United Kingdom (Great Britain)
pequ0d 11 stycznia o 0:28 
shteamboat willard
V.I. Tired 25 grudnia 2023 o 1:14 
I am the Grunk
Santa Lunk who?
I live in steam comments
A gift for you 由
Awkward 29 listopada 2023 o 21:31 
ANYWWAYS was just thinking of you and hope youre doing well
Awkward 29 listopada 2023 o 21:31 
kinda not anymore tbhhhhhh
mimiroru92 28 listopada 2023 o 12:58 
you're not still doing that? are you even a gamer?
Awkward 26 listopada 2023 o 19:01 
hey remember when we spent our 20s raging on a kids game