Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Don't Let It Die
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Dec 4, 2017 @ 6:46pm
May 12, 2024 @ 1:29pm
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Don't Let It Die

In 1 collection by Dustin
Thunk Board Games - Official Published Games
7 items

Lightning strikes a nearby tree. Fire! Your group of Neanderthals must now endure Mother Nature and work together to keep the fire going long enough to learn its mysterious powers and destructive capabilities. You have 14 days to uncover its secrets before a massive flood drowns the valley and extinguishes humanity’s one chance at becoming the apex predator and escaping extinction.

"Don't Let It Die" is a cooperative survival game based on early humanity's struggles to cement their place at the top of the food chain. You will gather resources & food, fight deadly predators, and learn the mysteries of fire. Your task is a difficult one, but no matter what happens, remember: Don't Let It Die!

Designed from the ground up to offer a re-playable, interactive, strategic cooperative experience for 1-4 players. The key to victory lies in your group's ability to adapt to the ever-present and always changing threats of prehistoric life. Should you focus on hunting and foraging to feed your starving tribe? Or should you be more concerned with supplying the dwindling fire with more wood? Perhaps constructing a weapon or tool might ease the stress of gathering resources...

These choices and more await you in what will surely be the ultimate test of survival.


Now includes the brand new full expansion, Hindrance!

Click here to view the expansion rulebook![]




I've created a reddit community for discussing the game,

Also you can check our official Discord for others playing!

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Physical Game Includes:
  • 56 Resource tokens
  • 40 FKP / Unlocked shards
  • 37 Resource Drawing cards
  • 27 Night event cards
  • 4 Character mats
  • 17 Character cards
  • 4 HP markers
  • 4 Stamina markers
  • 8 Max HP/Stamina markers
  • 8 Skill Used markers
  • 1 First Player card
  • 33 Item cards
  • 2 Double Sided Fire Knowledge Trees (1 Easy,2 Normal,1 Hard)
  • 1 Day Tracker mat
  • 1 Current Day marker
  • 1 Player Helper mat
  • 1 6 Sided Fire Die
  • 1 14-Page Rulebook

Daylight Mini Expansion:
  • 10 Day Event Cards
  • 1 Rule Card
  • 8 Fish tokens
  • 1 New character, Sig

Editing by Kyle McCarley

Custom wood Fire Die model for TTS that matches the physical game was made by Locoparentus

"Copyright 2018 [Dustin Hendrickson] This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Dustin Hendrickson"
Popular Discussions View All (7)
May 13, 2020 @ 9:56am
Pretty much all imports are broken
SteveS | さようなら, GO
Dec 15, 2021 @ 2:02pm
Scripting Update is Live!
Mar 25, 2019 @ 9:52am
Question with hunting
Khatis Jan 19 @ 2:01pm 
"Harvest deck which grants more wood than the Gather deck."

Yes the Harvest deck now I see that you need any kind of tool to draw from it, even hide armor for example.
In my mind it was gated behind Crafting 3 , thus I suggested moving it to Crafting 1, but apparently that already is the case, good show.
Gonna dive back in with this new knowledge, cheers
Khatis Jan 19 @ 2:01pm 

"help prevent unweighted resources gains (rolling the same number multiple times in a row)"

And yet it is still used with the Fire Dice which is also a main resource because it is needed to win the game.

"Is thematic"

I would argue that it isn't, but let's move on. Another way of doing it that came to mind was that when the deck runs out (smaller, safer deck maybe 4cards) you would shuffle in a new card, which would dilute the deck representing that you have to Gather from further away, potentially more dangerous and would make the Wood more scarce naturally, instead of the way it is now with the "magic" element of a fire that requires more and more fuel the longer it burns
Dustin  [author] Jan 19 @ 10:44am 
@Khatis, PT2: Or just bring a Tribe member that starts with a tool (Cron, Nibna, etc) to get access to the Harvest deck early.

Although not efficient, Trade is a very good and reliable way to get Wood. This can be offset by picking characters that bring in a steady supply of resources that can then be used to Trade. There's also characters that have skills that help bring in Wood.

Or maybe you go about it a different way and build a tribe that focuses on getting FKP so you can rush the +1 Wood Fire Discovery to start. Or a crafting a Tribe to make tools like the hatchet easier to obtain early once the Crafting tier is unlocked.

This all to share some of the design decisions that I made and why they were made and to say that there are many ways to get Wood beyond just the Gather deck. Thanks for playing and discussing the game!
Dustin  [author] Jan 19 @ 10:44am 
@Khatis, PT1: card counting is integral in the push your luck mechanic of getting resources, the smaller decks reduce randomness, help prevent unweighted resources gains (rolling the same number multiple times in a row) and promotes thematic game play in the sense that the more you get familiar with the decks (or the surrounding area) the better choices you can make on what action to do with what character. If you're not fond of the card counting mechanic, the character that shuffles the discard deck (Cron) actually helps mitigate this by giving you agency to not have to go through the remaining deck before getting access to those used resource cards.

Wood is deliberately scare as it's a main resource needed to stay alive. You also have the Harvest deck which grants more wood than the Gather deck.

Tools in general are how you offset the lower resource gains, so if you're having a hard time getting wood, focusing on Crafting early to get into the Harvest deck would be a good option!
Khatis Jan 19 @ 6:04am 

Also as a fellow board game maker I believe mechanics that incentivise deck counting are not good (there even is a character that reshuffles the discard pile into the deck) , if this was my game I would replace the 8 card deck into an d8 chart. Once players would get aqainted with it, over time they wouldn't even need to look at it anymore, they would know that a 8 is 2wood and a 7 is 1wood and so on.

As for the "not enough wood from Gather" Maybe having the Axe(?) for +1Wood , be at Crafting 1 , would be a good start, and/or increasing the wood in the deck itself. And I would rework the Trade itself to be more dynamic, I can elaborate if you would like.

Anywho that's my take on it, I like the game as a whole, thanks for making and sharing it ❤️
Khatis Jan 19 @ 5:08am 
Tried the game, the concept is great right up my alley, was very excited to try it out, but after dieing from the fire running out on day 6 something felt wrong, started calculating that you need 16Stamina to run through the Gather deck to get a total of 3 wood, which will not be enough from day 7. Weird..
And then I saw the Trade action, looked at the 18 resources I had, and now I see how the game is *supposed* to be played, you HAVE to Trade for firewood, which is unintuitive, gathering should be enough.
Nitizimo May 22, 2024 @ 12:43pm 
Hello, I wanted to ask if there are plans to translate it into other languages
Dustin  [author] May 18, 2024 @ 11:53am 
@badtiming220, Yes! They still gain MaxStamina when Discoveries are unlocked and they are Incapacitated and return at the end of the Morning Phase with 3 Health and their full Max Stamina refreshed!
badtiming220 May 18, 2024 @ 10:38am 
If a character dies and respawn them, do they get their max stamina back?
Dustin  [author] May 12, 2024 @ 1:30pm 
Don't Let It Die is going DIGITAL! Available soon on Google & Steam!