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ALY 17.6.2021 klo 2.41 
Hello, I roamed with you in pavlov vr in Pavz, please add as friend
Tanais 16.10.2019 klo 13.23 
Hi, since it seems like some people are interested in an updated version of your Mercenary Kings mod I was wondering if people are allowed to use what you made for their own mods (could put something to that effect in the mod description).
And with that, would you mind having a chat about how you worked around the issues in your original mod? I'd love to get your mod in a playable state again! (or make something similar!)
Ash 10.10.2019 klo 1.09 
Could you please update Mercenary Kings mod. it will be very kind
Oblivion 23.3.2019 klo 17.21 
Ill pay you money to update mercenary kings :)
armpit 8.7.2018 klo 20.33 
Go ahead