Majestic Trials

Majestic Trials

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Majestic Trials - A Wizard's Profile
By AlphaAsh
In Majestic Trials, you are a wizard. You will use the Wizard Profile screen to both create your wizard and to improve their abilities with experience points (XP) after winning a trial.
Wizard Profile Screen

The Wizard Profile screen is what you'll use to create a wizard before your first trial and to improve the abilities of a wizard after winning a trial.

You'll also select your next trial you will enter from this screen.

On lower screen resolutions some of the sections of the screen will be divided across multiple pages, which you can use arrow buttons to move between.
Appearance and Name

The 'postage stamp' image at the top left of the screen can be clicked to present a set of alternative appearances for your wizard. Just click the one you want.

Next to the stamp of your wizard is an input box which you can click on and then type the name of your wizard. 'Saved' wizards will be identified by this name, so it's a good idea not to use the same name as another wizard you created.
Level and Experience Points (XP)

All wizards start at level 1 and each time they win a trial they will gain a level.

A new wizard gets a number of initial experience points, or XP, to spend on some beginning personalisation of stats, available spells in their library and number of slots in their spellbook.

After winning a trial, a wizard will have gained some more XP to spend on further improvements.

Click the X if you want to reset any XP spent before beginning the next trial. Obviously anything you spent the XP on is undone.
A wizard's stats are a measure of some of their most important abilities, including how many actions they can carry out in their turn, how healthy they are, how good they are at making melee attacks, how good they are at avoiding melee attacks and how good they are at resisting magic.

Stats can be increased by spending XP. When you have enough XP to increase a stat, the + button beside a stat can be used to spend XP on improving that stat. The - button can be used if you change your mind.

Action Points
You will need these to carry out any actions in your wizard's turn.
  • Different actions, such as moving, making a melee attack, casting a spell, opening doors or containers or picking up items cost different amounts of action points.
  • Types of terrain can change the amount of action points needed to move.
  • You get all your action points back at the start of your next turn (usually).

How healthy your wizard is. How not hurt your wizard is.
  • When your wizard gets hurt, they will lose Health.
  • If your wizard has 0 health, they are eliminated from the current trial.
  • You can restore health in a trial by using the Heal spell or drinking the contents of a Vial of Health.

How good your wizard is at whacking things with their staff.
  • Note that low level wizards aren't very good at this. At all.
  • Most of your enemies won't use a staff. They still have claws, teeth, stabbing implements and chopping devices...

How difficult it is to hit and harm your wizard with a melee attack.
  • Note that low level wizards are easy to hit with a melee attack. Very easy.
  • The best defence against melee attacks is to not get into melee.

This is how good your wizard is at resisting magic.
  • In every trial you are competing against another wizard. Being able to shake off the effects of spells they cast at you is useful.
  • There's a few other things you may encounter that will use magic as well.

The library is where you keep known spells that can be added to your spellbook. The size of your library is limited but you can unlock additional space with XP. When you have enough XP, find the 'padlocked' slot and click it.

There's a number of different ways to learn new spells to fill the vacant spaces in your library.

  • Most spells cost no XP to learn but require a wizard to be of a certain level before they can be added to a free library slot.
  • Some spells are automatically learnt, when unused magical items recovered from a trial that you win, are 'reverse-engineered'.
  • Some spells can only be learnt when rewarded to you in return for carrying out favours for members of the Majestic Few.

You use your spellbook to record the spells you can cast in the next trial that you enter. The number of spell slots is limited but can be increased by spending XP. When you have enough XP, find the padlocked slot in the spellbook and click it.

There's a next page and previous page button for when you have more slots than will fit on two pages.

You can use the X button to clear out any visible slots. To remove an individual spell, click on it. To add a spell to the next vacant slot in your spellbook, click on the spell you want in your library.

You can have more than one of the same spell in your spellbook.
Trial Selection

This is where you select the next trial you will be entering. This part of the Wizard Profile screen will differ depending on whether you are in Single Trial Mode or Ascension Mode.

In Single Trial Mode you can only enter a trial that you have unlocked (won) in Ascension Mode. You can always enter the Trial of Demonstration however.

In Ascension Mode you must progress through tiers of trials, each tier having a selection of trials. Complete one trial in a tier to progress to the next tier.