Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

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Total war: Atilla mods
Items (70)
(AoC) Spears Redone (Spears have flags)
Created by Radi
UPDATE: With the new update some bugs have appeared. Now when some units are using shield wall, 2 spears are shown up instead of one. Doesnt seems like a hard fix but im working on my own games and models right now, so i dont think im updating this anymore...
100 units | AoC unit pack (outdated)
Created by Cyrius PT
Check my other mod, it will make the units of this mod compatible with the factions from Age of Vikings. ------------------ Hello everyone once more. Now i bring to you some unic exclusive uni...
A lush Persia
This mod changes the texture of the Persis and Spahan regions of the campaign map to allign with the other regions of Iran and Mesopotamia instead of being inaccurately shown as a desert. Persia, susiana and the neigbouring regions are in reality quite lus...
Age of Charlemagne - UI more immersive
Created by Melcor
Hi all! This mod it's just a little modification for Attila, to make the new UI more immersive when you play to AoC. I recommand also the AoC faction emblem from Gytgudkydson....
Age of Vikings (1.1)
Created by Corvy
By the 9th century, the Norse raiders and adventurers known as the Vikings had already begun to set their indelible mark on the map of Europe, establishing realms in Russia and the British Isles and traveling and raiding as far as the Black Sea and the Med...
Age of Vikings | unit pack compatible (outdated)
Created by Cyrius PT
if you enjoy so far this mod, please press the "like button", a way to try reach the 5 stars! Hello everyone. I made this mod to be compatible with my unit pack for AoC to fit on the factions from Age of Vikings mod. Unit Pack MOD:
Ai will colonize the burned WORLD!
Created by JGdaCaesar
*UPDATE* 1/24/2023 Lowered the colonization priority to a more realistic number. AI will still colonize but it won't be too over the top anymore. Shouldn't affect save games or cause any bugs. *Save compatible* *compatible with most other mods* Have you ev...
Alamans Re-Design
Created by Fizz
It's a graphical mod only. I got rid of the bubblegum green and that all-black-haired scavenger dwarfs. Not to mention the awful looking bejewelled units. What this mod does: - changing the uniform colors (no more bright bubblegum green!). No changes to ca...
All Occupation & Diplomatic Options for All Factions (Except Huns Settling)
Created by Dresden
This mod gives all Occupation and Diplomatic Options to All Factions. Huns do not have the ability to Settle. Diplomatic Options: Confederations, Client States, Satrapies Occupation Options: Colonize, Liberate, Loot, Occupy, Raze, Resettle, Sack, Vassal Co...
Ybor fix for Alamans
Created by Malagor
After the release of the Slavs DLC Alamans are once again able to recruit several Ybors, those Ybors are recruitable among the candidates of other nobles. With this simple fix Alamans will get Ybor only through quest chain as other longbeard dlc factions d...
All Factions
Created by spH3RiCal
I have made a mod adding all available factions to the Grand Campaign and populating all the desolate regions. WRE and ERE are broken down to smaller factions, migrators are settled down, separatists added here and there, changed some starting diplomatic r...
Alternate British Celtic Icons
Created by Smoe
Another version of the British Celtic icons. That's the Ebdani, Picts and Caledones....
AoC Factions Pack
Created by Mauzer
Slavic faction: -Bohemia -Wiltz -Croatia -Obodrites Duchy: -Bavaria -Provence -Theme of Sicily -Venice Kingdoms: -Northumbria -Ulaid -Wessex -All factions have individual traits and unit rosters -Provence and Venice add Crossbows have fun Join to our group...
AoC Large Onager Unit Card Fix
Created by drahz94
In Age of Charlamagne the small onager model has a sling, while the large onager has a bucket/cup that throws the projectile. The unit card of the large onager however does not reflect this difference, and both share similar unit cards (onagers with slings...
AoC Unique Units Expansion
Created by drahz94
This mod adds several unique units to each AoC faction with a minimalist approach. Special unit types were added which weren't previously in AoC (eg pikes, axe throwers, crossbow cav, elephants, camels). Each unit has been made to fit vanilla AoC balance a...
AoC: Better AI Recruitment and Army Composition
Created by Azraiyel
For all those annoyed by numerous missile (javelin, archers, missile cavalry) units within AI armies and tired of having to spend half a battle chasing them across entire map is the following tweak. Subscribe and see AI reduce its dependency on missile and...
Avetis' Saxons Reskin - BETA
Created by Mauzer
Reskin: -new textures -new shield patterns Join to our group! awesome mods! ...
Avetis' Slavs reskin mod - BETA
Created by Avetis
USE IT WITH MAUZER's AoC Factions Pack: This will reskin all Slavic fations in the AoC DLC All factions have different specifically reskined units, despite of similar rosters...
Avetis' The Cordoba Reskin - BETA
Created by Avetis
Reskin for the Emirate of Cordoba fation on AoC DLC...
Aztec 2015 Graphics
Created by mkinG
Aztec 2015 Graphics (NEW) Version 1.02 released - Red skies bug fixes (thanks for reports). - Some bugs fixes - Some RED VALUES for a few battles fixes Features: ★ added more than 50 different scenes to the game (more in future) ★ added new and realistic D...
Better Faction Names: Grand Campaign
Created by Working Joe
Welcome to Better Faction Names! This mod does what it says on the tin! It enhances the name of nearly every faction in the game to be more immerisve and fun to play with (in the same style as Age of Charlemagne/The Last Roman)! Examples: Kingdom of the Da...
Celtic Factions Reskin Mod
Created by Soban
This is a small reskin mod for Celtic factions. I tried to make their(Celts) units have more Celtic style appearance. These are reskined units. -Celtic common Infantry officer Cavalry officer Standard bearer Celtic Nobles Celtic Warlord Fianna -Ebdanians K...
Cavalry Realism Mod
(Updated for latest patch) THIS WILL WORK WITH ANY AOC MOD THAT DOES NOT MOD THE HORSE ENTITY IN THE DB. I don't know of any mod who has edited these stats. I use it with Radious and all the unit add ons and with the new mod The Viking Age, it is not unit ...
Created by cedi This mod adds a total of 31 high quality upper tier units to the game. All units are deployable in custom battles and recruitable in Grand Campaign, too. They are designed to fit into vanilla game without problems. Since most...
Cinematic Combat - Radious Version
Created by Bladeuk
This mod makes the chance of a combat animation 100% (default is 40%), meaning that when units face each other they will fight in an animation, and not just stab the air to kill people. This makes battles look more 'real' as there is a lot more shield mane...
Danes by agrez
Created by agrez
Full Reskin of Danes A big thanks to Berserkrhöfuð for his awesome video Hello folks this mod reskins the faction of Danes and makes them to look like real Viking faction according to eras from 400-800 ad.Plus now you have your new general skins on map tha...
Dynamic Faction Names - BETA
Created by DETrooper
Mod Description This is a quick mod I made that adds several tiers of faction names for nearly every faction in the grand campaign except for those that cannot settle, based on the amount of regions they hold. This includes emergent factions. The only two ...
Eastern Roman Empire - Foederati Pack
Created by Bladeuk
This mod adds 10 units to the Eastern Roman Empire, all from neighbouring states that would have made up the Foederati of the Eastern Empire. Ghassanid Cataphracts - The Ghassanids provided a large part of the Foederati for the ERE and with that they provi...
Forgotten Realms
Created by Mauzer
Hi! Forgotten realms is a campaign and battle overhaul. All parts of the mod required: Part 2 Part 3 FR collection +28 unlock factions(and MP too, not all new factions available in custom) -Vic...
Forgotten Realms(part 2)
Created by Mauzer
Features: -Playable +28 factions -Victory conditions -New generals models for all factions -All factions have individual traits and unit rosters -Simple mission added -All Nomads can settle -Overhauled nomadic -all units reskin All parts of the mod require...
Forgotten Realms(part 3)
Created by Mauzer
Features: -Playable +28 factions -Victory conditions -New generals models for all factions -All factions have individual traits and unit rosters -Simple mission added -All Nomads can settle -Overhauled nomadic -all units reskin All parts of the mod require...
Franks got Kites !
Created by SiTehPr0n
--- not historical correct ! --- this is just a very little reskin. I added kiteshields and a new helmet to the Franks Mounted Swordsmen Mounted Spearmen Mounted archers Palace Guards Armoured Spears Armoured Swordsmen Levy Spears ... .. . soon i will spli...
GBJ Blood Mod Attila: The Original
Created by Apis in Memphis
I've stopped supporting all my mods for TW. To all those who wish to take them for further development, I will only be glad if you continue this business, I wish you creative success, there will be one request from me if you take any of my mods, please lea...
Geats by agrez
Created by agrez
Full reskin of Geats A big thanks to Berserkrhöfuð for his awesome video The second part of my mod thats reskins Geats they now have new king model awesome units,generals and the Thrall special units have gone sexy Danes are here :
Guv's Slavic Reskin
Created by Guvenoren
Here it is, the Slavic Faction Reskin! Please concider joining my Steam Group for complaints and requests! Please do post a comment here if you find any errors! *Rate and Favorite if you fancy this!* the Celts
Guv's the Goths Reskin
Created by Guvenoren
The Inheritors of Rome, polished and ready for fight. Research and Visigoths Made by Kinetic! Please concider joining my Steam Group for complaints and requests! Please do post a comment here if you find any errors! *Rate and Favorite if you fancy this!* A...
Historical Reskin Byzantine
Created by Snori
Recolor & Reskin for Themes Sicily / on Age of Charlemagne DLC ------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 5 ( 20-12-2015) - add many more shield patterns for all units. Chi-rho, Greek Christian style cross, Byzantine flag pattern ect. you can...
Historical Reskin Charlemagne
Created by Snori
Recolor & Reskin for Kingdom of Charlemagne. 샤를마뉴 캠페인에서 샤를마뉴 왕국군의 외형과 색상을 바꿔줍니다. changelog 2015-12-17 - add more variation for Armoured spearman - add more variation for Armoured swordman - add more variation for Paladin guardsmen - add more variation for ...
Imperium Diplomatic Effects Reduced
Created by wesloo
This simple mod reduces the diplomatic penalty from imperium levels. This should make the diplomacy more reasonable even for larger and more advanced empires. Imperium Level Grand Campaign (Unmodded) Charlemagne (Unmodded) New Values with this Mod Notewort...
Improved Family Tree
Created by GreenJKing
Main improvements: Age of adulthood reduced to 16 Age of guarantied adulthood reduced to 18 Base child chance increased to 30% Base child chance reduction per child increased to 4 Base male child chance increased to 65 Chance of illegitimate child reduced ...
Jutes by agrez
Created by agrez
Full reskin of Jutes A big thanks to Berserkrhöfuð for his awesome video The final part of Viking Forefather factions. The mod reskins Jutes they now have new king model,generals and the awesome housecarl units got their new sexy look WORKS WITH RADIOUS! G...
KLA's Advisors Mods - Roman (+ other faction's advisors links)
Created by KLAssurbanipal
There is KLA's Advisor Roman There are 6 mini-mods. Each of these mods replace adviser during the campaign and battles. I made it to spice up the game. You can select one of six advisors, depending on what kind of campaign you want to pla...
KLA's Roman Emperors historical reskins
Created by KLAssurbanipal
This is a continuation of the popular mod - Faction Leaders Mod. This is a mini-mod for persons who want to play only reskinned Romans. This mod includes reskins of Roman emperors. I made them more historical. I deleted elements like Phalera from ear...
Lombards got Kites
Created by SiTehPr0n
--- not historical correct ! --- this is just a very little reskin. Work in progress ! -------------------- My AOC reskin of Charlemange
Natural Water Mod
Created by dotvhs
UPDATED! Works with latest DLC. Enjoy! Natural Water Mod enhances the water in campaign map of Total War: Attila. It changes each type of water - from seas to lakes and rivers. No more jelly/milky thingy! Just pure, natural water. Color of water is differe...
Olympian Battle Camera
Created by Olympian
Mod description A battle camera mod for Total War: Attila with adjusted height parameters. It allows the battle camera to move down to ground level as well as to move further up in the sky. Miscellaneous See here for the TW Center page of this mod. See her...
Olympian Campaign Camera
Created by Olympian
Mod description A campaign camera mod for Total War: Attila with adjusted height parameters. It allows the camera to zoom further out on the campaign map and a bit closer down to ground level. Miscellaneous If you feel adventurous you can also try the "Ext...
Pikes ready in your hands
Created by Noif1988
This mod fix pikemens units and their disappearing long spears animation. Now they show up all time in active and inactive! Work with all mods!...
Radious Total Units Mod
Created by Radious
Radious Total Units Mod Follow us on Patreon - Our Home to keep everything we do free and where you may speak freely. If you like our work, consider a small donation which gives you access to special rewards. Another support...
Radious Total War Mod
Created by Radious
Radious Total War Attila Mod Follow us on Patreon - Our Home to keep everything we do free and where you may speak freely. If you like our work, consider a small donation which gives you access to special rewards. Another su...
Created by Karnil Vark Khaitan
This mod reduce the amout needed to rebuilt a city. stats the base cost is 8000. minus 3% for each unit (20 units is 60% off, 10 30% off) growth been decreased to 5 instead of 10. I would like feedback to hear what people think....
Reskin Romans
Created by Andrew Boyarsky
This mod reskins roman units of the western and east empire. I tried to represent these units accurately, based on historical sources, also various descriptions and pictures. Credits and thanks: I want to thank L'Empereur Napoleon for granting access to th...
Sebidee's Christianity Buff
Created by Sebidee - Updated 25.09.2024 - Save Game Compatible. Hello everyone! This mod has been updated! Please also check out my new mods for Warhammer 3.
Sebidee's Lower Politics Costs
Created by Sebidee - Updated 25.09.2024 - Save Game Compatible. Hello everyone! This mod has been updated! Please also check out my new mods for Warhammer 3.
Skidvar's Advisors (Grand & Belisarius Campaign)
Created by Skidvar
ADVISORS (GRAND & BELISARIUS CAMPAIGN) Content This pack contains some advisors: one for 3D graphics setting that is pretty generic and five for graphics setting 2D that are more culture-specific. I do not know of any other mods that focus on...
Skidvar's General Overhaul (Grand Campaign)
Created by Skidvar
Some Factions Unlock
Created by sobao
This mod unlocks duchy of aquitane, kingdom of brittany, duchy of gascony, duchy of pamplona and duchy of provence. It adds a new more historical faction logo to duchy of pamplona and give a new unit roster to the two basque factions: duchy of pamplona and...
Stronger Romans
Created by GreenJKing
Stronger Western Roman Empire (WRE) and Eastern Roman Empire (ERE) This is a mod to try and stop the Romans from perishing too early. I would like them to be the powerful fearsome roman empire they should be - Added morale boost for Romans through traits -...
Tanukhid Faction Leader Replacer
Anybody who has played the Tanukhid campaign long enough to have Tubakarib replaced by a successor has seen that CA forgot to add full arms and legs to the models. My initial goal was to fix that, but I ended deciding to completely redesign the mesh, tryin...
WRE & ERE Emblems (Chi-Rho)
Created by SilentResident
This is a mod I made mostly for my personal tastes. Because I particularly liked Noif's beautiful Chi Rho emblem, for the Eastern Roman Empire, I wanted to extend its use by the other Roman factions in the Attila's Grand Campaign, such as the Western Roman...
Western Roman Empire - Foederati Pack
Created by Bladeuk
This mod adds 14 new units for the Western Roman Empire based on German counterparts and fictional Sarmatian units. At the decline of the Roman Empire their military might had become diminished due to infighting and a lack of resources to uphold a professi...
Weaker Rebels
Created by MINOS
This Mod weakens the Rebels by turning down their unit quality by changing the CAI_VARIABLE_REBEL_QUALITY_OFFSET and the CAI_VARIABLE_REBEL_QUALITY_MULTIPLIER. It does not change the compilation of the Rebels armies - it just gives them lower Tier units. S...
Warring States: Roman Civil War. 7 new Roman factions. Auxilliary system!
Created by Professor Oak
Traitor Stilicho deposed the Western Roman Emperor and exiled him to Caralis. He tried to make himself emperor, but other governors followed suit and formed their own entity. Western Roman Empire is now in a civil war. Play as one of the separated Roman fa...
Vandals by agrez
Created by agrez
Full reskin of Vandals! Darkness lumes in the east. A shadow sweeps across the land and Your loose agreements with the Western Roman Empire are waning. under King Godigisel you should think to push westward with other migrators into Roman territory raiding...
Terminus Total War - Imperium
Created by Terminus
395 AD, a year of upheaval. The once mighty Roman Empire, now fat and bloated from years of corrupt and gluttonous rule, is ripe for raids and revolt. The empire claws at itself from within and power hungry retainers set their plans in motion. Then, with t...
Tetrarchy: Civil War - VERSION 1.0!!!!!
Created by BarristanTheBold
It's finally complete! Introducing Tetrarchy: Civil War! This mod takes you back to the times of the Tetrarchy and the rise of Constantine. You can play one of the four Roman factions trying to hold on to and expand their power and influence among the Roma...
The AI accepts ALL offers
Created by TheZuma
Good day my ladies n' lords! Today i bring you a rather small, but quite funny, mod. Well if you haven't figured it out yet, then this mod just basically just make the AI accept EVERYTHING I recommend using it together with this mod wich unlocks all diplom...
The Battle for Helms Deep
Created by The_GodfatherRus
The battle for Helms Deep is over.. The battle for Middle Earth is about to begin... The enormous army of Uruks is marching across the lands of Rohan to exterminate the humanity.. King Theoden is leading his loyal men to the last stand - the fortress of Ho...
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Created by true.tryggvi
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Even in the grand campaign, names usually repeat themselves. In the Age of Charlemagne, the situation is really catastrophic: the name rosters are very small. To improve that, this mod adds nicknames into the game. They aren'...