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Évaluations récentes de PxDor2

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
6.9 h en tout
It's a good game, but it's nothing more then just good.

There is a story, but I didn't find much substance from it personally.

That being said, the gameplay is pretty good, even if its true the controls are kind of wonky. The soundtrack is great but I think thats about it.

The AI in this game is at best inconsistent and at worst stupid. Some NPCs take ages to shoot at you and some instantly kill you before you can even see where they are coming from. It makes the AI feel cheaty and makes the game feel unfair. Shooting in general alerts NPCs but they either don't do anything or come to you, but wait outside the next room.

This game is good, but I don't think it's exactly as phenomenal as most people make it out to be. I'll probably buy the 2nd game as I still enjoyed this game.
Évaluation publiée le 14 septembre. Dernière modification le 14 septembre.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
51.4 h en tout (48.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's a pretty good game, though it does have its flaws.

For the good parts, the gameplay was mostly entertaining and strategy payed off a lot of the time. Most puzzles were usually straight-forward though i did find a few troubling. The story was good but it was also kind of simple, so there isn't much to write home about apart from it did what it needed to do. Medals were also fun to experiment with. Another thing what i liked about the game is that there was more main character depth and the tattle system was entertaining. The music was okay but it wasn't anything memorable and did it's job.

The bad parts would be its controls mostly, like how Vi turns a specific direction when trying to throw something diagonally and aiming in general due to the way the 2D characters move. While the story is also good the first 4 chapters aren't that interesting in terms of story. The first 4 chapters are just glorified fetch quests and it only gets interesting around the 5th chapter, so if you don't got the patience then you'll probably not like the game. I also didn't like how the lore was drip-fed in the form of an optional collectable, Lorebooks that mostly only the 100% completionists care about, I wish they were more prevalent in main story.

Despite all of the flaws, the game does a good job of what its trying to be, a spiritual successor to Paper Mario, and i'd recommend it even if you haven't touched a paper mario game in your life.
Évaluation publiée le 24 aout. Dernière modification le 24 aout.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
12.3 h en tout
This game is quite good, but not valve quality. As much as there is going for it, there is some blunders, some big, some small, and sometimes just make the game feel less serious. If there was an option, this review would be neutral.

My biggest issue would be the writing, why would the greater combine just care about some measly elite so much they don't get mind-wiped? Why didn't the advisor just kill Aiden on the spot at the end? The barn advisor could hold Gordon Freeman against the wall, and hell, that advisor didn't even know what it was doing half the time.

More to note on the advisor boss on the end, it was, in terms of gameplay, pretty fun to fight but doesn't really make sense as i mentioned. Advisors are meant to be the head-honcho of the combine (as far as we can see it) and to see them get mutilated by some combine elite is just kind of silly. A better ending segment would by not having a final boss at all, in my opinion.

Another thing to note is that the meme references in the dialogue makes Aiden sound like a redditor, his dialogue in general just feels like a redditor postal dude knock-off, and ruins the immersion. Some parts of the story also really falls into fanfic-esque territory, with the edge of the protaganist sounding like the guy from Hatred but if he sucked combine balls.

Very good gameplay, nice areas to explore but fails at meaningful narrative, also that radio guy can suck my ♥♥♥♥ he sounds like a minecraft youtuber and it's not even funny
Évaluation publiée le 10 juin. Dernière modification le 10 juin.
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2.8 h en tout (2.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Simple and nice. Not too convoluted and doesn't have too many complicated 'processes' for a majority of the games length unlike Factorio. Go get if you like factory games, probably a good introduction to the overall genre
Évaluation publiée le 31 janvier. Dernière modification le 29 avril.
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0.9 h en tout (0.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
The only thing the game has going for it is the unique artstyle and humor.

In terms of gameplay, there isn't much going for it and the humor itself wasn't for me. There is probably something in there for you but for me it really just didn't click for me so yeah
Évaluation publiée le 25 novembre 2023. Dernière modification le 14 janvier.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
9.3 h en tout (9.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
you think you have enough ships for the conquest of a system and it works out for the first three until your entire fleet gets destroyed in mere seconds by the AI on the fourth system and everything you had ever worked for in the past couple of hours for gets destroyed in the span of 5 minutes
Évaluation publiée le 31 octobre 2023. Dernière modification le 21 décembre 2023.
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20.0 h en tout (11.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
its a overall good game, but there was some crashes on Friday and Saturday at the end of some cut-scenes. the game-play is just standard FPS except with a more gore-y approach to it. Only issues I have the game with the game is that Postal Dude moves pretty slowly and the environments are kind of boring but the latter is more of a personal opinion.

Edgy FPS shooter which will probably make you laugh at times, its cheap on a sale when its under £1 if you want to wait for a better deal.
Évaluation publiée le 21 octobre 2023. Dernière modification le 9 avril.
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3.1 h en tout (1.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's like Ages Of Conflict but if it was set in space and wasn't mid. Has lots of depth including highly customised map generation which can be altered to your desire, and the empires have actual personalities, fleets, technology levels and much more.

There is a lot more to the game that i can't say in one review, but at the same time this game isn't good for those who don't value the intricacies of their civilisation or the gameplay as it quickly becomes another "watch funny pixels change colour" simulator and you'll probably get bored quickly but its kind of cheap so i'd recommend it.
Évaluation publiée le 1 octobre 2023. Dernière modification le 19 aout.
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45.5 h en tout (35.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
It's a good game for some fun but it basically melts down into large civilisations having rebellions, then those rebelling nations turning into large civilisations, and then rebelling and it happens again and again, at a certain point your disasters don't do much unless you nuke the civilisation into oblivion or spawn stupid amounts of enemies.

At the same time though this game does have some surprising depth that you might not notice at first and requires some digging around to find, but such depth cannot usually be altered by yourself. The game has an emerging modding scene which doesn't consist of just maps, though it'll take a while until it blossoms into something great.

I'd also say that the price is asking for a bit too much especially as the extra cost doesn't make sense since you can get the full mobile version for cheaper so i'd wait until this goes on sale. The game is pretty fun.
Évaluation publiée le 11 juin 2023. Dernière modification le 18 aout.
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7.0 h en tout
It's a good game, has good gameplay and good art, though the price is asking WAY too much for a game of this length. Wait for a sale.

As well as that, it is a bit shallower then i expected. The game is pretty easy and doesn't require much thought apart from some of the same tedious puzzles, and the AI is pretty weak and most of the humans do nothing but run around like headless chickens.
Évaluation publiée le 3 juin 2023. Dernière modification le 25 aout.
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