Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

43 ratings
Number of Players: 1, 2, 3, 4
File Size
6.519 KB
Sep 8, 2018 @ 12:16pm
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Tool to set a custom flat colour as the background without having to use a texture, which otherwise can be clunky and hard to adjust to preference.

The environment colour is unlit, unaffected by the reflection probe/hdri lighting and doesn't cast or recieve shadows.

No need to credit if used, enjoy.

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LoS_au Jun 25, 2020 @ 4:12pm 
You can also achieve the same affect with Baryonyx's Adjustable SkySphere mod which can also be used to change the background as easily as swapping objects in and out of a bag.

I made a couple of examples using Baryonyx's mod:
ulia  [author] Jun 14, 2019 @ 1:45am 
No thanks, learn what I've outlined in my previous comment and make it yourself.
Arnj Joe Jun 14, 2019 @ 1:26am 
I'm a professional 3d artist but I don't understand unity very well yet. What I'm looking for for my game is a controller that allows me to load the URL to the HDRI lighting files that I want to use, and be able to switch between them at the click of a button instead of having to load the URL in the game menus every time.
I would be more than happy to lend my skillset to a project like this if I could find someone who is capable of making it work. I sent you a friend request if you're interested.
ulia  [author] Jun 14, 2019 @ 12:59am 
Yes but nobody would understand how to use it.
Make a sphere and unwrap it so you can wrap HDRI images to the inside of it.
Add a runtime reflection probe in Unity, export as an assetbundle.
Arnj Joe Jun 13, 2019 @ 6:26pm 
Is there any way that you can make something similar that switches HDRI lighting spheres instead of solid RGB colors?
I'm willing to create 3d models for a project like this if it can be done.
Unreal Ed Sep 20, 2018 @ 5:44pm 
Used it in my Railroad Ink mod, if you're curious of potential use for it:
ulia  [author] Sep 17, 2018 @ 3:12pm 
onPlayerTurn(color) but it would be very jarring and annoying to do so.
sad shred of human Sep 17, 2018 @ 6:20am 
jou! can you link it to player in turn somehow
Vagabond Sep 12, 2018 @ 11:39pm 
You The Best CHRY!
SaltyO Sep 11, 2018 @ 10:48pm 
🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇Thank you. I might be able to use LUTs with all my winfrenz now.