Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

76 ratings
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Effects
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
File Size
23.989 KB
Jul 23, 2018 @ 7:17am
Dec 27, 2021 @ 1:11pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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In 1 collection by Fresh Garry
Fresh Garrys TTT Server Addons
387 items
TTT Act is an addon wich adds the possibility to eg. dance or wave to ttt.

You can use it by binding a key to ttt_act ( "bind [your key] ttt_act " ). Than a pie menu shows up and you can select an act and watch yourself acting in third person.

ttt_act_loudness | Sets the loudness of the Sounds. Def:75

You can change the position of the time bar by opening Help and Settings (Default: F1) and go to the Act tab, as you can see in the pictures. There are several built in positions for the bar but you can also change it with the sliders. And its also possible to change the settings with commands in the console:
ttt_act_offset_x | The x offset of the HUD. Def: 275
ttt_act_offset_y | The y offset of the HUD. Def: 60
ttt_act_allignment | The allignment of the hud. (0 = bottom, left; 1 = top, left; 2 = top, right; 3 = bottom, right) Def: 0

Thanks to:
TruheKepf for reporting and fixing a bug.

Known bugs:
- none
Feel free to report bugs!
Bazinga May 17 @ 11:14pm 
btw I've done it

local lsit = 0
hook.Add( "Think", "ttt_act", function( ply, key )
if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_F3) then
if lsit + 1 < CurTime() then
RunConsoleCommand ("ttt_Act")
lsit = CurTime()
end )

if you want to use a different key (the one i use is F3), change the (KEY_F3) to another thing, like (KEY_PERIOD) or (KEY_F6) idk
Bazinga May 8 @ 6:13pm 
I undestand your point there, but, it's more workful to make a bind just to use your addon. Like, if someone starts to dance, and some guy asks that person: "How did you do that?", that "someone" would need to tell him to make an bind, that for some reason some gmod players don't know how to do that. It would be more easy to have an bind where everyone could use, y'know?
Fresh Garry  [author] May 8 @ 6:40am 
Like in the description said: You can use it by binding a key to ttt_act ( "bind [your key] ttt_act " ). Than a pie menu shows up and you can select an act and watch yourself acting in third person.
I don't see the use of binding it to a fix key for everyone since the fixed key would not match everyone's desires.
Bazinga May 7 @ 7:03pm 
please make a function that when everyone presses a key, the menu open.
If you will not, tell me the function that open the menu and i will do it myself, I'm experiencing errors trying to do this
Fresh Garry  [author] Jul 18, 2023 @ 12:01pm 
I am sorry but this is because of copyrights not intended. If you want to implement it fell free.
lilMelon Jul 17, 2023 @ 4:00pm 
can you add custom music?
Fresh Garry  [author] Dec 27, 2021 @ 12:27pm 
ok thank you! I'll test it and then implement it :)
TruheKepf Dec 27, 2021 @ 11:44am 
I've posted a pull request! :)
Fresh Garry  [author] Dec 27, 2021 @ 11:20am 
Thank you for reporting that bug to me. I didn't knew about that. I would be happy if you could request your fix here: and i will be looking forward to mension you in the description here on steam. Then everyone could use that fix.
TruheKepf Dec 27, 2021 @ 10:59am 
Hey! I've created a little hotfix for this add-on to work again with TTT2. There was a bug preventing the selection circle to be created. If you want me to delete my workshop upload, please tell me! I just needed the fix asap. :D