43 ratings
Fix For Crash During Checking DLC Or Black Screen
By ThisIsThaEnd
First go the folder containing the game, mine is installed in external hard drive so it shows as drive E: but if you choose the default save location it will come up in the C: drive. The steam folder will be in the "Program Files (x86)" folder.
So go into the "Steam" folder then
"steamapps" then
"common" then
"Valkyrie Drive" then
"DeploymentRoot" then
you will see a "MeigeAppWin" CFG file.

Go ahead and open it, if it ask to choose a program to open with just choose the notepad.
From here we will change the first 3 lines, basically from what I could tell the file doesnt update or changes from the original settings you choose in the game. If you turn on the fullscreen and/or go above the 1600 display size it doesnt change on the file. So update it to the settings you choose in game. I choose to use fullscreen and 1920x1080 display size so you will update the first 3 lines to say the following.


From there exit and save and open the game. It should work from there.

Hope this helps anyone stuck on this as it took me like 2 hours to figure this out.
Basic Guide
No need for this but i have to add this >.>
桜花初雪 Dec 13, 2023 @ 9:53am 
Dalantia Aug 15, 2023 @ 7:16am 
What worked for me, when I was still getting it after doing this, was pushing it in and out of fullscreen until it actually showed up.
vergason Dec 28, 2022 @ 7:36pm 
It didn't work. I was quite hopeful too. I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling the game. It crashes at the same place; mission 1 part c.
Mazhel: God of poverty Jul 6, 2022 @ 7:15pm 
You are awesome. Thx
Gilgamesh-sama Aug 23, 2021 @ 11:54am 
Thank you very much!
圣堂院 华月 Jun 27, 2021 @ 9:49am 
thank you very much:steamthumbsup:
karasmorrigu May 22, 2021 @ 12:48pm 
Thank you very much, seems to have done the trick.
Mcquenze Mar 14, 2021 @ 8:37pm 
Thank you
jetssimeone4086 Feb 21, 2021 @ 12:29am 
i uninstalled and reinstalling it will let me play one mission. then i get this visual c++ runtime library runtime error i tried reparing the c++ in control panel tried booting up the game and when it went to load the mission it froze and went white on screen so hopefully reinstall will help. if anyone else has any info would appreciate it
Petri Jul 3, 2020 @ 8:15pm 