Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

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Half-Life 2: MMod
Type: Scene
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Landscape
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Category: Wallpaper
File Size
5.957 MB
Dec 25, 2018 @ 9:38pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Half-Life 2: MMod

MMod Description:
The goal of Half-Life 2 : MMod is to enhance and expand gunplay, combat mechanics and the immersion factor by giving the Player more options and combat opportunities as well as refine how the Player handles his arsenal. Half-Life 2 : MMod also offers minor AI enhancements, extended abilities for combine soldiers ( dynamic jumping, firing smg1 underbarrel grenades, shotgunner double blast, etc. ), multiple bug fixes, enhanced visuals, VFX re-design, sound redesign and much much more, while keeping nearly every new feature in the mod totally optional.

Wallpaper Description:
This wallpaper is based off the template which is the MMod Wallpaper Style No.2 that comes with the first release .zip version of the mod. The wallpaper template itself is made by the talented sgor00 (https://www.moddb.com/members/sgor00) of the ModDB community.
I mixed the sound file that you can hear in this Wallpaper, if you want it for ambience or something, just message me on Discord or here on Steam.
Mulky #3650

Special thanks to the MMod team for bringing a wonderful new Half-Life 2 Experience for all of us, and for giving us a wonderful time playing their mod in particular. I hope you all enjoy this.
CN-Ajia Jun 12, 2020 @ 8:24pm 
armored core