Batman™: Arkham Origins

Batman™: Arkham Origins

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"BAM! Neat bokeh lense flare effects in action"
2 Kommentare
Jinx  [Autor] 28. Okt. 2013 um 6:29 
I got it with my GTX760 4GB. Great card. I am getting some lower fps in spots like this arena, but overall it's handling the game with PhysX and DX11 effects maxed pretty well. Both of which Origins makes the heaviest use of combined I've seen in a game. Yet it's much better optimized than Arkham City. I'm going to take some DX11/PhysX vs DX9 pics at some point. and post them back-to-back. :batsilo:
zeroxxx 28. Okt. 2013 um 0:50 
how much did you buy this game for? o.o Man game's look terrific