Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

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Introduction To Mods All Module Mods
An easy way to download all module mods for LeGeND's "Introduction to Mods Mission Pack". I think. Let me know if I missed any.

Also, you may still need some "essential" mods. Look here:
Items (43)
Adjacent Letters
Created by Timwi
UP, down, left, right, UP, down, left, right...! Module created by lumbud84, implemented by Timwi. Russian version created by DVD. Manuals English: PDF | HTML Manuals Russian: PDF | HTML...
Adventure Game
Created by Spare Wizard
This appears to be a strange interface for an old text adventure game. All of the inventory management puzzles you have come to know and love, but none of the story. About You are fighting an enemy, and must determine which inventory items will help in the...
Created by Timwi
Press four lettered keys in the correct order. Module created by mitterdoo. Manual HTML Manual PDF...
Created by Mock Army
These letters are confusing. I think they're in the wrong order. Randomly punching in the letters will eventually give me a word. One of the arrangements must work, right? Link to manual...
Created by Spare Wizard
Sometimes, the stars have it out for you. Is this bomb a good or a poor omen? About Look up relations between astrological symbols on a table to determine how beneficial or how ominous of an omen is represented. Manual A PDF of the manual is included in th...
Blind Alley
Created by Timwi
Where is it? WHAT is it? Module created by Timwi. Manual PDF Manual HTML...
The Bulb
Created by Timwi
How many bomb defusal experts does it take to screw in a light bulb? Module created by Timwi. Sounds by LeGeND. Manual PDF Manual HTML...
Crossover Modules
Created by Timwi
This is a re-upload with additions and fixes. Please unsubscribe from the old version. Combining multiple modules is so fun! Modules: • Complicated Buttons — HTML, PDF • Symbolic Password — HTML, PDF • Button Sequence — HTML, PDF Designed and implemented b...
Caesar Cipher
Created by Timwi
Communication was dangerous back in the days. Can you figure out what the original message was? Decipher the characters on the display with the help of Caesar's tactics. The offset is decided by multiple variables. Count the batteries, read the serial and ...
Created by Flamanis
Chess, a wonderful pastime for many of us. Someone however decided to add it to a bomb... Find the one space no piece can touch, only then shall this module be disarmed. There is a pdf included in the mod for auto generation, however if you're one of the p...
Color Flash Module
Created by Bashly
Colored Squares and its brethren
Created by Timwi
There is order in chaos. A pattern in the colors. Find it, and all will become clear. Colored Squares • PDF • HTML • (the original) created by TheAuthorOfOZ, implemented by Timwi. Decolored Squares • PDF • HTML • created by Timwi. Discolored Squares • PDF ...
Combination Lock
Created by Mock Army
This looks like a combination lock. I thought I was disarming this bomb, not unlocking it....
Connection Check Module
Created by clutterArranger
Connection Check Module Main mechanic of the module is checking the existance of line connections from a chart and using that data to disarm the module. But you'll have to check the bombs serial number before that. You should read the manual to understand ...
Created by El profesor
The cake is a lie... Ideas by: James. Created and impelemented by: Marksam32 Twitch plays is supported. Manual: PDF: HTML: Module id: cooking Github:
Crazy Talk
Created by Perky
Just simple communication. Manual: Module ID: CrazyTalk...
Digital Root
Created by red031000
Okay, root of 64? - 8. No, the other kind of root. 4 then! NO, THE OTHER KIND! Recreation of an old and lost module from before the steam workshop. This module was only ever redistributed on the subreddit Original module and Idea by CyanLights Recreation a...
Double Color
Created by PlatonicTurtle
Easy Module, Double the fun. Design mechanics & Unity & Manual: Brandon Coding, Manual Editor, TwitchPlayCommands, & Colorblind mode: AAces...
Extended Password
Created by taggedjc
On the Subject of Extended Passwords idea by TWGaming via /r/KTANE Discord Manual page: (PDF) (HTML) forthcoming Mod ID: ExtendedPassword...
Hexi's Advanced Base Modules
Created by Hex
Advanced versions of most vanilla modules. Regular modules: - Round Keypad - Forget Me Not - Morsematics - Plumbing - Safety Safe - Simon States - Square Button Needy modules: - Needy Quiz - Needy Rotary Phone Also includes some missions to get you acquain...
The Gamepad
Created by samfundev
About A retro module about some "prime" math. Just input the correct sequence based on the display readout. Manual PDF HTML Credits samfun123 - Programming theFIZZYnator - Original Mod Idea Flamanis - Controller Support Module ID TheGamepad...
Ice Cream
Created by Timwi
This is a re-upload with additions and fixes. Please unsubscribe from the old version. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Just make sure you aren't allergic... Designed by SKiPP and LeGeND. Implemented by SKiPP and ZekNikZ. Ice-cream cone b...
Lettered Keys
Created by bdkuhman
A simple module that, depending on the number at the top, requires you to press a certain button. Manual here: ModID: "LetterKeys"...
Created by Perky
Listen to the sound and enter the right code. Best played with headphones so the experts can't hear. Manual: Module ID: Listening...
Mortal Kombat
Created by Royal_Flu$h
Mortal Kombat 1.12 Test your might! Module ID: mortalKombat Created by: Royal_Flu$h TwitchPlays implemented by: Timwi Manual available here:
Created by Asimir
There's been a murder! About This module is powered by the restless soul of a murder victim. The only way to disarm it is to solve the case so the victim can pass peacefully to the afterlife. Now working on Mac, thanks to Flamanis! Manual The manual is ava...
Number Pad
Created by Timwi
Try putting in 0000. No? Try 0001. Still not working? We might be here for a while... Number Pad module, developed by mitterdoo. It’s just a number pad, how hard could it be? Pretty hard, actually. The process of cracking the code behind this seemingly har...
Piano Keys Module
Created by Bashly
Press X
Created by TGCJules
Press X. Simple. Or is it? moduleID: PressX...
Created by Timwi
Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock vaporizes rock. And, as it always has, rock crushes scissors. Module cre...
Marked Incompatible ]  Sea Shells
Created by Asimir
About Clear communication is crucial when defusing bombs. One can only assume that this module doesn't want to be defused. Now working on Mac, thanks to Flamanis! Manual The manual is available here: HTML PDF Modding info The module ID (for mission packs) ...
Created by Bashly
Shape Shift
Created by Asimir
About The concept is simple: change a shape into another shape according to certain rules. The rules, however, are not so simple. Mac compatibility thanks to Flamanis. Modkit updates and Multiple Widgets compatibility thanks to PeterRed4091. Manual The man...
Created by Timwi
This module asks you questions about some of the other modules on your bomb after you’ve solved them. It requires you to remember or write down things that you used to solve those other modules. Manual PDF Manual HTML Some of the things this module might a...
Switches Module
Created by Brian Fetter
A module where you need to toggle the switches into the right positions while avoiding bad combinations set out in the manual. ...
Text Field
Created by SL7205
Tons of rules to check, but should be trivial if your eyes and communications are good. Thanks to Timwi for helping me with this mod. Module ID: TextField Manual HTML: Manual PDF:
Two Bits Module
Created by kaneb
About This poorly programmed lookup device is as maddening with its slow responses as it is unforgiving with ill-timed inputs. Patience required. Manual Notes This module has a lot of information hidden be...
Two Factor
Created by Mock Army
Adds a widget for bombs. It displays a number that rotates every 60 seconds with an audible tone....
Word Search
Created by Timwi
It just takes one word. Can you find it? Module created by TheAuthorOfOZ, implemented by Timwi. Manual PDF (English) Manual HTML (English) Manual PDF (polski) Manual HTML (polski)...
Needy Button Masher
Created by McDude73
Just don't break the button, speed runners should know how it feels. Well throw me out of the window for making my first ever (needy) module! I didn't think I would be able to do it until I was able to practice using tutorials that I could understand prett...
Hex To Decimal
Created by EternityShack
"At least you weren't Nintendo in the 1980's figuring out how to program the NES with 0's and 1's." Manual: The manual can be found at: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\LocalLow\Steel Crate Games\Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes\Manual...
Math Is Hard
Created by Mock Army
Are you smarter than a bomb? Answer these simple mathematical questions and defuse the bomb! Link to manual...
Wire Placement
Created by Timwi
Snip snip. Module created by lumbud84, implemented by Timwi. Manual PDF Manual HTML...