Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

68 ratings
Frame Limiter; When and Where to use it
By Sykes-9
San Andreas has many bugs mostly related to the physics when the frame limiter is set to off. This guide will show you when it's necessary to enable the frame limter in order to progress through the story.
Driving School
One particular task in driving school is called "Wheelie Weave". Which requires you to drive your car on 2 wheels and stop in the highlighted area. I don't know if you can complete this task or not without the frame limiter set to on and I also don't know why this works but it does. Trying to do this task without the frame limiter is down right frustrating because for some reason you don't even last 2 seconds on 2 wheels. If you pause the game and turn on the frame limiter, you will always get atleast 4 seconds on two wheels and it should now be much easier to complete the task.
Amphibious Assault: Mission #61

When I first went down to visit Woozie for this mission, I had no lung Capacity and unfortunately the only way to get more is to swim under water for awhile. This also proved frustrating because everytime I dived under, I almost immediately came back up. This is where the frame limiter comes in. Turn it on and what do you get? You can now dive underwater just fine.
Los Desperados: Mission #102

As much as I'd like to express my hate for this mission, I won't. All I'll say is that I have had to replay it more than any other mission. Not because I kept dying, nope. Not because of the rocket launcher kid up on the roof, nada. All this mission had to do was make sure that when that frame limiter is off and you regroup and the cutscene is over, that your mission fails because Cesar instantly dies. As always, fix this issue by turning on the frame limiter.

*Bonus Tip*
Lots of people hate that guy on top of the roof with the rocket launcher, killing him is easy after you realize that he isn't aiming at you and he doesn't aim at you, just run off to the side and keep shooting him in the head till he hits the ground, or more specific, the roof.
Free Roam: Taking off in a Skimmer

It just simply can't be done with the frame limiter off, turn it on and then back to off after taking off.
Weapon Damage and Accuracy Dealt by Enemies
One time when I was capping some hoods, four ballas came up behind me with AKs (wasn't paying attention). By those 4 guys alone, I got dropped in less than 4 seconds. Lucky for me though I had saved my game before hand. I loaded it up and turned on the frame limiter. Went back to the same hood, and tried recreating the situation. Once again, I got 4 ballas to come up from behind, 1 of which had an SMG from the looks of it but that shouldn't have changed the results THIS much. With the exact same amount of health (no vest), they put me down at 11 seconds.

Did some more tests today, got surrounded by ballas (atleast 7) and I got dropped in less than 3 seconds without armor. Note that this was with frame limiter off. I tried again with the frame limiter on and got surrounded again on purpose. With even more enemies than before, I waited 5 seconds before shooting back and killed around 8 or 9. In the end I had around 1/4th of my health bar and I didn't have any armor on.

I believe what happens mostly is that the accuracy and time in between the enemy shoots 3-4 bullets (burst fire) decreases as your frame rate does. Having a High-End rig to play this game on is not a good idea it seems.
Come across a problem that I haven't listed?
Post it in the comment section below, I should be able to add it to the guide within a week.
Postmodern( ͡Δ ͜ʖ ͡Δ)Gamer Jan 13, 2018 @ 5:34am 
The bug at the start of fender ketchup mission is fixed by enabling frame limiter.
Sykes-9  [author] Jun 26, 2017 @ 7:57pm 
When I first created this guide, I simply went by what number was used in this playthrough series
cakeman7555 Jun 26, 2017 @ 7:36pm 
I played about 30-42 missions in SA. How is Amphibious Assault mission #61?
cakeman7555 Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:42pm 
I got 93% in Wheelie Weave without the frame limiter on, about 120 fps.
O.D. Feb 10, 2017 @ 8:50pm 
I know this guide is kinda old but I just found out and tested that you need to turn frame limiter on before entering Beat the Cock triathlon in Fisher's Lagoon or the bikes won't spawn after the swimming segment, forcing you to fail the challenge.
500KG Bomb 🔼▶🔽🔽🔽 Nov 29, 2015 @ 6:10am 
wheelie weave is possible but it has taken me 30 minutes to handle this shit
UnusualB Jun 6, 2015 @ 7:54am 
There's that one Tec-9 in Sweet's roof, right? In the beginning of the game, i was going to pick it up, but when CJ climbed the white part, he lost about half of his health (Plus it's way harder to get in there for some reason). I tried it again, and got killed. Now, without the Limiter, i made it with no problems at all.
gigi gonflabil Aug 8, 2014 @ 3:51am 
That skimmer is from GTA VC
Максим Jul 7, 2014 @ 1:28pm 
You also need to use the frame limiter in the mission called Fender Ketchup. If you won't turn on frame limiter before the mission,the garage's gates won't open and you will get stucked there till the end of days.
nopr Jul 5, 2014 @ 7:06am 
Oh and the train mission works now