Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

84 ratings
"Constructed within the Neverwinter Nights Aurora Engine and based within the Forgotten Realms setting, Arelith's doors have been open for over 13 years. The definitive online D&D roleplaying experience, our server is a truly persistent world boasting hundreds of players for you to share in the mutual enjoyment of collaborative storytelling and mutual expression.

Thanks to a passionate team of developers and Dungeon Masters, the Arelith sandbox is constantly evolving to better provide the tools an enterprising storyteller such as yourself needs to truly make the world, and your character, come to life.

Our server requires no special downloads to access, only a copy of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. We pride ourselves on the accessibility of our server, and challenge you to hop in and join us in the ongoing adventure that is Arelith."

This collection is an optional set of recommended downloads to help with server customization and player-friendly adjustments to the base game. These downloads are optional, the Arelith server does not require downloads to join and play. The server is heavily customized on the server, utilizing NWNX features, elaborate script sets, and detailed environment building to create a sophisticated setting for a large and varied player base.

Those interested in learning more about the server should explore the server forums[]. Registration can be done online or in game, however, registration is not required to read posted information.

The Arelith Persistant World Server has an updated player-maintained wiki[], detailing changes and features.

Current players are visible at the server portal[] page, which lists players by which of the 3 geographically divided servers they are currently playing on.


Questions or concerns regarding the server should be posted to the forums, not to this workshop collection or it's invidividual components. Posting to the forums will ensure that your question is seen and answered as quickly as possible.

This collection and it's components are curated by Symphony for the Arelith Server Staff.
Items (6)
Arelith Graphics Overrides
Created by Symphony This workshop item is the first layer of the Arelith Graphics Overrides, and contains published content that could be considered somewhat "official". This will be tested and appreciated upgrade content that seems to be free of fixable bugs and ...
Arelith Graphics Overrides (Testing)
Created by Symphony This workshop item is the second layer of the Arelith Graphics Overrides, and contains publish candidate materials that seem to be ready to use, but should be tested and possibly modified after receiving large amounts of use. They may also be i...
Arelith Graphics Overrides (Development)
Created by Symphony This workshop item is the third layer of the Arelith Graphics Overrides, and contains "experimental" content, where I will be auditioning high quality high impact materials, or materials whose working method may be sloppy or in need of improvem...
HDR Contrast Shader Override
Created by Symphony
News: May 22, 2021: Updated for compatibility with 8193.23. Unfortunately no longer backwards compatible with earlier game versions due to variable changes in EE's stock shaders. Screenshots: The first 8 screenshots show areas with a modified version of th...
EE Castle Rural Sea Hotfix
Created by Symphony
This Workshop Item contains override txi file (texture infromation) for tno01 Castle Rural Exterior tileset tiles. The models contained in the "sea cliffs" tiles referenced this .txi, which included a line to use an environment map for alpha color in the s...
EE UHD Safe Lightning Hotfix
Created by Symphony
This Workshop Item contains an override folder with a compiled .mdl file (pnl_lightning.mdl) for the "hardcoded" flash that accompanies the light node animation and thunder of the stormy weather effects. This model originally contains a single rectangular ...