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PowerOpossum 5 avr. à 17h20 
@irieguy: justify leaving a bad review on a game someone played over 3000 hours in. I'll wait
SG 1 avr. à 7h39 
hey wheres the total played hrs game list? Also your review was copy pasted??
IrieGuy 27 mars à 11h41 
I have my problems with game too, but you probably could have gotten away with all your critiques with an upvote with it. the steam community is programmed to equate massive in game time with overall postive experience for the reviewer; even if the review includes gripes.
✞ Star∞ 24 mars à 5h41 
sodeliam you have nothing better to do than to copy and paste popular steam reviews in a desperate attempt for attention, just to bring some meager entertainment in your dull empty monotone day to day life, don't you feel pathetic?
this is what you do.
✞ Star∞ 24 mars à 5h37 
also sodeliam shut up ingrate