MAD Virtual Reality Studio
MAD Virtual Reality Studio   Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand
MAD Virtual Reality Studio works are on media and Interactive (Virtual Reality)
Currently Offline
-ITCorvo- Nov 27, 2019 @ 7:09am 
How exit new update?
Mavicjakob Apr 19, 2019 @ 2:13pm 
Hi. About the Araya game, i have sent you a mail that contains 3 crash-dump files. The game have crashed 2 times in a row just when i´m about to enter the 7:th chapter.
55XRacer Channel (YouTube) Jul 20, 2017 @ 5:48am 
: Araya Game :
Meu jogo também. Isso ocorre porque meu notebook Acer Aspire com o processador I5 executou jogos muito mais difíceis, como Resident Evil 7, Need for Speed Shift, gráficos Dyng Light Ultra, estou surpreso que este jogo não seja executado no meu notebook. Quando eu abrir o jogo e parece pressionar um botão e pressiono, ele entra em uma tela preta e não carrega nada, deixei várias horas para ver se era algum tipo de upload ou download e nada, como resolver isso?
: Signed: 55XRacer : Steam :
55XRacer Channel (YouTube) Jul 20, 2017 @ 5:48am 
: Araya Game :
My Game Also. this is because my Acer Aspire notebook With I5 processor has run much harder games like Resident Evil 7, Need for Speed Shift, Dyng Light Ultra graphics, I'm surprised that this game does not run on my notebook. When I open the game and appears to push a button and I press it it enters a black screen and does not load anything, I left several hours to see if it was some kind of upload or download and nothing, how to solve this?
: Signed: 55XRacer : Steam :
Leland Apr 19, 2017 @ 8:33am 
进游戏就变成第三人称了 怎么回事啊
无闷 Dec 24, 2016 @ 10:10pm 
……………… …*•○♥○•*………
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Merry Christmas
Best wishes for you.