Witch It

Witch It

138 ratings
All Witch It Secret Props (Version 1.0.1)
By Marauder586 and 1 collaborators
Shows the locations of all the secret props in Witch It according to the prop collection.
List of Secret Props
This image shows the secret props as seen in the prop collection. They are numbered according to the Guide Index. This guide was made possible by all the other online guides, so thanks to all of those who have helped us through their guides and comments!
1. Barrel
Found on Shipwreck Hallow, this larger size barrel can be easily overlooked. It sits on a platform above the orange ship. It is said that this prop is also on Fiskersted; however, due to the Holiday event, I believe it has been temporarily removed.
2. House
Litterally just a house, this prop is found on Morgenstund. It lies outside the map border left of the hunter's area when exiting. (Tip: Stand on the tree the way I am in the picture.)
3. Snow-covered House
Located on Fiskersted and Snowbreeze, this prop sits outside the maps on certain varations. The picture is of Fiskersted where the house is in the background. Snowbreeze is currently moddified for the Holiday event.
4. Drunkard's Barrel
These spirits can be found on Grunewald Library, Morgenstund, and Snowbreeze. On Grunewald Library, it is inside the left small dome on the roof.
5. Big Cheese
This item is found on Chummy Potato. It sits in the corner directly right of the hunters' area when exiting on some variations.
6. Big Shell
This can be found on Loakiki Paradise, Port Plunder, and Fiskersted. On Loakiki Paradise you can see it in the ground on one side of the island. On Port Plunder it is inside a rock, port (left) side of the ship. On Fiskersted it is inside the walls of one of the underground tunnels.

7. Boje's moving Tower
This guy really gets around! He is present on three maps: Morgenstund, Port Plunder, and Twin Mask Theater. The easiest one is Morgenstund. He is over a gate outside the map directly left exiting the hunters' area. If you pass under the two towers, you went too far.
8. Perry Propper
Found on Twin Mask Theater and Snowbreeze, this prop looks like an occult book. On Twin Mask Theater it sits in the basement between two outhouses. On Snowbreeze it is in the upper room on the roof sitting on a shelf. Both depend on the variation.
9. The Attributes of Pawn
Found on Twin Mask Theater, this prop looks like a blue book. It rests on the top ledge of the main theater on some variations.
10. The Big Blue Book
Found on Snowbreeze, it hides inside the wall next to the hunter's area on some variations. Look into the "crack" in the wall. (Note: The hunter's area has two doors. Make sure you have the correct side!)
11. Bread Pit
This can be found on Loakiki Paradise. It rests on a rock near the back left side of the hunter's area.
12. Exenoxx's Birthday Cake
Located on Snowbreeze, this prop looks just like the regular cake prop. It sits in the room ontop of the roof on some variations.
13. ShyNieke's Birthday Cake
In Morgenstund on some variations, there is a statue outside the border near the round house. Behind it you can turn into a cake with this cute, little topper. Originally, this prop was called Svennieke's Birthday Cake and was not considered a secret prop, but it now has a proper place in the list.

14. Mini Cannon
This is only located on Snowbreeze to my knowledge. It is inside a wall on all variations. (It is the same cannon in all the pictures.)

15. Golden Cutlass
This prop is found on Port Plunder. It sticks out of a pile of gold on the dock.
16. German Computer Games Award
This prop is found on three maps: Grunewald Library, Morgenstund, and Chummy Potato. The easiest one is on Grunewald Library. Check the small dome on the roof right of the witches spawn.

17. Is this an outhouse for ants?
This prop is found on three maps: Chummy Potato, Snowbreeze, and Fiskersted. Refer to the pictures. I didn't include Fiskersted because it is currently the Holiday event.
This is literally found everywhere! The pictures I have are of Port Plunder and Grunewald Library, but this doesn't include all of them by a long shot! The tower in the second is in the back of the maze.
19. Green Tooth
Like the Upvote, this is on almost every map! In the pictures I have Sleeping Rose Cemetery, Chummy Potato, Loakiki Paradise, and Twin Mask Theater.
20. Bud Delmore's favorite Hairbrush
This is found on Twin Mask Theater. There are two crossed behind the poster in the picture.
21. Big Hammer
Found on Morgenstund and Twin Mask Theater, this hammer is inside a wall on both.
22. Tiny House
This prop is located on Chummy Potato. It is inside a corner house. (Both picture are of the same prop.)
23. Jack O'Green
This prop can be found on Chummy Potato. It is inside a roof left of exiting the hunter's area. It is only there on certain variations.
24. Jack O'Undead
Often mistaken for a Jack O'Green, this prop is located on Sleeping Rose Cemetery. It rests ontop of a stone bridge/overhang.
25. Mini Bed
This prop is inside a stone pillar on Loakiki Paradise.
26. lost #1 cap
This item is on a skull in a coffin burried under the #1 headstone on Sleeping Rose Cemetery. This is only for the variation with a mug next to the #1 headstone.

27. Marshall's "Gang"
This picture is across some hedges outside the map on some variations of Grunewald Library. It is immediately left to the witches' spawn.
28. MEGA Pear
This MEGA awesome prop is located on Chummy Potato. It sits on a house in the far left corner when you exit the hunters' area. Present on all variations.
29. Bottleship
Located on Port Plunder. It is inside the roof the the house connected to the farthest overpass from the witches' spawn.
30. Huge Pizza
Under the ground in the far right corner when you exit the hunters' area, this prop is present on Chummy Potato. This is not on all variations.
31. Big Bandbox
This prop is located on Snowbreeze. It is only present (no pun intended) on the varation with the wooden ramp. Look inside the tower right of the ramp.
32. Summer Sledge
Located on Loakiki Paradise in the stone bridge. It is present on all variations.
33. Huge Snowman
This prop is outside the border on Snowbreeze. Walking up the hill, it is in the top left next to the witches' spawn. It is only there on some variations.
34. Silly Starfish
Patty is found on Loakiki Paradise. He rests on a rock outside the border near the stone bridge.
35. German Developer Award 2017
You will not see an outline for this one! On Morgenstund you need to look through a window above where the occult books, purple candles, and the caged luaqs sometimes spawn. This is near the Big Hammer. I don't know if it is on all variations. Refer to the pictures.
36. Twitch Trophy
This is located in a chimney on Port Plunder. Below it is the broken ship full of gold.
37. Cursed Voodoo Doll
Found on Twisted House, this prop sits in a magical stump. If standing in front of the house, the stump is to the right, past the cauldron.
38. Cursed Voodoo Dude
Found on the Morgaryll Forest map, this prop is in a pillar immediately to the right when exiting the hunter's area (shown in the first image, it is the one with a witch standing on it). Jump to the bottom of the pit and look into the base of the pillar.
39. WinterCracker
It is on the top balcony right of the witches' spawn in Twin Mask Theater. I believe it is only present on some variations.
40. Witch It Sign
This prop is found on Chummy Potato. It is Inside a tower that rests outside the map to the left of the hunters area when exiting.
41. ZotBoard
Located on Chummy Potato and Loakiki Paradise. It is in the back right of the Chummy Potato when exiting the hunters' area. It is on the back of the lifeguard stand on Loakiki Paradise.
42. Grimmace
This prop is in several locations on Snowbreeze. Usually it is tucked in a corner of an overpass.

Bonus Items
These are props that don't have a spot in the secret props list, but we believe should.
  • Tiny Snowman: On Snowbreeze there is a tinier version of the tiny snowman. This is only on one variation that we know of.

  • Bigger Wheel: On Chummy Potato there is a slightly larger than normal wheel sitting on the side of a house.

  • Giant Green Banana: This is found on Port Plunder and Loakiki Paradise. It counts as a green banana.

Sqream666 Jul 2, 2023 @ 8:08am 
jadeejf Feb 18, 2023 @ 1:04pm 
I found tiny cannon on twisted house in the broken piller in hunter area
Hex: Gustavo Fring Dec 14, 2022 @ 1:01am 
when will you do the new ones? til 54
IT'S_MEEE333M Dec 12, 2022 @ 7:56pm 
cursed voodoo doll in one of the arches (the slimmer one) in the middle
IT'S_MEEE333M Dec 11, 2022 @ 10:18am 
wintercracker is also in Morgenstund in the house you can enter its near the hole in the wall
IT'S_MEEE333M Dec 11, 2022 @ 10:16am 
both are out of bounds, golden egg is behind the top of a tower and the carrot is planted behind houses
carrot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2008072820071413456/FAF239E8170E64BF1D514ABCC4D6A94D925038ED/
IT'S_MEEE333M Dec 11, 2022 @ 9:45am 
found giant carrot and golden egg in Morgenstund
Hazard Dec 11, 2022 @ 3:40am 
i found Giant Bone, Giant Carrot and Silly Starfish on Fling Falls
LeafYiff Jul 30, 2022 @ 11:21am 
now there are 52 secret props
Hazard Nov 17, 2021 @ 8:54am 
it seems like every prop in the collection is placed in different spots for each person