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21. Juli 2018 um 13:16
11. Apr. um 6:38
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In 1 Kollektion von Ogre
Mods by Ogre
2 Inhalte
Mod for customizing stack sizes. As well as the ability to target specific items.

Improvements for v1.0
  • Stack changes now do NOT require a game reload, if a stack is modified below a set stack size the stack is split up into smaller stacks. Should still save your game after every stack size adjustment; because if you adjust stacks, dont save, then reload a game, you could lose items.
  • Custom in game menu lets you pick between different modes ( scalar / fixed )
    • scalar: multiplies the base count by the number specified
    • fixed : simply sets the stack size to the number
  • Attempted to make it more clear how to set individual overrides via the Overrides.xml file.

Load Order
  • It hopefully won't matter. The stack modification code attempts to run after initial processing is complete. But if you have problems. Try moving OgreStack to last place.

  • Small Volume Resources : x30 - ( gold, uranium, ... )
  • Resources : 1000 ( steel, wood, plasteel, ... )
  • Raw Food : 1000 ( corn, rice, ... )
  • Raw Meat : 1000 ( meat, eggs, ... )
  • Raw Plants : 2000 ( smokeleaf leaves, ... )
  • Meals : 150 ( fine meal, lavish meal, ... )
  • Animal Food : 2000 ( kibble, hay, ... )
  • Foods : 1000 ( pemmican, chocolate, ... )
  • Items : 20 ( horns, mech serums, ... )
  • Body Parts & Implants : 5 ( arms, bionics, ... )
  • Textiles : 1000 ( cloth, wool, ... )
  • Leather : 1000 ( leather )
  • Stone Blocks : 2500 ( granite, marble, ... )
  • Manufactured : x10.0 ( components, wort, chemfuel, ... )
  • Medicine : 75 ( herbal, glitter, ... )
  • Drugs : 4000 ( smokeleaf joints, yayo, ... )
  • Mortar Shells : 25 ( antigrain, high explosive, ... )
  • Artifacts : 10 ( psychic lances, ... )
  • Other Stackables : x10 ( other items that stack but do not use vanilla game categories )

  • AIPersonaCore : 1
  • TechprofSubpersonaCore : 1

  • Jan 6, 2020
    • Allow stacking of items with CompQuality, so long as the original content author wants the item to be stackable (like Wine in Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval)
  • August 20, 2018
    • Changed input boxes to plain text and parse input. Should fix strange '1E-06' type of input errors.
    • Removed all default item overrides except for 2 related to persona cores (this change will only be for new subscribers, or current subscribers who delete their Overrides.xml file)
    • Added various buttons for Presets in the settings window, should make setting stack sizes even faster
    • Altered text in overrides section to indicate that section is only for users comfortable in XML files, and who want to target one off ThingDefs to stack different than the configured settings

  • Japanese : Proxyer
  • Spanish: 53N4
  • Russian: LeonusDH

  • Upvotes are much appreciated, Thanks!
  • Reasons why you don't like the mod are much better in the comments opposed to a downvote. That way I might be able to fix it!

GitHub: https://github.com/cmdprompt/OgreStack
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621 Kommentare
AnneThrax Vor 23 Stunden 
Hey, i think the ThingDef for Toxic wastepacks has changed since you put it in the xml.
they stacked up to 50 for me before i editted it. this works for me:
<item defName="WastePack" stackLimit="5" />

also here's an exclusion that fixes(or at least i hope it will) an issue with Vanilla Recycling Expanded where the stack size matters. (it basically makes fertilizing soil rly annoying the higher the stack size)
<item defName="VRecyclingE_ReclaimedBiopack" stackLimit="5" />

tested it via dev mode and spawn full thing stack
csfireworks 21. Sep. um 18:44 
for alpha prefabs mod ~

<item defName="AP_Prefab" stackLimit="1" />
<item defName="AP_Prefab_HighValue" stackLimit="1" />
<item defName="AP_Prefab_LowValue" stackLimit="1" />
<item defName="AP_Prefab_MediumHighValue" stackLimit="1" />
Hethradiah 7. Aug. um 8:55 
Thank you very much for the response, short explanation; I'm stupid. Long explanation, I started the game with 1000 for wood, later changed it to 10000, which caused that individual stack to remain 1000. Fixed it by prioritizing another new stockpile, moved all wood to there, and moved it back to the shelf by deleting the stockpile. This all started with me misunderstanding the description of the shelf, which says thrice as much as ground, not thrice as much per stack, which made me expect wood to go up to 3000 per stack, not per "square".
Ogre  [Autor] 6. Aug. um 16:25 
@Hethradiah: If you've targeted wood specifically then you have made an entry in to the overrides.xml looks like this: [code]<item defName="WoodLog" stackLimit="10000" />[/code] and then restarted RimWorld. If you did this and your logs are till at 1000, its just because nobody has triggered the Merge haul job yet. Try putting one of your pawns priority 1 Haul.
Hethradiah 6. Aug. um 7:53 
I'm sorry if this was discussed before, but shelves seem to use default values.
Example: I've changed the settings to let wood be stacked up to 10000, but each wood stack on a shelf spot seems to hold 1000 units. Am I missing something?
Velxra 3. Aug. um 11:10 
seems uranium needs added to the stack list
babyblue 18. Juni um 10:14 
great mod! but for ease of use i'd strongly recommend makin "Vanilla" the default option upon install, for those of us who don't always check new mod options before loading a save... :P
Trogunner113 11. Juni um 5:10 
@Micaj: @Brisken: I was running the original Blueprints mod, i replaced it with Blueprints - Forked and my GUI options returned. hope this helps
NicoYosh 27. Mai um 9:01 
Can be added mid-game? Also, it affects modded items?
Micaj 18. Mai um 23:48 
anyone know of any mod incompatibilities? just added a bunch of mods and now ogre isnt working and mod options is blank