No information given.
Scammers. I will accept you as a friend. I will wait for your attempt to deceive, after which I will throw a complaint against you, directly to the valve support.

I rarely play. Skil is lost. No offense guys.
Редко играю. Скил потерялся. Без обид парни.


Games are my hobby, I have a lot of gaming experience. I started playing so long ago that some of them didn't exist yet =)
Игры это мое хобби, игровой стаж у меня большой. Начал я играть так давно, что некоторых еще на свете не было =)

Sometimes I make skins for CS. Sometimes I make my own games. :2016watermelon:
Иногда делаю скины к CS. Иногда сам создаю игры :2016watermelon:


We drop gifts here - steam exchange link
Подарки сбрасываем сюда - ссылка обмена стима

Thanks everyone for the donations. It always cheers me up =)
Спасибо всем за донаты. Это всегда поднимает мне настроение =)

Workshop Showcase
42 ratings
Status - Pending, Created by - AlistoR
Awards Showcase
Awards Received
Awards Given
Recent Activity
1,494 hrs on record
last played on Apr 25
2.3 hrs on record
last played on Apr 19
76561199154776526 Jul 19, 2023 @ 12:02pm 
nice +rep :steamthumbsup:
76561199347331558 Jul 4, 2023 @ 6:32am 
психошнюк Jun 12, 2023 @ 4:03am 
subnautica team sucks, they are so stupid in discord, the worst discord server ever. and the devs are very impudent cuz how they can set 30 EUR for a game where map is 3x time smaller than in original game. they just wants money money money money from their stupid fans that buying everything they posts.and even sales are so rare that proves a fact that they are just moneyeaters
SJ † Feb 26, 2023 @ 12:48pm 
LIMON Jan 25, 2023 @ 2:09pm 
+rep Капитальный красавчик
j̇̃Äÿ_1ʒʒ7_₿ø$$ #BLM Jul 17, 2022 @ 9:59am