Arma 3
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Fusion Varkgard
Data Type: Mod
File Size
194.858 MB
May 29, 2017 @ 10:01am
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Fusion Varkgard

Fusion Varkgard is a map based off of "FSF Varkgard" which was then modified (with permission) by "Papzzz" for his ArmA 2 DayZ mod "DayZ Fusion".
I have decided to release this map as I believe I'm the only one , except Papzzz , with the files.

Also , this map requires CUP Terrains.

And I would <3 to see this map in use for Survival mods like Exile etc , and will definetely join any servers that use it :)
Imgur Album :

Addons are signed , and the Server-Keys are included. My only Requirments are that you do not Re-Sign the mods , and just use the Keys provided.
Enjoy :)

If you would like to make a mission with this , the mission needs to be named as shown: *NAME.projet7"
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Jan 7, 2018 @ 10:48am
Servers running this map?
Wuna  [author] Dec 6, 2018 @ 8:04am 
For some reason this was Hidden, made public again.
BoogaHellno Jan 7, 2018 @ 8:58am 
Great map! I just started an Exile server, still have a few things to clean up but its mostly done. For some reason I cant get it to work on A3 launcher, it says unrecognized mod Fusion Varkgard. I noticed they have it listed under mods and not maps, not sure if that is why. I posted on their forums. Anyways, feel free to stop by and check out the server. Search for HOG. IP
Rad May 30, 2017 @ 12:47am 
Ah okay,i was just running core, thanks for letting me know
Wuna  [author] May 30, 2017 @ 12:15am 
In the photos I'm running CUP Terrains Complete. But I'm guessing (for the better texture) you need to run CUP Core , and CUP Maps. :) Glad you enjoy the map :P
морская пехота May 29, 2017 @ 8:09pm 
Thank you for uploading this.
Rad May 29, 2017 @ 4:23pm 
Is there any way to improve the ground texture since right now its really bad on medium and high distances and i tried multiple terrain settings. I cant seem to get the ground texture to be the same like in your pictures with any settings (Textures are on ultra always,terrain and anti aliasing does nothign)
Rad May 29, 2017 @ 3:28pm 
Im so hyped for this,could you add the CUP terrains Core to the mod requirements on steam in order to avoid questions like "Why is there no trees and buildings",etc.