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Glitch to help you get Speedrun Achievment!
От fudge11126
I am not here to learn you how to speedrun LOVE, just a guide to a "glitch" which will make it easier to complete the achievment for speedrunning under 12 minutes!
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Is it ethical to use "glitches" while speedrunning?
Yes. This is a videogame and its meant to be fun so do whatever you think will be funnest! In fact a lot of speedrunners actually use glitches to get lower times in their speedruns! So this is fine and not cheating! If you don't feel comfortable using this tiny glitch than you should do it without and see how you go.
Setting up the glitch
So this can be quite tricky! First thing you need to do is make sure you have autohotkey installed, this is important as you will use it later ;)
Next you will open a program called notepad to start writing a "script" for your "glitch".
I will post my sample "script" to enable this glitch below:
SetTimer, PressTheKey, 50

Send, x
You can copy paste everything inbetween the stars into notepad if you want to use my "script", don't worry it won't "hack" your computer xD.
Next up you will need to save this "script" which can be quite tricky actually.
Choose a name, I called mine "glitchscript.ahk" the important thing about the name is that you have .ahk at the end as this will enable the program we spoke about earlier to open this file.

When you open this "script" with it will spam the button "x". When you hit the c button it be paused until you hit c again. To completely stop the script you must hit the esc button on your keyboard.

Good job you have effectively set up a "script" which will enable this "glitch" to work!
How to use the "glitch"
Open the .ahk file we setup earlier then hit the c button to pause the "glitch".
Open the video game LOVE (<-this is important).
Go into the menu and select speedrunner mode to make an attempt at getting that achievment.
As soon as you enter LEVEL 1 hit the c button to unpause your "script" and to enable the "glitch".
The "glitch" will begin placing the checkmarks everywhere you step!! This will make sure you don't lose any extra time when doing your speedruns and will make sure you get that sub-12 time super easy!
This glitch doesn't replace raw skill though, you still must play the videogame and win good but this make it easier since you dont need to focus on setting the checkmarks. If you want some good speedrun tips go read a different guide thats not made by me since Im only here to tell you about this "glitch" in the game.
Where to use "glitch" best!
Level 1
Hit c to begin the glitch as soon as you enter! but turn it off in the pictured areas below and start using x manually since if you fall you will checkpoint the starting area and can't get back to where you were without going through again.
If you fall you'll land on the starting platform below way earlier in the level and set checkpoint there.
Same at this spot.
Level 2
Pretty much just do the regular efficient route but don't forget to reenable the "glitch" at the start of the level by hitting c. Just incase you forgot to reenable at the end of 1!
Level 3
Its possible here to fall into a pit at the start and set your checkpoint there putting you in a death loop without escape. This will help you get the YOLNNT achievment but you won't be able to finish this level. Either turn the glitch off until you are past the pit section or be super careful with your jumps xD
All the Levels
Just do them quickly while the glitch is enabled so you can utilise it best. This glitch won't help that much on LEVEL 7, 9 and 10
Turn the "script" off here and leave a check mark in this spot. Then when you open the door, suicide and you'll warp back to this spot. A cool Timesave!
Turn the script off completely for this level and just do checkpoint manually. This is because it will set checkpoints in the air and if you fall you will just fall always since the platform resets.
Final thoughts
If you use my guide you will be able to get this achievment but you will still need to be skillful to get the achievment, this "glitch" just makes it a bit easier!
Please upvote this guide if you found it helpful and were able to get that achievment xD
2 коментара
oops 3 ноем. 2020 в 11:59 
fudge11126  [автор] 30 дек. 2017 в 17:13 
This is a good guide, thankyou! I got the achievment really quickly thanks to your easy to understand "glitch". You have helped em and probably many others who haven't commented yet!:steamhappy: