai. Solo lane is best top, and of course mid lane is mid lane. (This is more for competitive teams)

13. If you have any questions feel free to add me and ask! Your question may be featured in the community questions.

14. GLHF!

22 megjegyzés
JCorpus 2020. aug. 16., 3:23 
Keebo 2018. febr. 10., 9:37 
Hi. How i can fix the mouse bug? My mouse cursor is suspended (frozed) in the corner of the screen and I cant use it to change my camera view.
Sabban Indastrial 2017. márc. 20., 1:02 
The most important thing that you should know about this game, that this is a trash. Thank you very much. Rate my guide at 5 stars pls.
B***H You MISSED! 2016. aug. 2., 15:00 
This garbage should not be allowed to be sold.. Steam should pull it! Even if it had people playing it (it doesnt) the game was abandoned, and was poorly created to begin with..
Chapolin 2014. jún. 21., 11:23 
#(SAXN)#|=[KDE]= InstantlyFire 2014. márc. 1., 9:22 
Paparhga A. 2014. febr. 14., 21:47 
Neeed help with that
Paparhga A. 2014. febr. 14., 21:47 
this game's matchamking is so slow....
edandjudas 2014. jan. 3., 18:22 
BUENO...... lol.......jajajaja
SSJPanda 2013. nov. 27., 6:43 
To bad the game is so bad and clunky that I try to auto attack as legolas and it just puts me at like meelee range. Coming from someone who plays ranked on LoL, Dawngate, and plays Dota2 this games controls are the most garbage I have ever seen