Director, Composer, Writer and Lyricist behind the Sonic Paradox Sonic Heroes Musicals, UNDERSONG - The Original UNDERTALE Musical and more.
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Timooni May 23 @ 9:34pm 
Hi RecD! It's been a while. Wanted to pop in and say hi. I used to go by "SparkyCyan" about 11 years ago or so, there was a period of time I would hang out with paradoxpowerplays, who I had met via Celest. I know I kinda disappeared at some point, I might have only been around for a short-ish while. But then the craziest thing happened: amazing work on the Indigo Park soundtrack!! I did a double take, I was like "wait a sec I recognize RecD!" Incredible! :D The song has been stuck in my head for like a week. Anyway hope all is well, take care! :3