Among the Heavens

Among the Heavens

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Among the Heavens 100% Achievement Guide & Video Walkthrough.
By anrkyuk
Among the Heavens 100% Achievement Guide & 3 Star Score Playthrough of Levels 1 to 45.
Creating Combos.
I have to confess that when I started playing Among the Heavens for one reason or other I misunderstood how the combo system worked and also how much of a difference it made in terms of final scores.

Among the Heavens is not a game about speed, it is about strategy and timing, and this is how it works...

Collecting one menu and taking it to the bar will net you 20 points, as you can carry two items collecting two and returning them will net you 20 points for the first and 40 points for the second. Now at this point if you pick up their potions and return them to the table, the menu combo will break and you will gain 30 points for the first potion delivered and 60 points for the second.

As such, to obtain a high score you need to try and maintain high combos.

At the start of each level you want to seat as many people as possible before you start to collect their menus, if there are only a couple of tables you should be able to fill all tables before you start to do this and in later levels you will likely have to start collecting menus when about half the tables are full, just try not to deliver any orders before you have collected all the menus.

Now in the early levels it is easy to maintain your combos without too much chaos, but once earthquakes, spillages and pilots (who order twice) start to arrive it becomes a little more tricky. You can start off as before seating everyone and collecting their menus before you start to deliver potions, after the first round is served, however you will likely find yourself having two sets of customers to deal with in terms of timing.

Example, if you have 7 tables and you have served potions to all and then 4 want to pay and 3 want to order again, collect the payment and deal with their tips and quickly seat any waiting customers. Then collect the 4 menus from the tables placing a second order, followed by those that were newly seated, as the potions are being prepared, you will likely have new customers to seat and you might struggle to collect the menus from these customers before the timer runs out on those awaiting their drinks.

In such an instance, you will have some customers in one combo group and a few others in another, if you are able try to aim to get all tables back into sync to maintain a high combo.

It should be noted that visiting Old Man Jefferson during the second tavern to avoid an earthquake does not break a combo, there is no points combo for coloured seating or for tips.

Menus, Potions, Payments and Records are all items than can be collected in sequence for combos. Just be careful with records as very rarely will you get more than one at a time and it is very easy to accidentally break a combo collecting one and they can also mess up combo timing as the customers do not start looking at the menu until you have collected the record from their table.

Achievement Notes.
First off there are no difficulty related achievements in Among the Heavens, when you start a new game you are asked if you want to play with casual or expert difficulty, if you just want to 100% the game ASAP select casual and you can complete all achievements just playing the first 25 levels which will take 150 to 180 mins.

No achievements in this game are missable as you can go back and replay any level you have previously played at any time.

Achievement Guide.
Rising Star.
Complete first level with an 3 stars.
Self explanatory, see level 1 video below if you require assistance.
Seat 4 customers onto the matching colour seats in a single party.
This can be done on level 2, just seat the first group of 4 customers merging the tables with two blue and two red seats. See the video for level 2 below if you require assistance.
Penny Earned.
Gain a total of 4000 points.
You will earn this as a part of your natural progression through the game, if you are working your combos, it should trigger by the end of level 3.
Gain a total of 1500 points in tips.
Again, you will earn this as part of your natural progression through the game and it should unlock before the end of level 4.
Treasure Chest.
Gain a total of 10000 points.
Again, you will earn this as part of your natural progression through the game and it should unlock before the end of level 5, depending on your combo skills.
Running Man.
Run a total of 1000 steps serving customers.
This should unlock around level 7 or 8 as part of your natural progression through the game.
Summer Party.
Serve a total of 100 drinks.
This will unlock as part of your natural progression through the game around level 10.
Chain Reaction.
Make a combo of 5 actions.
This might sound like the first achievement that requires effort, in actual fact you will get it without trying once you have mastered the combo skill, can be unlocked as early as level 5.
Be My Guest.
Serve a total of 80 customer parties.
This will unlock around level 11/12 as part of natural progression.
Take A Seat.
Seat 160 customers at the tables.
This will also unlock on level 11 if you serve all customers without losing any in previous levels.
Hard Work Pays Off.
Receive tips a total of 100 times.
This will unlock on level 12 if you serve all customers without losing any in previous levels.
Be My Special Guest.
Serve a total of 20 VIP customer parties.
This will also unlock on level 12 if you serve all customers without losing any in previous levels.
Busy Hours.
Serve a total of 10 take-away orders.
The earliest this can be obtained is level 17, take-away orders are introduced on level 12 and there are 3 on level 12, 13, 14 and 17.
Please Follow Me To VIP.
Seat 60 VIP customers at the tables.
It's difficult to say how early this unlocks, if you have obtained 15 levels without losing a customer it will unlock before level 25.
No Rainbow Today.
Reach 5x color matching indicator over any seat.
During a level some seats have coloured flags on them and when you seat customers whose clothes are a matching colour you get a bonus which gets a combo multiplier for each additional customer with matching colour clothes seated throughout the level. So to get this achievement you need to place 5 customers on the same seat with clothes that matches the colour of the flag on the seat.

It is possible to earn this as early as level 5 however the size of customer groups and their coloured clothes is random. If you are struggling once you have unlocked the Practice Makes Perfect achievement just replay level 25 and ignore your score and just focus on getting the achievement.
Lucky Star.
Complete 15 levels without losing a customer.
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16 & 17 can easily be completed getting a 3 gold star score without losing any customers, see my videos below. If you are struggling, the first few levels of a new tavern are easier than the last few levels of the previous tavern, so if you can't get the 15 required by level 25 either replay earlier levels, ignoring score and focusing on serving everyone or just keep playing after you have unlocked Practice Makes Perfect and just focus on serving all customers.

According to Steam user missiloon, you can replay the same level 15 times to earn this achievement. Confirmed in comments below.
All For One.
Receive 5000 points for a single table.
The earliest level this can be unlocked on is level 11 and even if you aren't specifically trying, it will get unlocked by level 25 as long as you are on the ball with your combos and tip collection.
Success Story.
Complete 25 levels.
This unlocks once you complete level 25, regardless of rating.
Use powerups 20 times.
Every few levels you get to play a match 3 game where you obtain consumable powerup potions if you get a set score within a certain time. This achievement pops once you use 20 of these powerups and should you fail to do so before Practice makes Perfect pops just replay a level and spam your powerup potions till it pops. You can have one of each going at the same time and they don't last long.
Practice makes Perfect
Complete 25 levels with 3 stars.
Below are video playthroughs of levels 1 to 45 with a 3 gold star score, you do not need to get 3 gold stars on the first 25 levels, any 25 levels will do. If you are struggling with the later levels of one tavern you will find the earlier levels of the next tavern easier.
Level 1.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 2.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 3.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 4.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 5.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 6.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 7.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 8.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 9.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 10.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 11.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 12.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 13.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 14.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 15.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 16.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 17.
3 Gold Star Score & No Lost Customers.

Level 18.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 19.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 20.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 21.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 22.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 23.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 24.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 25.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 26.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 27.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 28.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 29.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 30.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 31.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 32.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 33.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 34.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 35.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 36.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 37.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 38.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 39.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 40.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 41.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 42.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 43.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 44.
3 Gold Star Score.

Level 45.
3 Gold Star Score.

Danda Apr 18, 2021 @ 9:16pm 
I confirm missiloon is right: I just replayed the first level (in which it is basically impossible to lose any customers) and I got the "Lucky Star" achievement.
anrkyuk  [author] Jul 11, 2020 @ 10:38am 
Thank for the thanks Diomedes, hope the guide helped :)
Diomedes Jul 7, 2020 @ 5:46am 
anrkyuk  [author] Apr 22, 2018 @ 5:09pm 
The same level.... ok that I did not even consider, well done for think outside the box, will add info to guide, TY.
missiloon Apr 22, 2018 @ 2:42pm 
Working on the last few achievements, but it does help to know when you reply a level you can use the power ups again and that those 15 levels without loosing a guest could be the same level ^^
anrkyuk  [author] Apr 22, 2018 @ 2:33pm 
Thanks missiloon, hope it helped :)
missiloon Apr 21, 2018 @ 8:48pm 
Great guide, thank you!
anrkyuk  [author] Jan 29, 2018 @ 8:25am 
Thanks DJSUP :)

The game shouldn't give you too much trouble once you get your combo rhythm going, theres a couple of levels on the 3rd tavern that have a random difficulty spike but if you struggle to 3 star them you can just skip them or come back to them when you have some powerul potions in stock.
DJSUP Jan 29, 2018 @ 8:00am 
Godly guide, will put to use for sure :shantae_relax: