mm_chto 8 minutes ago 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀└📁Dead by Daylight
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⠀└⠀✅ Tunnel
⠀└⠀✅ Camp
⠀└⠀✅ Tipical rusian player
⠀└⠀✅ Toxicity
⠀└⠀✅ Crain cancer
GodAnkora Apr 1 @ 2:53pm 
toxic af
FFE MendrixLive Mar 27 @ 10:14pm 
unskilled killer main
♡☆A_Birb☆♡ Mar 20 @ 1:36am 
Yea bro it's been a week and I won't be banned anytime cus I didn't cheat, but maybe you should try considering your comments lol
Dérkomai Mar 19 @ 5:31pm 
-rep noob killer who's crying in end game cause he lost instead of tunneling people out xD ouin ouin
Cutie Armin <3 Mar 13 @ 5:14pm 
-rep trash killer can't aim with deathslinger and tunnel from 5 gens
JoPhCarrillo Mar 13 @ 3:19pm 
-rep Xtremely toxic killer. Tunnels people straight after unhook and slugs. :steamthumbsdown:
Rodent Mar 13 @ 2:10pm 
Boring slinger that just tunnels whoever has been hooked
♡☆A_Birb☆♡ Mar 13 @ 12:23pm 
here's me "hacking" <3, made this just for u hun
♡☆A_Birb☆♡ Mar 13 @ 11:01am 
+rep reports people for cheats when he gets ouplayed - gg and try and be more kind to people, just because someone's better than you, doesn't mean they are hacking. Have a nice day!
Bouteilleur Mar 12 @ 5:30pm 
⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡇⠄⠄⢀⠎⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠙⢿⣿
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Ripley Mar 12 @ 11:08am 
solo game developer? more a pathetic humanoide like the rest of these dogs of this wasteland
Bypblk😽 Feb 27 @ 4:57pm 
Это чучела ливнуло вначале, сказав что мы со 100% вероятностью проиграем. Лицо этого дayна представили, когда все спаслись, а чmoня поела говна?:shit::poophappy:
144hz Feb 18 @ 12:54pm 
no brain no skill killer, teenage retarted mutant
ニレ Feb 16 @ 11:10am 
You enjoy camping together with survs? Then alow me to offer you our basic camping package! This includes a small seating accommodation, a comfortable campfire and delicious marshmallows. Of course for esteemed professionals such as yourself, we offer a premium version of our services! Included is a complementary fluffy blanket and thermos filled with piping hot chocolaty goodness! Payment can easily be accomplished via PayPal. We here at SecondHook hope you have a nice day and look forward to hearing from you!
SHADOW_R1D3R Feb 7 @ 10:13am 
-rep, sweats like there's no tommorow on "Lights out" while tunneling
forever Feb 6 @ 2:36pm 
totally agree with your theory, teens are trash
Sweetex- Feb 4 @ 12:23pm 
обоссанный туннелер, я его мамашу также туннелил когда искал в кого бы присунуть
End Game Chat Enjoyer Jan 30 @ 10:17am 
"solo game developer with academic backgrounds"
nytec_ttv Jan 29 @ 11:59am 
-rep hardcore tunnel and slugging with trickster, trashtalking in end game chat. poor guy, probably has a sad life...
Darksaxo Jan 28 @ 12:08pm 
scum of the society
your_lover Jan 28 @ 10:54am 
-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ туннелер на траппере. на карте существуют и другие сурвы. таким людям как ты гореть в аду ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Throat Goat Dec 24, 2023 @ 4:45pm 
-rep doesn't know that survivors need to do gens, didn't touch a single one all game
Lady Gaga Dec 22, 2023 @ 4:12pm 
-rep the most cringe and unfun clown, typical basekit with tunneling and camping. PS Ваня, поешь г0vna 6лять клоуняра.
Mauwoww Dec 22, 2023 @ 4:05pm 
oh so you're a pathological toxic Clown that has a sad life outside of gaming. Good to know babe :* at least there's a common ground of people thinking the same thing about you, that's reassuring!
Basil Dec 22, 2023 @ 2:13pm 
just because you're playing clown doesn't mean you have to act like one
Das Börserl Nov 25, 2023 @ 12:52pm 
i never had a squad of 4 girls, but its nice of you to think that when someone makes a mistake in a game, they're automatically girlies :)) gl hf:steamsalty::steamsalty:
юичка Oct 13, 2023 @ 12:03pm 
-реп, член 15см заходит в игру самоутвердиться. Девчонки не дают походу, обиделся((((
Enot №1 Oct 13, 2023 @ 11:59am 
Кусок говна с переизбытком тестостерона, который не только не умеет нормально разговаривать с ограниченным наобором слов, так и играет на его уровне словарного запаса
Lé kuílzone Oct 8, 2023 @ 4:01pm 
+rep, хорошо обработал мои укро-нацистские яйца:steamhappy:
cllemmyy Oct 8, 2023 @ 3:59pm 
pierdol sie rusku
Samurai Stonks Oct 7, 2023 @ 9:19am 
i wish you will raise my childrens that i do with your wife(if you ever leave the house to touch some grass and find a big ugly cow to be your wife)
Taicatu Oct 7, 2023 @ 8:59am 
hope your gf will born dead babies
Randy Bee Lahey Sep 28, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
russian ♥♥♥♥ gay
ju Sep 27, 2023 @ 10:39am 
самое интересное, что когда проигрывает зетка в матче, она сразу начинает высирать что-то про читы, не разобравшись в ситуации. вот такие вот они -- отбросы русского народа. хавают и сразу плакать надо. видимо они не знают, что анна бегается за текстурками и дистанцию я набирал быстро, потому что анна при поднятии топора замедляется в скорости и ходит медленнее сурва. даже на знание элементарного кита анны и её топоров не хватило ума у данной зетки. просто в голове один рашизм
Katie King Sep 14, 2023 @ 5:35am 
They have means and ways to check, and can even ban hardware, like gpu's, I can honestly say despite the fact you've calculated it all, that I have never cheated, nor cheated in a game, this account is like 15 years old with zero vac bans, wait for your report to come back though, if this game causes that much paranoia that you have to sit and work out equations like that, then maybe take a long break.
ivan866_z Sep 14, 2023 @ 5:28am 
if nothing comes from report even when cheating has been proven, that means developers like cheaters
Katie King Sep 14, 2023 @ 5:27am 
Who else am i calling wrong? apart from you? Are there other personalities you're referring to? Also, I play on 120 fps and the video is 60 fps, not sure if you wanna factor this into your equation? This is actually hilarious by the way!
Katie King Sep 14, 2023 @ 5:24am 
Well when you see nothing comes back from your player report because... no cheating was involved, then what?
ivan866_z Sep 14, 2023 @ 5:07am 
just calculated your speed frame-by-frame; it is exactly 115% of normal survivor speed

shack dimension is 12x12 m; you cover each shack wall in 78 frames; that means it takes you 2.6 s to cover 12 m distance; which leads us to exactly 4.61 m/s speed, which is approximately 115% and equals normal killer speed

i think it is obvious why you have chosen that exact speed boost value, right? and forgot to change it when you realised you were playing against a 4.4 killer
ivan866_z Sep 14, 2023 @ 4:34am 
posts a video proving she was cheating; realises this doesn't work; begins saying everybody else is wrong; calls another cheater with an auto-generated nickname (this tech is known as vocabulary-generator) and 2 games on account for help; now they are trying to convince themselves their cheating is not that bad actually; imagine being that delusional... LOL
Katie King Sep 14, 2023 @ 4:13am 
Ivan i really hope you get the help you need, you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and need to uninstall, i can't say anymore sadly, nothing in your limited intelligence is going to convince you I wasn't cheating
Mimis Sep 14, 2023 @ 4:02am 
bait account, must be giga lonely irl
ivan866_z Sep 14, 2023 @ 3:37am 
the problem is... i DC'd not bc you flashlighted me (which is a piece of cake), but when i saw that your speed is already +3% even when you are not injured - which can be clearly seen on your own video which you provided - the distance between the killer and you is not getting any shorter (you may use shack corners as a pivot point) - it literally stays the same with each new iteration as you keep running, and during the last cycle - it even gets larger

1:18 it can clearly be seen that you began increasing your speedhack value, which leads to noticeable jitter in the speed of your character (hoping to reach the shack door unharmed); most likely this is achieved by putting Hope and Made for This perks into your inventory slots 5 and above (dbd has been known to let this technically possible for a long time); additionally, Lightweight perk sitting somewhere in your inventory is also very likely - which you also toggle on and off intermittently so that it doesn't become too obvious
Katie King Sep 14, 2023 @ 2:16am <----- Theres me finishing a gen in the shack and making my way over, as if someone with nearly 5000 hours needs to cheat. You honestly think people are as stupid as you? Your response to my original comment and clip left me shook, I really didn't consider your IQ to be THAT low but you proved me wrong.
... Sep 13, 2023 @ 1:58pm 
+rep, хорошо обработал мои укро-нациские яйца:flagukraine:
фатхерфускер Sep 13, 2023 @ 1:00pm 
-rep annoying singularity
Kozmokrator Sep 12, 2023 @ 8:03pm 
-rep loser "teammate" never trust him. i unhooked him friendly, but he. I kindly let him off the hook, but he ran away rat-like in return, instead of protecting my body from the killer
Lekoan/TTV Sep 12, 2023 @ 8:01pm 
+rep cute surv