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Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
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Beautiful game, brings back many childhood memories! Very good performance, nice visuals, classic feel! And new levels added by VV - awesome! If You had played this game and have fond memories of it, you must buy it! If You have never heard about this franchise - it's a must have too! Just a simple recommendation for everyone - buy it, you won't regret it.
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 1,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 23.4.
yhteensä 969 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 22.4.
yhteensä 18,2 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 13.4.
Pxpy 5.11.2023 klo 15.12 
noob with negev
Kondzio 2.1.2014 klo 11.08 