213 ratings
Enhanced Survival Challenged 2.61 (increased difficulty)
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Jan 9, 2019 @ 6:49am
Mar 25, 2024 @ 4:58pm
92 Change Notes ( view )

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Enhanced Survival Challenged 2.61 (increased difficulty)

This mod aims to remove the cheese wealth mechanics that make Kenshi too easy, and make your struggling, suffering and overall challenge in Kenshi greater. If you like it leave a thumbs up.

Best played with Jaeger's Realistic Thieving, Shidan's Longer Merc Contracts , and Shidan's Reactive World. For mod load order to work correctly do: Realistic Thieving->longer contracts->ESC->Reactive World.

Economy and Base Changes:
Easy cash cheese mechanics nerfed hardcore. Shops are much more discerning now and won’t pay top dollar for used and tainted gear that was obviously trashed and just looted from a corpse. Sold looted gear sells for a fraction of the price and you will risk starving for a good portion of the game and will cherish hard earned cash much more. Trade good prices nerfed, drug prices nerfed, everything with basing is harder and longer. Bounties remain the same to reward exploration and risk. Click here to see a detailed list of changes.

Combat and Creatures:
Vanilla was too easy with an army of chars, you now need to make the best of a much smaller team and have many of them multitask. Faction limit capped at 12 characters, attack slots increased to 2x, meat and leather drops reduced, maces buffed and various other balance changes. Click here to see a detailed list of changes.

Water is life now:
Water should be one of the most scarce and valuable resources in Kenshi, I've tried some changes to reflect that. Water is reduced in almost all biomes significantly, wells are more labor intensive (even electric ones), and you cannot find water for purchase at any vendors. Click here to see a detailed list of changes.

Differing resources per sector:
Biome resources now scale with difficulty. Easier biomes to live in have reduces resources while harder or specialized ones have more. See Click here to see a detailed list of changes.

Ruins Progression for Base Building
Some key base buildings and research are now locked behind needing ruins gear in order to build them to encourage ruins exploration and make end-game bases more progression based. Highly suggest NOT to set up a base right away as you will be missing key ingredients for many items until you find them in ruins. Click here to see a detailed list of changes.

Personal Statement:
I made this mod mainly for myself. I love survival games that make you struggle, suffer and feel like you just "never have enough". I find it fun being forced to make hard trade offs and tough decisions. This mod isn't for everyone but if you enjoy it, have suggestions, or find errors in it please let me know.

3-25-24 minor update

Balanced out hashish illegal prices. See page on econ changes.

3-20-24 bug fixes/tweaks

-Water now completely removed from vendors like it was originally intended.
-Basic wells put back to vanilla in terms of counting as a town.
-Beak things egg price fix. They were intended to be reduced to 1/8 but were accidentally set to 1/64 price. This is now fixed back to 1/8.
-Fixed chainmail blunt bonus across all chainmail like it was supposed to be. Basically all chainmail now has a small 10% bonus on its base blunt protection. So if it was 20% before it’s 22% now etc.
-Continue to refine blunt and maces to make them more practical. All maces except jittes now have an additional +20% robot damage in addition to the faster swing speed and +30% additional armor piercing which was incorporated before.
-Reverted Bulls and Garrus to vanilla stats. They were way too powerful when leveled up with the buffs I gave them. Have kept a slight strength and combat staff buff on bonedogs and goats though to make them more useful in a small squad. Note this means wild ones are also more buff.
-Wooden sandals way too buff. Nerfed to give a flat 5% speed buff and no combat speed buff.
-Put some hashish and bloodrum prices back to vanilla to try and balance them more.

Popular Discussions View All (9)
Jun 3, 2024 @ 11:48pm
Where are the Grind Machine pieces?
Dr Fumi
Mar 25, 2024 @ 5:05pm
Ruins Progression for Base Building Changes
Mar 25, 2024 @ 5:05pm
Water is Life Changes
eel pulp Feb 8 @ 1:12pm 
i remember now how i first saw the price at which the slavers would buy people, literally less than a loaf of bread. and with this mod it's an actually viable business strategy. absolute cinema :holyflame:
DreadLordNaf  [author] Feb 3 @ 10:38am 
No I did not touch anything like that, only touched econ numbers and some item drops. I doubt it is this mod doing that.
Dispenser Feb 2 @ 11:01pm 
Having some bug with weird respawns, even unique npc that are imprisoned appearing again. Can this mod affect that?
nah, posta que buen mod hermano

nah, what a good mod bro
DreadLordNaf  [author] Jan 5 @ 4:29am 
Fixed, thanks.
jeremy Jan 3 @ 8:39pm 
2nd paragraph of description has spelling error shiden should be shidan
AztekwarR Dec 8, 2024 @ 8:41am 
no se que rompio el juego, Enhanced Survival o Reactive World...
las ciudades son campos de batalla sin fin y se bugean mucho los npc :VGRUMPY:
DreadLordNaf  [author] Oct 28, 2024 @ 5:35am 
@Sxern - I am not sure. I didnt change any specific with prices for rarities, in fact I'm not even sure if you can. So whatever differential they had before, in terms of percentage, they likely still have that, just modified by the global econ modifiers I did.
Sxern Oct 25, 2024 @ 7:38pm 
Decided to not use kaizo cause using it alongside reactive world and other mods need patches that don’t exist. I have another question. Are legendary weapons like edge walkers and meitou the same sale price?
DreadLordNaf  [author] Oct 21, 2024 @ 6:11pm 
@Sxern - I am not active right now but I can tell you that most of the economic modifiers here are done through the global settings and from what I know, most mods dont touch those. So in theory if whatever mod Kaizo is, does things with items or events, but doesnt touch the global econ settings, then it *should* work with this one. I'm just not sure on load order, depends on what other stuff Kaizo is doing. But you could try both and see.