Шлёпик ✓
Сыр   Moskva, Russian Federation
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:p2orange:Имя: Макрица:p2blue:

:p2orange:Дискорд: realshlepek:p2blue:

:p2orange:Вк: Добавить в др [vk.com]:p2blue:

:p2orange:Ютуб: Сабнись :p2blue:

:p2orange:ПК: AmdRyzen3 GTX1650 GDDR6 4gb 16гб ОЗУ:p2blue:
Vitrine des créations
Я потанцую :3
162 22 3
Vitrine du Workshop
Description This is NextBot, which plays the not very popular oxymoron MOH track. Like all other nextbots, he will run and jump after you. This is my first NextBot I made. But this NextBot doesn't have nav mesh, so write a possible command to recognize map
29 évaluations
Créé par - Шлёпик ✓
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dernière utilisation le 19 avr.
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dernière utilisation le 16 avr.
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