812 ratings
Custom Item Stacks v2.4 (Discontinued)
Content Types: Mod, Rebalancing
File Size
123.893 KB
Jan 19, 2019 @ 1:59pm
Nov 25, 2021 @ 10:00am
27 Change Notes ( view )

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Custom Item Stacks v2.4 (Discontinued)

Important notice: 2023-03-18
@everyone using this mod, i'm discontinuing the backend services, since i cannot afford to pay about 90$/month for the server infrastructure while getting an overal sum of donations of about 0.40$/month over the last 4 years. This is not a begging for any further donations or so, just an observation and decision of mine on the basis of past data. This includes the API and website.

What is this mod?
It is not yet another ordinary Stacking Mod that utilizes child classes of base game items, but instead uses the actual vanilla classes and modifies them during game runtime. It won\'t break ingame functionalities like Gold Coins no longer being recognized by NPCs, like it is the case when a mod does create a derivative of said Gold Coin class. This also means, that you can simply continue to gather your normal ATLAS resources and stuff and even if you remove this mod, it won\'t delete everything! Note that you will, of course, lose the exceeding stack amount, once the mod is removed again... you could secure resources in ShipResourceBoxes and ammo in the AmmoBox, but not on your ship, since it might sink then, due to overweight...

You can modify everything to your needs with custom stack sizes, weight and spoil timers for particular items. Simply visit the CustomItemStacks website[] and use the provided settings page. Changes in that list will be hot loaded on your grid servers and will be in effect in about 10 minutes after you changed them on the website, without the need to reboot your cluster. This gives you a powerful tool to even add other mod items and customize their stuff!

Installation instructions
  • subscribe to the mod
  • open your ServerGridEditor or similar tool and add the ModID, clicking Project -> Edit -> and there edit the Mod Ids input field
  • when you have no account on the website, the mod will simply use default settings, see feature list
  • visit the CustomItemStacks[] website and create an account
  • as soon as you did create an account, you will be redirected to your dashboard. On the dashboard click on create cluster and it will open a prompt with your API Key
  • either manually copy this API Key block with the tag [CustomItemStacks], or use the clipboard icon to put it into your PCs clipboard automatically
  • now go into each created subfolder of your grids, inside the Saved main folder of your server, and navigate to each config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini file and paste your copied API Key at the bottom of those files. It is important that you add the API Key to all of your grids GameUserSettings.ini config files. (this only needs to be done once and from there on you can manage the mod entirely from the website - without needing to reboot your cluster)
  • final step is to simply start your ATLAS cluster, and it will start to communicate with the web api and you\'ll be able to change your clusters settings there in realtime (will be updated ingame within 10 minutes when changed)

ModID: 1629667379

Features of this mod

Server Discount
You want your own game server? Use the link (with referal code ?ref=Impulse) below to save 5% of the original price!

You can show your appreciation for this mod with

If you like my work and want to support further development or just to spend me a coffee please

Other mods

This mod/code/work is protected by the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Creative Commons License.[]
Popular Discussions View All (34)
Jan 24, 2021 @ 1:05pm
PINNED: Servers Using This Mod
Aug 24, 2019 @ 4:38am
Blackwood not working with mod on Linux
Nov 22, 2020 @ 6:42am
mod disengages
🌼 𝓐mbrosi𝓐 🌹
Crazzyt9 Jan 11 @ 1:37pm 
@Impulse Probably a long shot at this point, but if you still have all the source code's for this I'd be interested in getting this mod going again.
Dragens.Euci X Dec 18, 2023 @ 11:27am 
is this mod still working with default settings or is it totally useless without the backend?
`Yet 。 Apr 6, 2023 @ 2:23pm 
Have you considered using native INI support as with LEGACY 2019?
EL_MUCHO Mar 18, 2023 @ 11:37am 
thank you
Impulse  [author] Mar 18, 2023 @ 10:48am 
i'll prepare the stack and contact you via dm.
EL_MUCHO Mar 18, 2023 @ 9:42am 
is possible for you to share the source to see if i can adjust for personnal server
Impulse  [author] Mar 18, 2023 @ 9:39am 
i'm planning on shutting it down in about a month
EL_MUCHO Mar 18, 2023 @ 9:37am 
Hello do you have any date the api will stop working please (give us time to find another solution) thank you
Impulse  [author] Mar 18, 2023 @ 9:29am 
@everyone using this mod, i'm discontinuing the backend services, since i cannot afford to pay about 90$/month for the server infrastructure while getting an overal sum of donations of about 0.40$/month over the last 4 years. This is not a begging for any further donations or so, just an observation and decision of mine on the basis of past data. This includes the API and website.
EL_MUCHO Mar 15, 2023 @ 2:39pm 
the stack mod is broken after the atlas new update everything goes to 500