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Ayala Apr 11 @ 12:39pm 
charlie brown jr.
Ayala Mar 15 @ 5:42pm 
I have a dream:
- The year is 2035.
- Most men have sex robots.
- The women begin to protest in despair: "THEY DON'T REALLY LOVE YOU!"
- And the men respond: "And neither do you"
Ayala Mar 14 @ 9:17pm 
give praise
for he has no equal...
Ayala Mar 10 @ 3:40pm 
Dude, didn't you stop to think that what she really wants is a lot of milk in her mouth?

She doesn't want a bouquet of flowers brother, she wants you to please her?

She doesn't want to hear "I love you" you met her yesterday.

Forget it, she wants to have fun, she wants to enjoy.
Ayala Feb 19 @ 6:35pm 
Soybeans, despite not being industrialized, are mass-produced and their growth is artificially accelerated. Not only that, it was introduced into most everyday foods; but what is the relationship? Soy contains phytoestrogen, which is a plant substance similar to estrogen, the female hormone, thus reducing testosterone production in men while making them effeminate. Finally, it is concluded that the ''feminization'' of modern man leaves him in love with mambas, ♥♥♥♥♥, ♥♥♥♥♥, exchanges, in short.
Ayala Feb 19 @ 6:35pm 
According to psychology, this desire is caused by a neural activation in the delicious part of the brain that triggers your mouth so that it automatically sets out to grab a ♥♥♥♥. taking into account the concept of diversity, we must consider the society in which we currently live; modern and with new concepts in relation to the morality of human beings, that is, the dispersion space would be the way in which the prostate contracts and is then filled again with the ♥♥♥ that will be produced again, after being dried due to suction made by your favorite friend. as we know, men's testosterone has reduced to absurd levels in the last 150 years, due to the introduction of the normality of industrialized, hormonalized and completely artificial food; Not only that, foods considered ''natural'' also suffer from this.