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Nylige anmeldelser av Explosion Effect

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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
242.7 timer totalt (75.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Really great for the first 10 - 20 hours, or so. Could have been a masterpiece, but fell short. Gets boring fast. Switching classes keeps it going awhile. Climbing monsters is fantastic at first. Pawns are a huge success. Being able to share with friends is a hit. Here is where the game fails......The loot system is garbage and unrewarding. Grinding hours for weapons and armor that only slightly increase stats is unrewarding. Of course if the loot was better, the game would be too easy. You will quite early have piles of gold and nothing to spend it on. The story is bland. The enemy variety are repetitive, and only a nuisance while trying to complete quests that are outdated garbage. RPG's are meant to immerse the player in the world and the avatar. This completely misses the mark. Dragons Dogma has a recipe to create one of the best RPG's ever but falls short in far too many ways. Still worth a play with it's low price tag but consider it's age as not to expect too much.
Publisert 7. november 2020. Sist endret 13. november 2020.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1,244.7 timer totalt (341.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Better then the original in everyway. Free content added often. Holiday themed events. Unlockable skins. Runs Smooth. Gore Galore! Multiple classes to master. A++
Publisert 24. november 2017.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
23.1 timer totalt
Dungeon of Endless is a fantastic rogue-like game. the pixel art style in games is getting old, however it doesnt take away from this title. Starting out with 2 heroes ,you must travel through a maze-like dungeon consisting of, I believe 12 levels to reach the exit. Along the way you must build machines at way points you find ,to produce industry,science,and food. these are all used to build defenses,level up your heroes.and unlock technology. Finding items along the way to equip in your heroes inventory is rewarding.Finding and unlocking additional heroes along the way is satisfying as well. Traversing the dungeon is done by unlocking doors, each door unlocked may reveal a treasure chest, merchant,monsters,heroes,resource bonuses, Dust,or nothing. Dust is collected by opening some rooms and by defeating monsters. Dust is required to power a room. you can only buid machines and defenses in rooms that are powered. Some rooms are powered by themselves,however you may not power a room if it is not connected to a room powered between it and yout starting point. Thhere is a technology that will allow this, but the cost is expensive. You will rarely have enough Dust to power every room. Unpowered rooms will spawn monsters that will attack you ,your technology or your crystal. The Crystal is always in the room you start in. once you find the exit, one of your heroes must carry the crystal. Of course carrying the crystal will severly cripple that heroes speed. you must defend the helpless hero as he/she makes thier way to the exit room. once there any heros in the exit room with the crystal may exit that floor and continue to progrees the dundeon, While you take unspent resources with you ,finding Dust seems to diminish as you reach the final handful of levels. The levels and items are procedurally-generated ,making for worth playing again and again. Leveling up your heroes is fun and unlocks new abilities. I had a bit of a hard time learning the game. I did have to watch some play throughs before understanding what was really required to be successful. Once you grasp the resources, how to get them, and what they are useful for the game actually plays quite simple. While it plays simple Dungeon of Endless is hard and tense at times. You will die often and have to start over, however unlocking new heroes for your next playthrough is rewarding even in defeat. 4/5
Publisert 7. mars 2015.
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8 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
7.8 timer totalt
Read many reviews and i think i was expecting a bit much before starting the game. It was a bit slow from the beginning as I waited for the hyped morale choices and desert sandstorm environment to deliver. This game was not packed full of morale choices with quick action decisions. thier was a few. their was also a couple of sand storm scenes. Both of these have been way overblown. Almost gave up on this in the first hour as it seemed ,just another shooter with some age old gears of war cover mechanics. Kept playing and have to say it got much better as far as shooters go. the story was really good and although it seemed you and your two companions were all indestructable Rambo's. You were glad for it as the game made me like the characters, and I didn't want them to die*not to say they do or don't, i wont give that away. There are some really good fights in some nice area's. the environment changed enough to keep it fresh enough without leaving the desert city atmosphere. I would say, to play it a difficulty level above your comfort zone as while i had to replay some parts many times to survive,many more semed to easy. If you fail to much it gives the option to lower difficulty in game. Overall - everything was good to great. I had fun playing it. However if your looking for anything more then a well done shooter with a nice story objective, you might be disappointed. Their is no heavy load of morale decisions that stay with you. They also could have done more with the sand storm idea. both were weak and easily forgotten. Good Game
Publisert 29. juli 2014.
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1,247 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
26.5 timer totalt (26.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game fooled alot with awesome promise in early access . Seemed thay just had to work out hacks and do a better job of loot placement and quantities. Developers promised a giant map which they abandonedand and substituted with the new crap to the west. They declared alpha just in time for the summer sale and discounted 50% to 80% off on release....who does that? you can get it as cheap as $3.00......why? Because without warning they removed weapon loot drops and added a bunch of containers to the map that you have to buy keys to open. Sound familiar? This game is nothing more then a cash grab to sell keys . they went this rout when they realized peeps would rather grind then open the wallets to buy cosmetic items. When it was just 50% off the servers were full,then Oh what happened? Everyone realized it was a cash grab and now the servers are back to the normal 11/64 max. what do they do. 80% off.. This really bummed me out especially because i believed from the beginning that this woul;d be awesome. Fooled me once. Spend your money elseware or dont and wish you did!
Publisert 22. juni 2014.
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9 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
127.6 timer totalt (92.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Totally original. multiple characters with different exploits. Vast crafting system. Many,many ,many ,many ways to die. The replayability and unique artstyle and premise make this one of the best games made in quite a while. If it had multiplayer it would be 10/10.
Publisert 15. mai 2014.
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8 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
4.9 timer totalt
This game might have been great about five years ago. Its dated,the AI is poor ,being a bunch of targets at best. While the showdowns seem cool the first couple of times you do it,you also realize this too is simple and unrewarding. This game is nothing more then following a story told be a decent voice actor while moving threw set levels and clicking your mouse button to kill enemies. There is no skill or challenge. A entertaining story is not enough to save this dated waste of time. It has great reviews from many sources that i once had faith in,but anyone giving this anything better than a 5/10 have not played any good games lately. If you can get it for less then $5 and have nothing better to play, you might be satisfied,but after about an hour when i realized it wont get any better, I found myself just wanting to finish it as fast as i could to move on to a good game.
Publisert 1. januar 2014.
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