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Publicada el 7 DIC 2017 a las 19:24

What the hell after the 5 day of play ths game it stop work ? gogg they I got it for $2 or I be mad as hell
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Respuesta del desarrollador:
Atomic Fabrik Studio  [desarrollador] Publicada el 9 DIC 2017 a las 0:24
We're sorry that you encountered this bug.
Please try to restart the game because this can fix your problem.
We are preparing in next days an update where you will find new features, new improvements which will fix a lot of bugs including this one.
1 comentarios
Atomic Fabrik Studio 9 DIC 2017 a las 10:30 
We're happy to annonce that the new version of the game is now available v1.0.3
Your problem was fixed & many other were fixed too)
Also you can find a new language & some new features