Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

7,278 ratings
Real Traffic Density ETS2
Type: AI Traffic
File Size
8.991 MB
Dec 18, 2017 @ 5:16pm
Dec 1, 2024 @ 1:45pm
65 Change Notes ( view )

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Real Traffic Density ETS2

Welcome to the official page of my ETS2 Real Traffic Density mod (RTD), Steam's most subscribed traffic mod with more than 400k users

Why a traffic density mod is necessary?

Everybody knows that the default traffic is very basic with very low density with minor differences day/night or type of roads. This mod was built using realistics charts presented on SCS forum (I have left the forum in the meantime follwing abusive ban from forum moderators and with no clarifications from SCS admin I have never returned)

Why Real Traffic Density mod is an unique traffic mod?

- it uses rational spawn numbers according to real life charts and according with game’s limits checked personally in hours of testing; the numbers used at rush hours are +/- the maximum that the game can handle.
- the only mod which includes a separate speed class for emergency vehicles and also for motorcycles and sport cars (if these packs are used and adapted for RTD), which will drive with increased speed wherever possible (if speed limit is given by country rules and not road signs).
- any Ai can also break the speed limit at random basis with a certain value, up to 35%. Ai cannot drive faster than their limit set in their files, therefore this rule won’t really apply to trucks but rather for cars which keeps things very realistic
- low spawn numbers at merging which makes it the only traffic mod which manages to keep out of meerging issues and traffic jams everywhere with a very good density everywhere else
- unique increased semaphore cycles duration with shorter green time for small roads and longer green for large roads
- Ai can overtake on simple continuous line on 1x1 roads

Why my Real Traffic Density mod is better than other traffic mods?

- best traffic density vs performance (no FPS drops on average PC and high graphic settings)
- reduced traffic at night, excepting motorways where density remains relatively high
- different density for small vs large cities
- correct spawn ratio cars vs trucks vs other types of vehicles (given by the realistic numbers)
Compatible with the following map mods:

- Vanilla map and all map DLCs
- MHA Pro Map (RTD has higher priority)
- ProMods (RTD has higher priority)
(not checked with other map mods)

How to use:

-most important rule: never increase g_traffic value! keep always g_traffic 1 when using this mod!!! you can use a smaller value if you want less traffic but not smaller than 0.5 which in theory will wipe out the type of vehicles with low spawn.
- place my mod above any map mods and other mods that may affect density, inclusively above graphic mods.

If you use external packs:

- highly recommended for diversity, this mod works better with additional packs (for example Jazzycat)
- optionally you can use motorcycles, classic and sport cars and bdf trucks as separate vehicles which will help with the ratio vs regular cars / trucks; to do so you can read the guide from ErbKaiser in the discussion section)
- mandatory add in launch options (on Steam right click on the game and click properties) paste the following line (alone or alonside other rules if you have already others, with a space in between).
-mm_pool_size 16384 -mm_max_resource_size 50 -mm_max_tmp_buffers_size 1000 (with the mention that the mm_pool size must be half of your available RAM). these settings and especially the mm_pools_size if used correctly will substantially increase performance and eliminate disturbing stuttening

Other mods from my collection that are desigend to work with Real Traffic Density mod listed in their loading order:

- Real Emergency Ai Pack : (join Cip-Sound-Modding here: if interested on the VIP version)
- Real Ai Traffic Sounds:

Known issues not related to my traffic mod:

- merging on motorway can be sometimes slow (SCS / map mod prefab issues)
- Ai non respecting rules like semaphore (prefab issues)
- Ai trucks indecided on which lane to be (scs bug)
- game can crash at high traffic density if many traffic pack are used (memory issue) this error is generating the following error: “Failed to assign pool segment... “ (solution: enable the above launch options)

Why you should use another traffic density mod?

- due to its complexity, my mod is frequently affected by game updates and it may happen to cause game crash if it's not immediately updated. I offer constant support to my mod nevertheless
- if you don't care about a realistic traffic density or about game FPS or frame rate performances and only want to see some more traffic around day and night
- alternatively you could consider also increasing g_traffic value, however this basic command will multiply all numbers and inevitably the spawn of those Ai meant to remain low (Police, ambulances, garbage trucks)

Please also note:

- if other mods claims a better performance don’t fall into the fancy description, there is not magic into it, better performance means much less traffic density which also means that is not a realistic traffic mod

your feedback is very valuable therefore discussions can start in the comments sections below. thank you!

P.S. My mods are and will always be for free, however if you appreciate my efforts and want to offer me a beer, I thank you in advance! here is my paypal account:
Popular Discussions View All (14)
Jul 20, 2024 @ 5:50pm
GUIDE: Edit traffic mods to work with Real Traffic Density
Nov 22, 2023 @ 11:37am
Game crashes in Serbia close to Novi Sad
Dec 11, 2024 @ 11:03am
HOW much ram should i put in the command?
baba smok
FindFloppies 21 hours ago 
LOL! Yeah, there's 'I want some more traffic' and "Are you insane??"...
Cipus  [author] Feb 13 @ 10:49am 
@Lotthar, if you mean this mod, you will never think it's too much
Lotthar Feb 13 @ 4:49am 
too many firetrucks on the road, Cip please :)
Mr.NeBuLa Feb 10 @ 1:49am 
FindFloppies Feb 9 @ 1:41pm 
@SupFlynn: I stack this with 'Realistic Drivers' and it curbs some of the nasty bahaviors, and I have a lot less 'clear traffic and move on' moments with that setup. Load Real Traffic Density before it. You may like the effects...and you may not. Your call.
Legendkiller456 Feb 9 @ 6:02am 
It gives a sense of realism by driving around with idiots xD
Cipus  [author] Feb 9 @ 3:48am 
thanks but behavious is just SCS codding, you cannot do much, fix something you ruin 10 others. better get used to Ai driving. and SCS do not waste time and resources for something that won't give any advantage
SupFlynn Feb 8 @ 10:11pm 
We need AI behaviour mod to go with this one really, i have tested tons of AI traffic mods in the GMC Logistics transcontinental modpack with all the paid mods. But this one is just miles better in the sense of traffic density however i'm having issues like AI brakechecks me everytime in the lane merging.
Mr Demon Gamer Feb 7 @ 6:01pm 
Does this mod work fine on a dedicated server?
Legendkiller456 Feb 7 @ 9:07am 
Probably because you don't see them often irl.