Semper Fidelis, Dulce et Decorum est pro Patria Mori.

“Whoso entereth here leaveth all hope behind" - from Canto III of Dante’s Inferno

"Man must rise above the Earth
to the top of the atmosphere and beyond
for only thus will he fully understand
the world in which he lives."

(469-399 B.C)

"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can [for me] change this." -Albert Einstein

"Coffee tastes better if the latrines are dug downstream from an encampment." - US Army Field Regulations, 1861

"All propaganda is lies, even when one is telling the truth." - George Orwell
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Kerbal Space Program
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