The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

4,939 ratings
Quest: Sea Of Ghosts
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44.405 MB
Apr 21, 2012 @ 10:48am
Mar 30, 2013 @ 1:35pm
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Quest: Sea Of Ghosts

In 2 collections by ThirteenOranges
The Elder Scrolls Quests Series
5 items
An Elder Scrolls Collection
11 items
The Sea Of Ghosts are the cold and dangerous waters on the northern coasts of Tamriel. Among the mists and fog lie many secrets, treasures and stories long since forgotten. Travel these dangerous waters with the crew of The Winter's Warmth, exploring many new locations throughout the Sea of Ghosts.

As featured in PC Gamer magazine, Gamespot's Top 5 Mods of the Week and MachinimaRealm


- THE ROOTS OF THE HOUSE: Two new world spaces and a lenghty original dungeon and a brand new quest along with a much requested Cabin on board the Winter's Warmth.

- SEASTONE EXPANSION: A new area with a house for purchase, a dock, and many secrets to uncover.

- A number of new quests, varying in length and type across varied new locations.

- Hire a ship to travel to many all new locations throughout The Sea Of Ghosts.

- Lore friendly and consistent with the style and themes of the rest of the game.

- Fully voice acted dialogue, featuring professional voice actors.

- Additional stories and peripheral events.

- Compatible with all Bethesda DLC. No Prerequisites.

***Please read the notes and troubleshooting guide below before posting comments***


- The Winter's Warmth is available for hire at the Solitude Docks. Just talk to Roggnar (see Screenshots).

- SEASTONE EXPANSION: Seastone Manor can be purchased from the For Sale sign at The East Empire Company Warehouse (see Screenshots) for 15000 septims.

- You can travel between locations using the map on the ship. Read the Crew Handbook for more information on how the mod works.

- Exploration is key. A number of quests in this mod require the player to search for the objectives, rather than blindly following compass markers.

- Go Solo. Taking followers in this mod is not advised, as there are many locations that require jumping or activators to move around.

- Current "Quest" Content include:
+ Sea Of Ghosts (Side)
+ The Ajald Mystery (Side)
+ The Roots of the House (Side)*
+ Roggnar's Hierloom (Misc)
+ Lost Sujamma (Misc)
+ Boots (Misc)
+ To Kill A Corsair (Misc)
+The Standing Stones (hidden)
+Seastone Manor (hidden)*
+The Padomaic Flower (hidden)*


- Story Manager setup for misc Quests (to fix Skyrim 1.7 dialogue issue)

- Fixed map texture in .bsa

- Updated lore to fit with Dragonborn lore updates (regarding House Telvanni)


- Added a new unique model for the Seafarer's Blade. The model is from the original Weapons of the Third Era pack.

- Replaces all of Endryn's dialogue. Now sounds much better...hopefully.

- Fixed another facegen issue. Characters faces should now appear properly (please let me know if they dont)

- New title image that better represents the theme of the overall mod.

V1.3 The Roots of the House Expansion

- Adds two new world spaces, a new dungeon, a new quest centering around the remnants of The Great House Telvanni, and a new hidden quest.

- Adds a cabin below decks on The Winter's Warmth for the player to rest and store items.

V1.2 Seastone Expansion

- Adds a new player location, player house and hidden secrets.

V1.1 Patch

- Attempted fix for the Ancient Ritual affecting future casting visual effects (feedback on this issue happening in future would be helpful. The fix will not affect any save where this bug already manifested.

- Some groundwork for the first expansion.

- Optimization of scripts in archive.

Voice Over Credits

-Brittany Morgan Williams-
Characters: Rithleen
Contact for Voice Over Work at

Characters: Roggnar, Basks-In-Shade

Characters: Endryn
(Also assisted with some technical advice and problem solving)

If you enjoy this quest, please rate and try out my other Quest mods

- Quest: Sorcery

- Quest: And the Realms of Daedra

- Quest: No Mercy

- Quest: The Bigger They Are

Follow Quests I'm currently working on via Twitter

If you have the time, please answer this quick survey[] to help with my future projects.

Please rate The Elder Scrolls Quests Collection if you like all of these mods.

If you enjoy these Quests, you may also enjoy The Elder Scrolls Places Series.

I can only continue to make mods with the generosity of the people who use them. If you enjoy my mods, please make a small donation via PayPal[] to
Any contribution of any size is welcome. Thankyou.
Popular Discussions View All (18)
Aug 18, 2020 @ 3:35pm
How to start?
Saggy Potato Bags
Sep 12, 2019 @ 9:04am
Nov 13, 2021 @ 1:20pm
The Etched Amulet
Wizard of Woe
jbk1000009 Nov 23, 2022 @ 1:04pm 
For anyone playing this mod, here is a guide along with some additions by myself, hope it is helpful :)
Shvedskiy Apr 15, 2022 @ 3:50pm 
also the loot was very underwelming
Shvedskiy Apr 15, 2022 @ 3:49pm 
what are the smugglers supposed to be smuggeling? apples? also i personaly didnt like the mod since the music didnt work and all the books were 6 pages long and im next to illiterate and dyslexic
xXTurdGobblerXx Dec 13, 2021 @ 9:53am 
Just replayed this mod, I forgot how good it was. Wish it was ported to SSE, oh well. Loved Tel Branis and Ajald.
denstat Dec 7, 2021 @ 11:10pm 
Awesome. Upvoted.
Common Slime Sep 8, 2021 @ 7:30pm 
where is Deras?
Alaril Jul 26, 2021 @ 6:23am 
Heirloom of Roggnar is at uphill, left side of the orange tent, on the fireplace :vaultkey:
King of Amazons Jul 25, 2021 @ 4:14pm 
Hey, I've been searching very hard for an heirloom for Roggnar in Ajald Village, yet I haven't had any damn luck; any help?
Tmccanna Jun 23, 2021 @ 5:43pm 
c of goats
tramper Apr 27, 2021 @ 2:29am 
@ Mr Monday, i haven't really seen any of them at Nexus Special Edition mods, far as i can see there is only the link i put up just below yours.
It would be great but no-one seems to really have had a go at it and it looks like Thirteen has no interest in porting it over, but then that's his prerogative.