Someone or Other   Spain

Donde sufro en el DBD por razones ajenas a mi conocimiento. Y hago suplencias para una streamer incompetente. [es mentira, soy la streamer] ;)
Hashi ❀ 23 apr, ore 6:24 
SniperBunny09 19 apr 2022, ore 17:39 
+rep surely he is still out there tryharding, making someone rage somewhere. :steamthumbsup:
SniperBunny09 3 dic 2021, ore 5:29 
One of the best people you will meet!
Alisa 6 ago 2020, ore 3:03 
Please play on server near where you live. At least do not play MM. It takes 3~5 seconds to my character act what I commanded. If you have trouble in playing this game in Europe while it has a little users how about make some community to gather players play together? I saw German MM player, laggy just like you yesterday. If you gather them you can play together
Shawn Ashmore 4 ago 2020, ore 15:02 
+REP Good Samuel
THEMainMAN_Jill 4 ago 2020, ore 12:30 
you know dam whell by naw evrythime a MM is playing lots of likers it makes ppls game crash and game is unstabele cant dameg enemies cand open doors and its like that evry time you play to meany likers