The Crimson Dawn
Ricky   Rochester, New York, United States
1 个记录在案的游戏封禁 | 信息
上次封禁于 933 天前
500 点经验值
总时数 98 小时
最后运行日期:4 月 17 日
总时数 172 小时
最后运行日期:4 月 17 日
总时数 168 小时
最后运行日期:4 月 17 日
成就进度   29 / 43
Aaron 2023 年 4 月 14 日 下午 10:46 
+rep put an ump in this guy's hand, tell him to open a site, give him an entry flash, sit back and relax. great player. fantastic aimer. play maker when needed. deserves experienced team with strong leadership.
Aaron 2018 年 12 月 10 日 下午 7:41 
Look I've seen a lot of good surfers on many servers being on css and csgo for years and I've never seen anyone surf the way you do I got requested into the server by several people about you and I saw it for myself watching you snap to the same point every single time in the sharpest motion and after going over some of your stuff that you have big - on small/tight stages/bonuses is fishy as hell especially seeing some records beat pretty well with very few completions some are 1 completion with thousands of completions on the stage/bonus so you're gonna have to explain yourself really well or show some type of handshow for me to believe that you can beat some of these good surfers such as mbn and josh with 1 completion