Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

26 ratings
Long-range Containers
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93.644 KB
Sep 4, 2018 @ 11:23pm
Apr 12, 2022 @ 2:39am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Long-range Containers

Allows you to change the distance you can move away from containers, before they automatically close. This is very useful, when you have chests or iceboxes you cannot reach from your crockpot.

Settings Information
There is just a single setting, which affects ALL containers. It is the amount of "units" you can move away from a container, before its inventory window automatically closes. The game default is 3.

Usage notes
a. This is a server mod. It does NOT require all players to have the mod.
b. Does NOT require you to make a new world before working.
c. When using a dedicated server, enabling/disabling this mod may require a server restart.
d. The mod is incompatible with mods which override the OnUpdate function of any container. Please let me know of any incompatible mods!

Change log
0.0.1 - Initial release

Links to my other DST mods (Steam pages)
Auto Stack and Pick Up - Gives you MANY settings for automatically stacking or picking up newly spawned and manually dropped stackable items.
Blow Darts Any Feather - Allows you to add extra recipes for any blowdart, so you can use any feather to craft them.
Fishing Buddy - Allows you to edit all settings pertaining to fishing.
Long-range Research - Lets you set the range from which you can use the research machines, and access recipes from more than one machine at a time!
Metabolizer - Allows you to set the base rate of hunger, from 400% of normal loss, and all the way to 200% gain.
Monster Ash Drop Tuner - Allows you to set a chance for monsters, prey, animals and characters (not players), to NOT replace their loot with ash when they die burning and screaming.
No Wet Items - Removes the possibility of inventory items being wet.
Resurrection Tuner - Tune the resurrection penalties, and starting stats after resurrection, plus crafting-cost of revival-items.
RPG Items (global edition) - Any weapon, armor and helmet has a chance to be imbued with special modifiers when they are generated by the game (by world generation, crafting, drops etc).
Sanity Tuner - Allows you to tune the sanity gain and loss players receive from many things, including moisture and auras!
Sleepy Time - Allows you to set the amount of gain/loss of each stat for each sleep-tick, AND how often sleep-ticks occur, as well as # of uses for tents and siesta huts.
Stat Regen And Degen - A customizable stat regen AND degen system for health, sanity and hunger.
Temperature Tuner - Allows you to tune the rate at which the temperatures of the players rise and fall (separately) using percentages, and change the minimum and maximum temperature caps for the players as well.
Time Your Own Boss - Allows you to set the number of day-cycles before bosses start to arrive.
What am I crafting (fixed) - Shrinks the lock icon that appears on crafting recipes which haven't been prototyped yet, so you can see the silhouette of what you are crafting.

Tags: icebox, chest, freezer, chester
Please Stay Hydrated Feb 20, 2023 @ 7:20am 
Now that I think of it I bet the real issue is that no one thinks to convenience themselves in this way; I certainly didn't I was mod hunting for something else. What I'm trying to say is: GREAT IDEA!!
Ultroman the Tacoman  [author] Feb 20, 2023 @ 7:01am 
@Please Stay Hydrated:
Hehe, it's hard to get mods trending. There's a small window where you're on the "New" list, and after that it's only people searching for it. The mod does work just fine. It just isn't as nice as it sounds, since a quick auto-close is actually ALSO very nice. I find that just a small increase is really nice, but what REALLY makes a difference in my life, is my similar mod for Research Stations, called Long-range Research. It makes it so you can research and craft things from further away, AND you can use all the recipes from all Research Stations within range, instead of only recipes from one Research Station at a time!

Happy gaming!

- Ultroman the Tacoman
Please Stay Hydrated Feb 20, 2023 @ 5:45am 
I assume this mod is usually not working, since the convenience of it alone should mean it gets a lot of downloads and ratings
Ultroman the Tacoman  [author] Apr 12, 2022 @ 2:44am 
- Updated mod to work with new code from Klei.

@Rey: Thanks for reporting the problem!

Best regards, Ultroman the Tacoman
Rey Jul 9, 2021 @ 6:16pm 
Its broken I put it to range (4) and it never closes
Ultroman the Tacoman  [author] Jun 17, 2021 @ 5:18am 
@PlushLoler: Yes. Chests are the primary containers in DST and this works for all containers.
PlushLoler Jun 16, 2021 @ 9:33am 
Does this also work when opening a chest? I am playing a paralyzed challenge and it's so frustrating when I have to come really close to the chests
Ultroman the Tacoman  [author] Oct 5, 2018 @ 1:57pm 
Glad to hear that it's appreciated and put to good use :)

Sincerely, Ultroman the Tacoman
|UDG| Maybe Your Doom Oct 5, 2018 @ 1:05pm 
Yogurt-Sothoth Oct 4, 2018 @ 6:48am 
Very nice, tyvm.