ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

186 ratings
Scheduled Dino Wipe
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67.617 MB
Jul 11, 2018 @ 8:51am
Aug 28, 2018 @ 9:33am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Scheduled Dino Wipe

Lag free dino wipes with a configurable schedule.

This mod is intended for servers with dino overspawns that require regular dino wipes. Wipes can be scheduled multiple times per day and create no noticeable lag.

If you do not want to use a schedule you can also manually trigger wipes via command. Unlike “cheat destroywilddinos” it will not create lag / server stalls.

cheat scriptcommand wipedinos

Setting up a schedule
As with most mods, all configurations for SDW should be placed in the GameUserSettings.ini file. Scheduled wipes are configured as UTC time in 24h format, multiple entries are separated by commas. Please make sure to convert your desired time to UTC!

[ScheduledDinoWipe] DinoWipes=3:21,15:11,22:09

That’s it! In the case of the above example there will be three lag-free wipes per day.

Automatic Wipe at Server Start
Alternatively to a schedule, or in addition, it is possible to run wipes on server restart using the following configuration option:
[ScheduledDinoWipe] RunAtStartup=true

Extended Configuration
Usually the only configuration required is the schedule. In case you notice lag during dino wipes you can adjust the values below accordingly:

[ScheduledDinoWipe] DinoWipes=... WipeRoundDelay=0.2 WipeCountPerRound=1000

Note: Wipes are split into multiple rounds, the default round size is 1000. That means the system will destroy 1000 creatures, then pause for “WipeRoundDelay” (=0.2 seconds by default) and then kill the next round.

  • WipeRoundDelay: The time to wait between wipe rounds. Should not be below 0.1, and generally should not be above 0.5.
  • WipeCountPerRound: The amount of creatures to kill per round. If you experience any lag it is recommended to half this until performance stabilizes.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Jan 8, 2023 @ 9:42am
does this work on singleplayer?
Theo Tausendfüßler
Mar 1, 2021 @ 5:01am
will this kill tamed dinos?
Minister Oak Apr 19 @ 9:48am 
@MeowMazik, While you're in a single player game things can process. But once you log out, the world itself shuts off as well, so this will not do anything while you're not in-game. If you are playing on a server then the server itself does not shut off when you log out, therefore it would continue to run without you.
MeowMazik Apr 16, 2023 @ 6:49am 
Im playing Single player, can it wipe when im not playing game?
DerAlteMann Feb 16, 2023 @ 2:43am 
I try like this butr nothing happend. please help,

Kaldiras Feb 13, 2023 @ 6:11pm 
is there a way to broadcast when a wipe is about to be performed?
Loona Jan 27, 2023 @ 6:11am 
well thanks a lot NoF8 still helps future users <3
NoF8 Jan 7, 2023 @ 7:05pm 
no this does not kill knocked out dinos, just torpor done but NOT knocked out, yes it'll kill the dino. Yes this still works. "[ScheduledDinoWipe]
DinoWipes=3:00,6:00,9:00,12:00,15:00,18:00,21:00,24:00" would be a dino wipe every 3 hours.
Mod ID is in the link for all mods on steam, so the last numbers of this link is "1438271117" so that's the MOD id. No way to wipe every 3 days...I know these questions were OLD AF, but I couldn't help myself.
SHADOWxMM Jul 24, 2022 @ 6:54am 
will this kill wild dinos in the process of being tamed? like a knocked out dino or one you already started to feed/tame passively?
Muffin Man Nov 3, 2021 @ 12:23pm 
@ReekHavoc Have you included this in your mod list yet? Does it still work?
ReekHavoc Nov 1, 2021 @ 8:52pm 
anyone know if this still works ?
XupaKeduva May 22, 2021 @ 4:24pm 
Dino Wipes = 3: 01,04,07,10,13,16,19,22,
if you put it like this every 3 hours will it wipe?
I wanted every 3 in 3 hours to clean the map, will it work like this?