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w8asec 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 3.1시간 (평가 당시 2.4시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Maybe hang on a bit before getting this game. It has brilliant potential but right now it's just a concept. If it gets multiplayer (it better get multiplayer, that would make it something infinitely playable rather than a fun toy that gets old after few weeks) and the ability to build your own vehicles rather than just the pre-built ones, and maybe a simple questing or brick-hunting system to keep things interesting, this has the potential to be my favourite game of all time.
2015년 6월 2일에 게시되었습니다.
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
아직 아무도 이 평가가 유용하다고 하지 않음
기록상 19.5시간 (평가 당시 1.4시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
An absolutely amazing crashing stuff into other stuff simulator...I don't really know what else to say about it. If you want to crash stuff together and watch it all be destroyed in slow motion then this game is brilliant. All it needs is multiplayer and it'll truly kill Rigs of Rods :P
2015년 6월 2일에 게시되었습니다.
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
1-2/2개 항목을 표시 중