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138.1 hrs em registo
The game's really good and almost everyone will replay the same story path with the same character build every time.
Publicado a 21 de Outubro de 2022.
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6 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
127.7 hrs em registo (114.7 horas no momento da análise)
Outside of the story and major sidequests, it's mediocre. The story and sidequests are likely the most developed out of everything. I can describe it like you're watching a cool cyberpunk movie in first person. However, the story is pretty straightforward and there isn't much you can do to influence the story aside from picking who to romance or choosing super specific options with your new best friend, Keanu Reeves.

The sidequests are mixed. Some are straight up super developed long adventures while the majority are Ubisoft-tier throwaway filler quests that just ask you to go somewhere and steal/kill/hijack whatever before giving you a reward. The developed sidequests are really fun, but the filler ones are just a slog.

Gameplay with guns is okay, but suffer from looter shooter syndrome. You'll encounter the same guns but with minuscule stat change. Often times you'll find that guns feel the same and there's no gunsmithing (for example: you can't swap out the targeting computer on a smartgun or add smart bullets to a dumb gun). You'll also encounter a LOT of junk weapons that would just pile up in your inventory and it is overall a hassle to interact with.

Driving is very basic with poor handling and every car feeling like it's ultra slippery.

The world is very big and very beautiful to look at but there's nothing meaningful to do in it. If you're expecting Deus Ex style exploration finding secret paths, supplies and etc, this isn't it. The AI don't do much aside from going for point A to B.

Overall there's very little to come back to once you beat the game. You can run through all the content in one go without much effort. The endings can be experienced one by one just by reloading a save, except for the secret ending which needs some specific, obscure choices to be achieved before being made available.
Publicado a 15 de Fevereiro de 2022.
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40.2 hrs em registo (5.4 horas no momento da análise)
I've played a hundred hours of Cyberpunk and I'll still recommend playing this instead if you're looking for an actual good RPG. DXHR offers you so much in terms of freedom of exploration, weapon upgrades, augmentations and dialogue choices. You can approach places in all sorts of ways: hack computers, blow up doors, lethal stealth, non-lethal stealth, find passcodes by talking to people or reading emails etc etc. You can get in almost anywhere if you where to look and know what tools to use.

Dialogue options can go many different ways depending on how you choose to answer people, you can get locked out of items/passwords, gain information if you answer right, win debates. All that and they didn't even need a huge open world filled with cookie cutter side quests. While the main story is pretty linear at the end, it is an excellent one that explores transhumanism so if that's your jam then this game is for you.

Weapons can be upgraded with weapon mods, and each weapon comes with their own unique mod on top of the standard silencers, damage and capacity upgrades. For example, you can get a mod for your assault rifle that lets you shoot homing bullets. You also have your augmentations that can either be used for direct combat, stealth or generally help you explore better like higher jumps, stronger arms to lift heavy stuff, negating fall damage etc etc. You also have takedowns that let you instantly take down an opponent lethally or non-lethally at the cost of your energy.

Gameplay rewards exploration in the form of XP, money and weapons. By default, you are very squishy. It only takes a few pistol shots or a small fall to bring you down. Thankfully, the game lets you mitigate that using your augments. There are many things to read and most of the time, it is worth it to just go around reading people's emails because you can gain some clues for side quests or passwords to help you later.

Enemy variety is good, you have regular grunts, heavies and robots plus the bosses. Shooting enemies in the head usually drops them in one shot, and EMP weapons take out robots pretty much immediately. Whether you like a guns blazing approach, ghost or pacifist, the game offers plenty of challenges as well as the tools to overcome them.

Don't mind the 5 hour gametime, played the game to completion twice already on the original version. Overall, it's miles better at being a real cyberpunk RPG than Cyberpunk 2077.
Publicado a 12 de Janeiro de 2021.
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221.2 hrs em registo (34.2 horas no momento da análise)
It's basically Minecraft but with more meaningful loot and incentives to go adventuring
Publicado a 7 de Janeiro de 2021.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
885.3 hrs em registo (51.9 horas no momento da análise)
You haven't truly experienced Rainbow Six Siege until you:

- Baptise your first hostage
- "Heal" your teammates by shooting them in the foot and reviving them
- Get killed by your own breach charge
- Get shot through walls that you didn't know could be shot through
- Kill someone with a shock drone
- Annoy the entire enemy team with a shock drone
- Hear your team yell "THE NAZIS ARE COMING" in chat when the defenders throw a gas grenade
- Fail a push because your gadgets were jammed
- Get caught in a bear trap
- Get caught in a poison trap
- Get shot through smoke by Glaz
- Win a round after someone from the enemy team killed the hostage
- Use the hostage as a shield
- Play Tachanka and get shot in the legs
- Win a match by standing on the defuser as Montagne
- Get spawn peeked
- Win a match with a recruit-only team

Publicado a 24 de Dezembro de 2017.
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4.7 hrs em registo
The Karabiner 98k is my go-to weapon when killing soviet scum
Publicado a 7 de Janeiro de 2017. Última alteração: 7 de Janeiro de 2017.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
28.7 hrs em registo (25.2 horas no momento da análise)
Things you'll learn when you play NMRiH:

- Teamwork is rarer than decent loot in Destiny, and that's saying something.
- There will ALWAYS be people who'll horde all the ammo and weapons instead of taking what they need.
- 3/5 times you'll have some guy in your team that plays the badass and runs ahead of everyone before getting killed at the other end of the map by a kiddie zombie.
- People don't actually know how hammers and planks work.
-Trigger discipline doesn't exist.
-When your name goes red, you know someone's bound to take a swing at you.
- Favela is the haven for stockpilers.
- Half the players don't get the references to popular zombie movies and books.

Overall it's a good game with terrible players. 6/10 for me.
Publicado a 5 de Janeiro de 2015. Última alteração: 5 de Janeiro de 2015.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
1,577.2 hrs em registo (256.8 horas no momento da análise)
You join the game with ONE purpose...

To earn yourself some sweet hats.

So what do you do?

You pwn noobs for hats

You play with 12 year olds for hats

You pay thousands of dollars for hats

You rack up countless hours just grinding and grinding....

All of this you will do for your grand quest of owning ALL the hats.

Will you succeed? Probably.

But there's one thing I know for sure. You'll absol-

Publicado a 6 de Dezembro de 2014. Última alteração: 6 de Dezembro de 2014.
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385 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1,121 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
165.8 hrs em registo (148.0 horas no momento da análise)
Ah, the world of Payday 2...

A world where armour plating can magically regenerate by laying your ass down behind cover for 3 seconds

A world where yelling at your team mates give them the willpower to dust off their life threatening wounds

A world where security guards don't get suspicious of that pump action Raven shotgun you got on your back

A world where civilains are the holy grails of heists while police officers are worth a pinch of salt

A world where you get to watch a foul mouthed Englishman 'hack' by looking at a loading screen

A world where the police puts dangerous criminals in custody and releases them 3 minutes later

A world where world class heisters can't afford drills that aren't made in China

A world where guns and masks are worth more than cars and houses

A world where advanced DNA matching takes only minutes and not months

A world where you can have 5 Sam Fishers kicking your face in

A world where you get to be Heisenberg

Thermal drill is love, thermal drill is life

420/10 Game of the Century

Edit 1: Overkill is the true heister, because they're robbing players of all their money...
Publicado a 29 de Novembro de 2014. Última alteração: 24 de Dezembro de 2016.
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