MadRabidDog   Iowa, United States
If I am playing a game I am likely streaming on twitch.
My twitch is https://www.twitch.tv/lewandasillyfeathers
Comment before adding me.

Enjoy life you animals:pandastunned::coddog:

Probably should ignore the rest of THIS info box cuz I'm too lazy to update it

UNUSUALS I USED TO OWN *Outdated cuz I'm lazy*
Mag Mullet blizzardy storm
Mining Light orbiting planets
Sola Topi circling tf2 logo
Mag Mullet smoking
P-fetti exquisite rack
Circling heart pug
Searing plasma panama
Burning sola topi
Blizzardy storm exquisite rack
Circle heart cockswain
Electrostatic Connoisseur's cap (very lucky buy)
circle heart rather festive tree
Circle heart Dapper
bubble gym rat (thanks to Derez being super awesome and nice)
roboactive dapper
sun beams batter's helmet
orbiting fire ol geizer
c9 blighted beak
vivid plasma big country
C9 hot dogger
orbiting fire crocleather slouch

I currently own a circling heart company man that I don’t plan on selling.

I used to sell unusuals for my friends. I did it free of charge.

UNUSUALS I HAVE BROKERED *outdated cuz lazy*
orbiting fire Rimmed rain catcher
smoking Milk man
bubbling Bonk Boy
purple energy Mirror
smoking Baker Boy
blizzard storm Sober Stuntman
bubbling Brainiac Hairpeice
circe heart Cockswains pith helm
circle heart Noble Assesment of Hats
miami nights Cyborg Stunt Helm
phosphorous Brain Slug
P-fetti Reggaelator
harvest moon Baker Boy
aces high private eye
scroching bonk helm
nuts and bolts hot rod
green black hole shako
Eerie bat counterfit billycock
electrostatic dapper
knifestorm vintage tyrolean
blizzardy storm vintage tyrolean
massed flies coup
blizzardy storm mag mullet
killawatt honchos
bubbling bloke
nuts and bolts football helmet
cloud-9 pampered pyro

If you want me to broker unusuals for you I'll gladly do it for free, but I only broker for people who have been on my friends list for a while.


That Was Unlikely: Capture the intel as a spy crab.

Fiddle De De: Be smarter than AlixMD by refusing to be played by Chef

What did I just find? I got Gold paint from the drop system man.

AND IM MOVEN ON UP: get your first unusual!

TF2 a Dating Site?: This is pretty much self explanitory.

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?: Get the $100 dollar TF2 ring from your friend/lover. Why kyle why? (It's still awesome though)

Drop system I LOVE YOU!: Make a key from items you get from the drop sysem from one day of playing.


"If you weren't over there and I weren't over here I'd go to your house, knock you out, and poop in your shoes" -Comradeyoseph

"I bet she eats gummy bears on flat bread" -EFF talking about me

":\ if you try to claim I was beating you with a phone, this relationship wont last too long xD"
-Penguin The Fluffy (silly goose)

"Iowa? What is it?"
-Mr.Curi (See no one knows what Iowa is)

"I'm gonna beat the Swedish out of you" (LyingMaskOfTruth talking to Mr.Curi)
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
Lewanda Silly Feathers steam mascot
4 4
About Lew
Join us murderous birbs https://steamcommunity.com/groups/murderofmurderers

:FireStrike: I am a retired ppm admin

:fireball: I am a global admin for the Disc-ff community

:fireball: I don't update this much also I wont sell my unusual company man

:FireStrike: Everyone wants to be me, but no one can be me. BEWARE of impersonators. Make sure you are trading with the real Lewanda

| steamname: LewandaSillyFeatherz
| steam3ID: [U:1:117782822]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:58891411
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078048550
| customURL:
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198078048550


:fhappy:I am NyaTheWolf on furaffinity:fhappy:

:fhappy:Yes I am a furry, but I do not care for any NSFW furry stuff.

:8bitheart: No I will not sell my unusual company man don't ask

:8bitheart: I like to make art things tho I'm not too good http://shadowwolfnya.deviantart.com/

:8bitheart: I No longer broker unusuals. I haven't profit traded in a long time because I found a hat I like. If you are really desperate I will broker for you for free.

:8bitheart:I love pink (like duh look at my background)

:8bitheart:I mostly prefer unusual trading, when I have other items for trade it's usually because I got sweets from a trade I made for an unusual, and I usually sell normal items at a very good deal

:8bitheart:Making the world a better place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtYzsRMaQpo

:8bitheart: I no longer have escrow! YAY I can trade without a hold!

:mend:I rep check everyone I trade with at rep.tf :mend:

:fire::skullcat:I WILL NOT TRADE WITH YOU IF:skullcat::fire:
:skullcat:You're a marked scammer, have pending reports, or have a steam rep caution tag:skullcat:
:skullcat:I am even a little bit suspicious of you and your rep:skullcat:

:8bitheart:Lastly please don't be stupid and don't make me :rfacepalm:

Have a nice day
hardy. Feb 4 @ 12:51pm 
hello, added you
iMerlin Jan 1 @ 4:01pm 
lyrie Sep 16, 2024 @ 8:25pm 
adding from the slendererdereder
hardy. Jun 30, 2024 @ 4:18pm 
heey, added ;3
Tailsdoll86 Dec 31, 2023 @ 11:04pm 
happy new year
tocks Nov 4, 2023 @ 9:18pm 
added bc animal expert