Fish   California, United States
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:Geralt: :praisesun: :estusfull: :bird:
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
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96 hrs on record
last played on Apr 16
154 hrs on record
last played on Apr 15
359 hrs on record
last played on Apr 15
BigFellaJames Dec 30, 2023 @ 6:55pm 
+rep dude sent me some pretty sexy feet photos :steamhappy:
remdmm Jun 9, 2022 @ 11:14am 
absolutely based (it's morbin time)
The Extra Pancakes Jan 2, 2021 @ 4:05pm 
+rep great guy to talk to if you're feeling down
Tyre$e Franklin Jr. Dec 26, 2020 @ 1:48pm 
haha 😂👌 yea 😀 i 👁 agree 👍💯, anyway 🔛, a bit 😁 off 📴 topic ➕, but 🍑 do u 💦🤕🔫 think 💭 that yoshi 😍 gets 🔟 embarrassed 😊 when ⏰ he 👥 poos 💩 out eggs 🥚 in front 🔝 of mario 🌟??? sorry 🙇 if this ofends 😡 anyone 🙋 but 🍑 i 👁 thought 🤔 it was a funny 😃 thing 📴 haha 😂. and i 👁 would like 👍🏿 to know 💭 if any of you 👈 have any pics 👌👀 of yoshi 🐊 pooping 😏 an egg 🥚😍😏 while he 👨 looks 👁👄🧔🏾 nervous 😰 or embarrassed 😊 i 👁🏽 just want 😋🚶🏢 to see 👁 it for a few laughs 😂 haha 😂. another 🔄 thing 📴 i 👁 am wondering 🤔 is what do you 👉 think 💭 the eggs 🥚 smell 👃 like 😄 haha 😂 im 💘 just curious 🙇 for laughs 😂 haha 😂 i 👁 would like 💖 to smell 👃 them